Chapter 151

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Chris pov...

I am amazed at everything that happened after Lana gave birth... So much had happened after that but Lana was now sitting in our bed showered and holding our little girl... She had already fed her... Lana is a natural... She is amazing... I was a little anxious... I sat down next to her and smiled taking the little hand in mine smiling... "Do you want to hold her..." Lana said smiling... "I dont know..." I whisper and Lana looks at me... "You dont know?" She whispers and i sigh... "What if i hurt her..." I murmur and Lana chuckles... "You won't..." She says and moves handing our little girl over to me. "She is so tiny..." I whisper looking at the sleeping girl in my arms... "She didn't feel tiny coming out..." Lana says smirking and i chuckle... 

"You did amazing... I love you so much..." I say leaning over and kissing Lana... "I love you to..." She says and there is a knock on the door... Eva appears smiling with some food for Lana putting it down next to her on the bed... "May i ask her name?" Eva asks smiling and we smile back at her...  

"Maeve Lily Evans..." I say smiling... Yes Maeve... I gave in... After discussing it at length and letting the name run through my head i grown attached to it and started to really like it... Lana was over the moon when i agreed and said that i had started to love it... 

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl..." Eva said and we both smiled. "Thank you..." We both said. Eva told us she cleaned everything up in the guestroom and she checked Maeve again... About 2 hours later Eva leaves and it is just us 3... We call Carly even though it is the middle of the night because we promised to let her know... Oscar is asleep and we dont want her to wake him... I tell her everything went well and that we welcomed our beautiful girl Maeve Lily Evans to the world...

I agree with Carly that she will bring home Oscar tomorrow after breakfast seeing as it is a Saturday... I can't wait for Oscar to meet his little sister... He knows that the reason he is staying with Carly that his sister was being born and according to Carly he hadn't stopped talking about it all day yesterday... Next on my call list is ma... Although we are still a bit estranged, we had made progress over the last few weeks, and we didn't want to leave her out of it... 

She is crying over the phone congratulating us and saying how she loves the name... She says she would love to meet Maeve when we feel like it is appropriate and to my surprise Lana tells her to come by tomorrow around 3 for a quick visit... She presses my mother it will be a quick visit and ma is over the moon promising to not overstay her welcome... I smile feeling so happy hoping it will all work out with ma and that we can move forward from all of it.

I call Scott and Shanna and after talking with each of them for a few minutes i hang up... I smile as Lana is having trouble staying awake... So after feeding Maeve i take her from Lana and start to burp her and when i look at Lana, she is asleep... I smile at my beautiful wife sleeping and smile even more at the beautiful girl in my arms... "I love you so much little girl... I will do everything in my power to protect you from the big bad world..." I whisper and she burps making me chuckle... 

I change her diaper and smile... My first diaper change and for a second i wonder if i am doing it right... Eva had showed me but God my insecurity's set in and for a moment i contemplate to wake Lana but i shake it off and sit down next to a sleeping Lana in bed with Maeve in my arms... 

I know i should put her in the crib next to the bed but i dont want to... I want to hold her and watch her sleep... We have a baby... A little girl and i can't get enough of holding her and watching her... She is absolutely perfect... 10 fingers 10 toes and the cutest nose just like her mother... Lana had been right the home birth was so much better not only for the stress for Lana but because you get immediate bonding time... No one is there to take her from me for some reason...

I still can't get over the fact how amazing Lana did... I feel my eyes getting heavy and i get up and gently put Maeve in her crib before getting in bed again to get some sleep... 

A few hours later i wake up and when i look up i see Lana sitting in bed with Maeve in her arms feeding her again... She looks at me and smiles... "Why didn't you wake me..." I whisper feeling guilty for Lana the fact Lana got up to get her... "Wanted to let you sleep..." She says smiling and i sit up and kiss her... "Is she okay?" I ask as i watch Maeve eat and Lana nods... "She was hungry..." Lana whispers and i smile... "Are you hungry?" I ask and Lana nods... "I could eat something..." She whispers and i get out of bed and go to make her something to eat...

I go back to the bedroom and smile seeing Lana burping Maeve... I put the food down and take Maeve from her and finish burping her while Lana eats... I am getting more comfortable holding her and i smile looking at her... "

She really has your eyes..." Lana says smiling and i smile back... "She has your nose..." I say and Lana chuckles. "I never knew you could love something so much and so quick..." I whisper and Lana looks at me and smiles... "I know... Nothing prepares you for that and nothing compares to that..." She says and i smile... After she burped and i checked and changed her diaper again i sit down beside Lana with Maeve in my arms... I smile as Lana lays her head on my shoulder and we watch our little girl falling asleep in my arms... 

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