Chapter 15

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Lana pov...

I smile looking at Chris his hand holding mine. I dont know what came over me earlier... But it felt right... He was so gentle and sweet... He made me feel so good and safe... Nothing like i ever experienced before... And i dont know if that was sad or pathetic... Maybe it was both... Kyle was my first and only and i can't say i ever enjoyed sex with him... I always thought it was supposed to be like that... and after a while i just got desensitized to it all... And i just closed my eyes and waited for it to be over...

We arrive at Oscars school and Chris waits in the car not to attract to much attention. I wait for Oscar and smile when he comes running up to me. "How was your day sweetheart..." I said smiling as he gave me a hug. "I have a surprise for you..." I said smiling and he looked at me with his big, beautiful eyes and a big smile appearing on his face. 

I take his hand and walk to the car. Chris is waiting for us leaning against the car with his cap and sunglasses on, but Oscar recognizes him immediately... "Chris!" He yells and runs over to him jumping up and Chris catches him laughing. "Hey buddy had a nice day at school today?" He asks Oscar and Oscar immediately starts rattling off everything he has done today. I shake my head as Chris puts him in his car seat and i get in the passenger seat...  

Chris gets behind the wheel and Oscar keeps talking with Chris about school while i look out of the window my hand in Chris's and the biggest smile on my face. Whatever the future holds this moment is perfect... filled with laughter...  

We arrive at Chris his house and when we walk through the door instead of running for Chris... Dodger immediately runs to Oscar and i chuckle as Chris shakes his head. I wrap my arms around his waist hugging him from the side and he puts his arm around me as i lay my head on his chest. 

After watching Dodger and Oscar for a second Chris goes to pack a few things and i stop Oscar from tearing Chris his house down with Dodger. I smile when Chris appears with a bag and grabs, he takes my hand before calling over Dodger and Oscar. 

We drive to my place and Oscar runs to his room with Dodger and Bob in tow...  I smile and Chris takes my hand pulling me into a hug. "I love it when you smile..." He whispers and kisses me. "You are the one who makes me smile..." I whisper and kiss him again. 

"Are you sure you are not girlfriend and boyfriend..." We all of a sudden hear and when we turn around Oscar is watching us. Chris chuckles and let out a sigh. "Busted..." Chris whispers and now i am the one that chuckles. 

I turn to Oscar and pick him up. "I am going to putt a bell on you one of these days..." I say giving Oscar a kiss on the cheek... "You are a sneaky one... Did you learn that at school?" I ask him and he giggles. 

"What if you show Chris your costume for Halloween and i start with dinner..." I say not wanting to bring up the conversation of what Chris and i are with my 6-year-old there... Chris smirks and takes Oscar from me, and they walk to Oscar's bedroom so he can show him the costume. 

I sigh and shake my head. I start dinner and mile as i hear laughing coming from Oscar's bedroom. A few moments later Chris and Oscar appear in the kitchen and Chris sits down at the counter while Oscar goes and play... 

"So... about what Oscar said..." Chris says smiling at me and i blush... "You dont have to feel obligated and i dont want you to feel pressured... But i want you to know i am not seeing anyone else... and if you dont want to label it i totally understand and i can wait... But i would really like it if i could call you mine..." Chris says looking at me shyly. 

I stop what i am doing and walk around the counter and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him close and giving him a little kiss. "I would like that..." I whisper and his face lights up. "Really?" He says softly and i nod... "I am tired of fighting it... but i need you to know..." I say pausing because i dont really know how to say this...

"I... I oh fuck how am i going to say this..." I whisper leaning my forehead against his... "Take your time sweetheart..." He whispers. "I never had a normal relationship... Oscar's dad... was my only one... I dont know how to... So please just keep talking to me and if i am doing something that you dont like please talk... It is just all of this is foreign to me..." I whisper and Chris cups my face. 

"I promise sweetheart... Calm communication... I will never hurt you or Oscar... And whenever you feel overwhelmed, insecure or annoyed by something just tell me and we will talk about it..." He whispers and i smile as a tear runs down my cheek. And after one more kiss i continue with dinner. We talk about everything and nothing and i just can't stop smiling about how normal this feels... We talk about what we are planning to do this weekend. 

When i am almost done with dinner i ask Chris if he can help Oscar to clean up. Chris smiles and as if i am asking him to do the most fun thing in the world he goes to help Oscar... I set up the table and smile when Chris and Oscar come into the kitchen and sit down at the table.

I watch Chris and Oscar talk and laugh and i can't help that my heart skips a beat. He is so good with Oscar listens to all his stories even though they sometimes make no sense... 

After dinner we watch a movie together and after that i take Oscar to bed while Chris quickly walks the dogs... I read Oscar his bedtime story and i smile as he has fallen asleep halfway through. I kiss his little head and walk back to the living room. 

I walk into the kitchen to make lunch for Oscar at school tomorrow. I hear the front door open and close, and the dogs come running in. I smile when i feel two arms wrap around my waist and a soft kiss being planted in my neck. "Can we just watch a movie in bed or something..." I whisper as i finish up Oscar's lunch. "Sounds like a plan..." Chris whispers and i squeal as he lifts me up bridal style and walks me to the bedroom...

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