Chapter 53

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Chris pov...

"Have fun but listen to Carly and Ryan, okay?"  Lana said and Oscar nodded with a big smile before running off... After saying goodbye to Carly and Ryan we left to go home. I took Lana's hand and led her to the car, and she smiled as i opened the door for her... Before i closed the door she pulled me in for a kiss... "I know you made reservations but..." She whispered blushing and i chuckled... "Somebody is eager..." I said smirking and she blushed... I kissed her again before closing the door and walking around the car and got in... We had dropped the dogs off at Shanna's earlier wanting it to be just us two... 

I was leaving next week, and we were both struggling with it... We have had a talk with Oscar explaining it and he had been sad about it but i promised i would video call with him every night and that he could call me whenever he wanted... This made him feel a bit better but still he was sad which made it even harder to leave... But Lana assured me it would be okay... 

New Year's had come and gone, and we had planned on spending it with Carly and her family, but Oscar had gotten sick, so we stayed home and just cuddled on the couch counting down to the new year... It was perfect... 

Of course, i didn't want Oscar to be sick but it was nice just Lana and i cuddled up on the couch... Oscar was even too sick to watch the clock counting down to the new year... 

"Do you want to get takeout then?" I ask her smirking... She looked at me and shook her head and again she blushed... "Nope... I just want to go home..." She said in a soft voice and i smiled... 

We arrived home and as soon as i closed the front door behind us i pushed her up against the wall and kissed her passionately... We got rid of our clothes in record time and i groaned as it took a step back taking in her naked body... She stood in front of me naked and she bit her lip as my eyes roamed her body... "Fuck... You are so sexy..." I whisper and she blushes what makes her even more beautiful...   

She leaned against the wall and took my hand pulling me closer... I took in a sharp breath as her hands glide over my waist to my back and i kissed her again... Our tongues were doing their dance... "Fuck how am i going to survive 2 months without kissing you..." I whisper after we break our kiss... "I was wondering the same..." She whispers and i kiss her again... "Fuck i am going to miss you so much..." I murmured into the kiss... 

"I am going to miss seeing you... Touching you... Cuddling you... Kissing you... I am going to miss fucking you... Being inside you and making you cum... Fuck i am going to miss you making me cum..." I groan and she kisses me shutting me up... 

I dont know how but she hands me my phone... I see the camera app being open and i look at her confused and a little shocked... "Just press record..." She whispers a blush on her face but a naughty twinkle in her eye as she sinks down to her knees.... I groan and curse under my breath before i press record... She looks up at me with her big, beautiful eyes... They are dark with lust and excitement... 

She wraps her hand around my shaft pumping me up and down looking into the camera and i groan as i see her run her tongue up my shaft... She hums... "You taste so good baby..." She says in this soft innocent tone... I groan again as she keeps running her tongue around my shaft and every now and then twirling it around my tip...  while her hands keep pumping me up and down... Her tongue and hands working in perfect sync... I look at the little screen and gasp as she wraps her lips around my cock still looking in the camera and starts bobbing her head up and down... I watch my cock disappear in her mouth... over and over again... On camera... I just can't believe it... 

She sucks me in deep... holding her head still and i groan as i can feel her tongue toying with me... "Fuck sweetheart such a good girl..." I groan... and i can see her smirk around my dick at the camera... She releases me with a pop and looks up at the camera while she keeps pumping up down with her hand... "I am going to miss your big cock so much..." She says in a sweet tone... I run my free hand through her hair and pull her head back a bit and Lana moans softly... I lean down and kiss her... 

"Be a good girl and finish me off baby... No more teasing..." I groan into the kiss before standing upright again and focusing the camera back on her again... "Yes sir..." She whispers and i growl as that little sentence makes my dick twitch...

I take in another sharp breath through my teeth as she sucks me in deep and i can feel my dick hit the back of her throat... "Fuck, fuck, fuck... Just like that baby... Fuck such a good girl..." I groan... As she shows no mercy anymore... The fact that she keeps looking into the camera as she bobs her head up and down around my cock makes it even more pleasurable... And when she starts massaging my balls with her free hand i come undone... 

My body takes over and i cum deep in her mouth moaning loudly... When she releases me i look down and she sticks out her tongue and i can see my cum in her mouth making me groan... She swallows it all still looking into the camera... She hums and i smirk... She sticks out her tongue again showing that it is all gone... "Good girl..."  I murmur and end the recording throwing my phone aside and pulling her up kissing her hard...

She smiles into the kiss and i lift her up by her thighs... She wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck and while kissing her i walk carry her to the bedroom...

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