Chapter 66

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Chris pov...

3 days... Lana had been gone for 3 days now... 3 days of insecurities... 3 days of desperation... 3 days of crying and trying my best to keep it together for Oscar... During the day i would keep strong for him but at night laying in my bed i cried... Softly that is as Oscar still slept in the bed beside me to scared to sleep alone in his room... Every morning he woke up and ask me if they had found mommy yet... And every day i had to disappoint him... Every day the little boy that was always happy and smiling got a little quieter... The little boy who already had gone through so much in his young life has yet again have to deal with a new trauma... His rock... The person he loves most in his life... gone...

I felt like a zombie... Oscar was quiet and just sat in his room most of the day staring at his fish tank... My heart broke for him... The detectives kept me up to date... They had checked and Kyle was still in prison and was questioned... He was happy something had happened to Lana but told them he had nothing to do with it... Police was not so sure, and they were looking into his communications... 

It was now in the news... Not only that Lana was missing but that she was with me... Everything was out in the open... Everything from her past and well everything about what she was to me... My team was working overtime dealing with everything involving the media... Her photo was everywhere, and people started calling... Not only to the police but also to my team... They got requests for interviews which were out of the question... There were phone calls from women happily wanting to replace her and be a mother for Oscar which was ridiculous and only made me angry... I hadn't been on any social media anymore and gave the rains over to my team on that one not wanting to deal with it as it was driving me crazy... 

The uncertainty was driving me crazy... Not knowing what happened or were she was... made me crazy and i hadn't slept for more than a few hours... It came to a point that yesterday ma told me to go take a nap and hand her my phone... She would answer and wake me up if the police called... I reluctantly did and when i laid down Oscar snuggled with me, and we both slept for a while... Both Oscar and i were just distraught... 

Not having his mom here was waying heavily on him and he kept asking if i would send him away if his mommy didn't come back... That made me think and i put my lawyer on it... Because i need to know what would happen if she really didn't come back... I was prepared to fight for Oscar... No way was i going to send him back to her controlling family... Her ex shouldn't be the problem he had no rights to Oscar anymore... Besides he was in jail and as far as i knew his parents were dead... The only one who could have any claim would be her parents but knowing what i know about them i was not going to let them have him... 

If something had happened to Lana, he was the only thing i had of her and i was not going to give him up... He is my son... But i still was hoping they would find her... Alive... But it was getting harder to convince myself that she would come back alive...

Who knows what hell she was going through... and if she was even alive... I was so scared... If she came back in what state... Every day she was gone it was less likely the outcome would be good... I didn't know what to tell Oscar... He was supposed to be at school today but i had called them and explained and told them i would keep him home... The school agreed... And if i needed anything regarding Oscar to let them know... I also called his therapist and she agreed that his session was not happening on Wednesday and that we would move it a week... But to call if there was news and i needed her for Oscar... 

I dont know if it was the smartest thing to keep him home from therapy but he didn't even want to go with me to walk the dogs... He didn't want to leave the house in case mommy came back... The dogs were glued to his side... The only would leave his side to go on a walk... Especially Bob... But even the dogs didn't want to go on a long walk... I guess they are picking up on our emotions... Ma was just cooking the whole day... She was struggling to and tried to keep herself busy... In the original plan she would have been back home already... But she stayed not wanting to be alone and to help us out... 

I knew she felt guilty... I told her she had nothing to feel guilty about. She felt guilty for not being with Lana and letting her go grocery shopping alone... I told her if she had been with her i would have lost her to... 

I was pouring myself a cup of coffee when my phone rang and i answered... It was the detectives telling me they would stop by... I told ma and Carly... Carly would come over to distract Oscar because i had a feeling it would not be good news... I knew they had traced Lana's steps and were in the process of getting the security footage of the store she had been at... But other than that, and talking to Kyle... They had not told me anything... It was so frustrating... 

The doorbell rang and i a few moments later ma walked in with the detectives following her... We shook hands and i sat down... 

I just looked at them waiting for what's to come... The female detective took a deep breath and i braced myself... 

"We have traced her steps and as you know requested the security footage of the store... We checked it and found that Ms. Cooper was hit over the head while she was loading the groceries into the back of the car... She was then put in the trunk and the perpetrator then got in the car and drove off with her..." She said and i looked at her with tears in my eyes

"Who... Who was it..." I ask so soft it almost inaudible as ma grabbed my hand both of us desperately wanting to know...

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