Chapter 84

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Chris pov...

I groan waking up as a feeling of pleasure sources through my body... A warm soft feeling around my dick... I groan again and open my eyes looking up at the ceiling letting the pleasure take over... God it feels good... I peak down and groan again... Lana is on her knees between my legs her ass up in the air... Her perfect lips around my dick as she is bobbing her head up and down... "Shit Lana... Feels so good..." I say taking in a sharp breath... I groan as her hand glide up my chest... I move my hand in her hair wanting to have a better look moving her hair to the side before grabbing a handful guiding her up and down...

I buck my hips up hitting the back of her throat and i hold her still my dick groaning as she plays with me with her tongue... I look down and our eyes meet... She has a twinkle in them... Fuck she looks so sexy with my dick in her mouth... and it feels so good... She starts moving up and down again her hand wrapping around my shaft working in perfect sync....

I feel my dick twitch and i groan throwing my head back as my body takes over... I find my release filling her mouth with my cum... I look down just in time to see her swallow it all and she crawls over me and smiles before kissing me and i wrap my arms around her... "Good morning..." She whispers as we come up for air and i smirk back at her... "Good morning indeed..." I hum and she chuckles. 

Lana lays down on my chest getting comfortable and she lets out a sigh... "I know i should not say this because i love my little boy so much... But we should do this more often... A few days just the two of us..." She whispers and i smile... "I think we can make that happen every now and then..." I whisper back kissing the top of her head and she hums... 

"Have you thought about when you wanted to get married?" I whisper and she lifts her head looking up at me... She blushes and i smile wiping the hair out of her face... "Tell me..." I whisper smiling even more... 

"I have always dreamed of an Autumn wedding..." She whispers blushing even more and i smile... "Why autumn?" I ask and she smiles... "I love the colors of the leaves changing... I love autumn colors... I always imagined the guests in fall colors... Everything except for red... So, greens oranges and maybe some browns... a beautiful venue with reds and all the fall colors... candlelight and little lights... Everything feeling warm and cozy... Maybe a fireplace burning somewhere... Elegant and warm" She whispers still blushing and i smile... "I like that..." I whisper... But to be honest i would have agreed to anything to give her the wedding she wants...

"You do?" She whispers surprised and i smile nodding... "I do... It sounds perfect plus we met in the fall... And i think we can manage it in the time until then... So, it sounds perfect..." I whisper and she smiles... "Do you want a big wedding?" I whisper and she shakes her head. "Not necessarily.... I mean i would have no guests anyway..." She says letting out a sigh... "But i want it big enough that you can invite whoever you want..." She whispers... "Everyone who will be there for me is also there for you... There just as much your guests as mine..." I whisper and she lays back down on my chest. 

"What do you want...?" She murmurs and i smile... "I want you to have your dream wedding..." I murmur back and she groans.... "Please dont... Dont be that guy..." She says lifting her head again looking at me.  "What guy?" I ask and she blushes... "The guy with no opinion... It just as much your day as mine..." She says and i smile. "Okay i won't be that guy..." I promise her and she smiles before kissing me soft and sweet...

"Do you think it is too much if we send the guests a color pallet for their outfit?" She whispers and i chuckle... "Nope... Our wedding our rules..." I say smirking. "So, if i would want people to not wear patterns like florals or anything like that... I can do that?" She whispers and i chuckle again nodding... 

"On Monday i will put some feelers out for a wedding planner... Someone who can handle everything that will come out of the woodworks once the press finds out what we are up to..." I mumble and she smiles. "I can't wait to marry you..." She says and kisses me passionately and i grin into the kiss. "Can't wait to marry you to sweetheart..." I murmur into the kiss and roll us over, so she is now laying underneath me... 

"You know what i also like about the fact Oscar is out for a sleepover..." I growl before leaning down and kissing her and she shakes her head with a smile on her face... 

"This..." I say as i trace my finger over her naked body... "Having easy access to you at any moment of the day... I like that sweetheart... As a matter of fact... Today... You are not allowed to wear clothes... I want to have access to you whenever i want and clothes will only be in the way..." I growl and she giggles... "But what if i get cold...?" She whispers biting her lip... "Well than you call me over and i will warm you right up..." I say grinning... "How?" She says faking innocence and i chuckle... "I could tell you.... or i could show you..." I growl kissing her hard making her moan...

I spread her legs by pushing them apart with my knees before wrapping my hand around my shaft teasing her a little by running the tip up and down her folds making her moan... Fuck i like it when she moans... The look of pure pleasure on her face... The way she reacts to my touch... 

I slowly push into her and lay down on top of her... I take her hands lacing her fingers with mine and push them above her head... Our bodies melting against each other... I kiss her and she moans into the kiss... Our tongues doing their familiar dance... I love the way she tastes... I could kiss her all day... From the first sweet and short kiss i was hooked... and now... She was going to be my wife...

I start moving slow...she wraps her legs around my waist... and i growl as she holds me deep inside of her making me only able to snap my hips forward... Every thrust she lets out a whimper... I growl as she squeezes her walls around me on purpose a little smirk on her face and i kiss her again... "I love you Lana..." I whisper and she whimpers...  "I love you to... So so much..." She whispers back and i release her hands as i pick up the pace a bit... She puts her hands on my back lightly scratching me with her nails making me shiver... It feels so fucking good... I keep kissing her never wanting to stop... She is mine... all mine... 

"Dont ever leave me..." I whisper and she smiles... "Never..." She whispers back... "Promise?" I ask and she nods. "Promise..." She whispers back and i smile before she pulls me in for another kiss... I keep moving as we slowly build our pleasure... Her moans get a little louder but i muffle them by kissing her over and over again...

And soon we both fall apart as our orgasms wash over us... Coming together....

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