Chapter 123

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Chris pov...

"So, buddy your mom and i have something to tell you..." I say taking a deep breath... 

Lana is now roughly 12 weeks pregnant and tomorrow we are going to have thanksgiving dinner at ma's... We wanted to tell everyone there, but we didn't want to overwhelm Oscar... So, we decided to sit him down today and tell him... So we could answer any question he might have...

Lana was so nervous for this... She was so scared of his reaction... I think it would be okay... Oscar is a sweet kid... I just needed to make sure he never felt less my kid because of DNA... Yes, the baby Lana was carrying was biological ours... But Oscar was ours to... I would never see him any different...

"Do you remember when we talked with you about having a brother or sister..." I said sitting next to him and pulling him in my lap as Lana sat down beside us... He nodded. "Well mommy has a baby in her belly... Your brother or sister is in your mommy's belly right now growing big and strong until it is ready to come out..." I said and i looked at Lana who was smiling a bit unsure but smiling. 

"Really? I am going to have a baby brother...?" He asked and i chuckled. "Or sister... We dont know yet if is a boy or girl..." I explained and he seemed to be thinking about it... "How did the baby get in mommy's belly..." Oscar asked and i froze looking at Lana with big eyes... I felt stupid... I should have seen this question coming... 

Lana saw this and took over... "Well... daddy has these little seeds in his body... And mommy has eggs... and to make a baby they need to find each other... So, when they want a baby, they have some adult fun time... and daddy puts the seed in mommy's body and then it swims to the egg, and they melt together... That becomes a baby... The baby grows in mommy's belly for 9 months until it is big and strong enough to come out..." She says and i let out a sigh of relief that she knew what to say...

"You're a chicken!" He yelled in total shock... and both Lana and i burst out laughing... "No sweetheart i am not a chicken... It is a different kind of egg..." She said with tears in her eyes when she had stopped laughing... "You're a hot chick though..." I mumbled and Lana snickered shaking her head... "Dont confuse him..." She said softly and i smirked... 

"But what do you think about getting a brother or sister?" Lana asked him and he thought about it for a minute... "Will the baby get my room?" He asked and Lana looked at him and shook her head... "No sweetheart... Your room is yours... The baby gets a different room... It will be a bit different when the baby is here... Baby's need a lot of attention because they can't do anything themselves... But we promise you we will always be there for you that will never change..." Lana says and i smile... 

"We both love you so much buddy..." I said kissing the top of his head. "Can we still have snuggle days..." He asked and Lana and i both smiled... "Try and stop us..." Lana said and she started to tickle Oscar who started to squirm in my lap giggling and squealing... 

When Lana stopped tickling him and he had calmed down he looked at Lana's belly... Lana stood up and took the box she had showed me before and opened it... She took the album out and sat back down beside us... She showed him a picture... "Look that is me... And do you see my belly... Well guess who is in there..." She said smiling. "Me!" Oscar said all excited and Lana nodded... She showed him one of the ultrasound pictures pointing him out... He was looking at it all... "Mom... Why was mean dad always so mean to us... Didn't he love me..." He whispers and i can see the blood drain from her face... 

"I dont know sweetheart..." She whispered and my heart broke for both of them... I turned Oscar in my lap, and he looked sad... "Sorry dad..." He whispered to me looking all guilty... and i shook my head... "No need to be sorry buddy..." I said. "I will always love you... You can always ask questions about your biological dad... But i think your dad is sick and not sick as the flu sick but sick in here... And there is no cure for that..." I say tapping his forehead... 

"Some people can only love themselves and there is no room for anyone else and this sometimes makes them mean... But that doesn't mean that you are not wanted... Because by you being born, he gave me the best gift... You... And you are one of the best things ever to come into my life..." I say smiling and he hugs me. I take Lana's hand in mine as with the other i hold Oscar close to my heart... I keep rubbing circles on the back of her hand as a tear runs down her cheek and i pull her into me and i put my arms around them both...

"I love you dad..." Oscar murmurs as i hold them both tight and i smile... "I love you to kiddo... You and your mom... And your brother or sister is going to love you so much to... You're going to be a big brother... The best big brother anyone could ask for... Because you are such an amazing kid..." I say and he looks up at me and smiles... 

Lana sits up again and Oscar crawls in her lap hugging her. "Sorry mommy..." He whispers and she shakes her head. "Dont be sorry sweetheart... I love you so much... And you are the best thing that ever happened to me..." She whispers and Oscar smiles. "Love you to mom..." He then looks down at her belly leans forward and plants a kiss on her belly "Love you..." He mumbles and this sets Lana off again and i chuckle and take Oscar from her and pull them both in a hug again... "God i love you all so much..." I mumble holding them a bit tighter... "Dad! you are squishing me...!" He protests and i chuckle letting him go... 

He crawls off of me and stands in front of us and i can almost hear his little brain working overtime... "What is adult fun time...?" He all of a sudden ask... And both Lana and i freeze... Lana is the first to move and stands up and starts tickling him again... "That will be a topic for when you get a bit older..." She says laughing and i let out a sigh of relief... In the explaining department i was useless...

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