Chapter 29

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Lana pov...

Game night was amazing... Chris his family was great... They all welcomed Oscar and i with open arms. Most of them i already had met but i had still been a bit nervous... I met everyone one on one but having them together in one place certainly was something else... They were loud and chaotic... but they obviously loved each other so much... Chris was not lying though about the competitiveness... I thought Oscar and i were bad... but these people were all next level...

Oscar loved playing with the other kids and playing games with that many people... We had a few drinks seeing as we would take a cab home... The kids were playing in the game room as all the adults were just sitting around talking and laughing after playing all sorts of games...

All of a sudden Oscar and Carly's kids came running in... "Mommy can i have a sleepover here..." He asked looking at me with puppy eyes. "Yeah, can Oscar sleep over mom..." One of the boys asked Carly. 

Carly looked at me and i nodded letting her know that it was up to her... I had to admit i was a bit nervous about it... Oscar never ever had a sleepover before after the incident, but he seemed so excited... I had brought him some stuff because we would be late and i would put him to bed here, but the plan was to take him home with us tonight... 

"Yes, he can stay over if that is okay with Lana..." Carly said smiling and i nodded. "It is fine with me... but you have to promise me to listen to Carly and Ryan and behave..." I said and Oscar and Carly's kids all jumped up and down excited making us all laugh... It certainly would be strange leaving him here and not taking him home...

Home... I caught myself more and more referring to Chris his house as home... The thought of going back to my own place Sunday made me sad... I really loved staying at Chris's... I felt so comfortable there... More than i ever expected i would... Chris had gone by my house when i was out to lunch with Carly to pick up some stuff i needed... but he brought way more stuff over to his place than i had asked for... mostly more of Oscars stuff... More toys... He had brought me more of my clothes and i wondered if he was trying to move me into his place without me knowing...

After we had put the kids to bed, we had a few more drinks... It was nice relaxing... Fun... I just watched my alcohol intake... Not wanting to get too drunk like i had during lunch... Ryan and Chris joked about it and Carly and i just laughed telling everyone we just had a good time and went a bit overboard with the porn star martini's... This made Chris and Ryan almost choke on their drinks... "You two are telling us... you two have been drinking porn star martini's during lunch...?" Chris asked smirking at me and i blushed nodding. 

"I like her..." Scott yelled and Lana blushed at that statement. "We all like her..." Shanna said smiling. I swear i was now as red as a tomato... Chris pulled on my chair pulling me closer wrapping his arm my shoulders kissing the top of my head... "Love you..." He murmured into my hair... I looked up at him and smiled. "Love you to..." I whispered back. Chris didn't let me go... He just held me close and i absolutely loved it...

Shanna was the only one who i hadn't had met before... But she was really nice and easy going... All of them were actually... You couldn't help but admire Lisa for raising them all 4 into the nice yet a little chaotic people they were today... I just hoped that i would do just a good a job with Oscar... They were nothing like my family... but that was a good thing for sure... 

When Chris and i were ready to leave i quickly checked up on Oscar... He and the other kids were all asleep... I smiled and walked back down to where the whole family was and i hugged them all goodbye thanking them for tonight and that i had so much fun... "Isn't she great..." Chris said standing next to me pulling me into him a big smirk on his face and the whole family chuckled. I just smiled as he was being all goofy and a little drunk... 

I had to admit i was kind of nervous for him drinking not knowing how he would be... Having bad experiences with Kyle when he was drunk made me a bit anxious... But i figured the best way to find out or experience that the first time was with his family around... But of course, even with alcohol in his system he didn't change... His goofy character was only enhanced a bit... But just like me he got more affectionate... I had to admit i had gotten addicted to his touch... his cuddles and kisses...  I gotten used to having him around me to cuddle and i caught myself just hugging him or kissing him more and more just at random moments when i felt like it... 

I never knew i had this side to me... I just loved cuddling with him... He was like this giant teddy bear... I love the feeling of his arms protectively wrapped around me... God in his arms i feel safe... relaxed and just overall happy... 

Could you get attached to someone like this so quick? It just felt so right all of it... It confused me a little... Was i foolish... Could it be so perfect... Or was it just the puppy love phase...? 

"Ready to go sweetheart? Our cab is here..." Chris said and i smiled at him as he took my hand in his... I nodded and Chris led me outside and opened the door of the cab for me to get in. He gave the driver his address and about 20 minutes later we walked through the door of his house... He smiled and pulled me into his arms kissing me passionately. "I really had fun with your family..." I whispered smiling at him when we came up for air... "Good..." He said smiling and kissed me again pulling me as close as possible...

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