Chapter 27

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Chris pov...

I start filming as Oscar comes walking out of the guestroom in his Octopus costume followed by Lana who is visibly emotional as Oscar is all hyped up... "Wauw buddy! You look amazing!" I say smiling and the smile on Oscar's face grows even bigger. He twirls around all proud and hyped ready for his first-time trick or treating... I can see Lana is emotional and i smile at her. 

She excuses herself to get changed and Oscar runs around the house in his Octopus costume his little lantern bucket in hand all excited... I laugh as the dogs chase him the Octopus arms flailing around. I think the dogs see him as a big stuffed animal to play with so i stop them... 

I pick Oscar up and he smiles giving me a hug. "Are you excited buddy?" I ask him and he nods smiling. "Yes..." He squeals and i laugh. I put him back down and smile as he starts twirling around again so happy in his little Octopus costume. 

"Ahum..." We hear behind us and as i turn around my eyes almost pop out of my sockets... "Wauw..." Both Oscar and i said as Lana stood behind us in a cute Octopus costume herself... I thought she would get changed in normal clothes to go trick or treating with Oscar, but she caught me totally by surprise... as she is all dressed up in an Octopus costume to... 

Oscar runs up to her and i start filming it as he is all excited for his mom to match him and go all out for his first-time trick or treating... "You look really beautiful mommy..." He says hugging her and i smile. "I agree you two are the most adorable Octopuses i have ever seen..." I say smiling and Lana blushes looking at me. 

"Is it not too much?" She asks and i shake my head walking over to her... "You look absolute amazing..." I said before kissing her. 

I took some pictures of them together and i couldn't help but smile... Oscar and Lana both were excited this was a big deal for them both... It was his first time they never were allowed to and for that my heart broke... But seeing them all excited warmed my heart... I took some more videos and photos, so they have some memories for the future...

I send a picture to ma and Carly, and they texted back immediately saying they were so cute... I showed her the texts to reassure her that she looked amazing... She smiled and looked at Oscar. "Are you ready to go?" She asked Oscar. He squealed and started running to the front door. Lana gave me a kiss and i walked her to the front door watching them walk out into the neighborhood hand in hand. I took another quick picture of them walking away... My two adorable Octopuses... 

The next few hours i handed out candy... All the kids looked amazing. There were a few captain America's who looked at me with big eyes when i opened the door... It was both cute and hilarious... I love this time of year with all the kids dressed up. 

A few hours later the doorbell rang again and i opened the door and smiled looking at Lana and Oscar. "Trick or Treat..." Oscar yelled and i chuckled. I got down to his level and smiled at him. I put some candy in his overflowing bucket and he smiled. "Did you have fun bud?" I asked him and he nodded smiling and gave me a hug... 

I held him tight and as i hugged him feeling so happy that he had fun i looked up at Lana who also has the biggest smile on her face. I could see her shivering and i knew she must be cold... I stand up lifting Oscar with me and took Lana's hand and walked them back in the house. 

"Go get changed and put on something warm and i will help Oscar get changed..." I said smiling and i kissed Lana's cheek. As Lana walked to the bedroom i walked with Oscar to the kitchen putting his bucket with candy on the counter. I then walked him to the guestroom and i changed him into his pjs... "Can you come with us next year..." Oscar asks as i put his shirt over his head. I smile at him and nod... "Sure, buddy i can do that..." I say smiling and he smiles back at me... 

We had talked about me going with them this year, but Lana wanted it to be just her and Oscar for his first time which i totally understood. She felt guilty for it but i knew it was a big deal for her... Besides i had to stay behind and hand out candy... But next year i could ask someone else to do that and we could go all 3 of us...

Oscar and i walked to the living room but Lana was not there yet. I put Oscar on the couch and smiled as the dogs immediately cuddled up to him. "I am going to check up on your mom... Okay?" I said and Oscar nodded as he put on the TV. 

I walked to the bedroom and smiled as i walked in. Lana had changed into Yoga pants and one of my hoodies. But her eyes were red and i could see she had been crying. "You okay?"  I ask he worried. She nods and smiles. "Happy tears... I promise..." She said and i smiled pulling her in my arms. 

"You are such an amazing mom... Oscar is so lucky to have you... Everything that happened in the past is just that... In the past... You are raising an amazing boy... I know i dont know his father but i know one thing he is going to grow up to be nothing like his dad... and that is all thanks to you... But you are not alone anymore... I am here... I love you and i love Oscar..." I said and played with the pendant on her necklace... 

"This necklace is not only a reminder of the best day of my life... but also a promise... That i always will be there for you and Oscar..." I said smiling.  She looked up at me and started sobbing... but with a small smile on her face...

"How did i get so lucky..." She whispered and i chuckled. "I could say the same... Now let's go to the living room and watch a Halloween movie with Oscar before he has to go to bed..." I said before giving her a kiss. She nodded.

We walked to the living room and cuddled up on the couch while Oscar was happy with Dodger and Bob talking to them about all the decorations, he had seen... We watched Hotel Transylvania, but Oscar fell asleep halfway through. 

I lifted Oscar from the couch and put him to bed and when i got back i smiled as now Lana was asleep on the couch to... I took the dogs for a quick walk before bed and when we came back, they immediately crawled into bed with Oscar... I walked to the living room and lifted Lana up... She was so out of it she didn't even notice... I put her in bed and crawled in beside her pulling her in my arms and soon i fell asleep...

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