Chapter 75

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Chris pov...

"So how is she really doing..." Seb asks as we get in the car... I sigh... "It is getting better... But it is going to take time..." I said and started the car... "She will be okay when she is healed man..." Mackie said patting my shoulder from the back of the car and i sighed... 

I turned the car off again... and started sobbing... I couldn't keep it in anymore... "She was pregnant..." I say between sobs... "Shit..." Both of them say under their breaths... "She lost the baby... We both did not know she was pregnant... And the doctors assured her that she couldn't have saved it.... But she still blamed herself... She is scared i am mad at her that i hate her... But i love her... And i feel guilty... Because all i could think is that i am happy... Happy she survived... If that meant losing the baby than i was okay with that... Because i can't imagine my life without her... I am so selfish..." I said now completely undone and letting it all out...

"She had given up when Tara dumped her in the woods... She was ready to die... and she thinks that that killed our baby... She was ready to die... Ready to die... She almost died..." I say crying my eyes out.... I didn't even notice Seb getting out the car and walking around opening the door... Before he pulled me out and into a hug...  I just sobbed in his arms like a child... 

The backdoor opened and Mackie got out and Seb led me to sit in the back of the car getting in beside me while Mackie started the car... "It is all going to be okay... You guys can get passed this..." Seb said and i calmed down a bit... "She is doing a bit better at least we have talked about it, and she finally opened up... She is so strong..." I mumbled and Seb smiled. 

"She has to be... She has to deal with your ass everyday..." Mackie said driving the car... I wiped away my tears and chuckled... "So, what are we going to do with the little bugger..." Mackie said and i was thankful that he was changing the subject because i didn't want Oscar to see me in this state... But it felt like a relief to let it all out... 

I gave Mackie directions and not much later we arrived at the school, and we waited outside the car for Oscar to come out... I smiled when he came running out and when he saw us his face lights up and he starts running even harder... I catch him as he jumps in my arm and i hug him tight... "Surprise... We are going to do something fun with Uncle Seb and Uncle Mackie..." I said smiling and he cheered. I put him down and took his backpack before he hugged Mackie and Seb... 

"Can we go bowling...?" Oscar asks and i nod... "Can we take Stella, Miles and Ethan to?" Oscar asks and i look around for Carly... 

"Let's go ask..." I say when i spot her and we walk over to Carly... "Hey..." She says smiling and hugs us all... "Oscar has a question..." I say and Oscar smiles... "Can Miles, Stella and Ethan go bowling with us..." He says a little shy all of a sudden and Carly smiles. "If they want to..." She says and then the 3 kids appear...

They are all excited, so they come with us... "Could you do me a favor..." I ask Carly before she leaves... She nods and i sigh... "Lana wanted us to do something fun with Oscar and was going to take a nap... Could you check in on her?" I say and she smiles... "Chris i love you... But maybe she wants some time alone... She hasn't been alone since she has been found..." Carly says. "Please... Just a quick check in..." I say and she sighs but nods... 

"We will drop the kids back at your house after dinner..." I say smiling and Carly chuckles. "Have fun..." She says and gets in her car and drives off. I get to my car were the kids and Seb and Mackie are already crammed in and i get behind the wheel and set off to the bowling alley... 

"I can't believe he picked bowling of all things..." Seb mutters as we go to reserve a lane... "Cheer up it could be worse..." I chuckle... "How... How can it be worse..." Seb says... "It could be disco bowling..." I say grinning... "Lucky us..." Seb says rolling his eyes.

After we had reserved a lane and picked up some shoes, we went on to play a few rounds... The kids loved it and even Seb smiled playing with the kids. Oscar is having the time of his life and i get why Lana wanted me to do something fun with him. He has been through a lot to... He was scared he was never going to see his mother again... I got a text from Carly that she checked on Lana but that she was asleep with the dogs watching over her... I was glad... 

I was just worried about her, and it was tough to leave her alone... Normally the pick-up from school was quick but maybe Carly was right... She hadn't been alone a lot... Someone was always around hovering over her... Maybe she needed some time to gather her thoughts without someone checking in on her every few minutes asking her how she is doing or feeling...

I chuckled as Oscar tried to roll one of the bowling balls with one hand just like Mackie had done before him... After he was done, he walked over to me and crawled into my lap... "Chris?" He whispered. "Yes buddy...?" I said smiling at him. "I miss mommy..." He whispered and i smiled. "You want to finish this round and go home?" I ask and he nods. "But we have to pick up dinner first on the way home..." I said and he smiled. "Your mom wants burgers is that okay?" And he smiled even more and nodding harder... 

After we were finished with our game, we loaded everyone back up in the car and went to pick up dinner... We walked in the house and i smiled seeing Lana sitting on the couch reading a book. She looked up and smiled with a surprised look as Carly's kids ran over to her to hug her. 

We ate together and after dinner played a game of twister with Lana spinning and telling us what to do... The kids found it hilarious... After that i brought the kids back to Carly while Seb and Mackie were going to take Oscar to bed and read him a bedtime story and i could only smile at what that might look like... 

I thank Carly for checking and after hugging the kids one final time i make my way home...

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