Chapter 19

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Chris pov...

The smile on Oscar's face when i gave him his gift was so worth it. He hugged me tight and i looked at Lana who just watched and smiled. While i played with Oscar Lana made dinner. Every now and then i looked at her running around my kitchen humming and swaying to the music she had put on. It was like she has been here forever... She looked at ease and happy... And i was amazed with myself how happy it made me to have this... It was so... Normal... It was peaceful and effortless... When she was ready with dinner we eat together and after that Oscar and i played a little more... 

"Secretly you are still a 6-year-old at heart..." Lana whispered smiling as she kissed me before getting comfortable on the couch with her drawing pad.  Every now and then i looked at her but she was completely caught up in what she was doing... She looked adorable as she was fully concentrated on her work... 

After a while it was time for Oscar to go to bed. "Can Chris take me to bed?" Oscar asked and Lana looked at me. "If Chris wants to it is fine with me..." She said smiling and i nodded. "Let's go buddy..." I said lifting him up and he giggled as i put him on my back. 

After he brushed his teeth and got into his pjs I put him in bed and tucked him in. He asked me to read him a story so i did. I smiled as he fell asleep and i left the door open a little before walking into the living room. Lana had put her stuff away and made us some snacks and drinks... It was like it was a different room because she had lit some candles and somehow the room looked cozier... Or maybe it was just her... Somehow, she made my house feel even more like a home...

She patted the couch beside her and i sat down and she laid her head in my lap. I smiled looking down and played with her hair. 

We started talking... or better said Lana started talking... She talked about her childhood... About the fact that she didn't have contact with her family anymore because of the fact that she got pregnant without being married... Apparently, her family was very religious, and they had disowned her when she told them she was pregnant... They had pretty much pushed her into the hands of her ex with her feeling there was no way out... That was until her best friend stepped in and well, we know how that turned out... 

When she saw her parents again... her dad said it was her own fault that is what she deserved it was a punishment from God for having a baby out of wedlock... Her mother had said nothing... because she was not allowed to by her father... It was only then she realized her mother was in the same sort of predicament as she was... Without even realizing it she had continued the vicious circle the women in her family where in and she was determined to never have it be like that again...

A few days before she moved to Boston, she went over to her parents' place when she knew her father was at work and offered her mother to run away with her... To come live with her... But her mother was too scared and to stuck to see a way out after so long... She left her number and told her whenever she was ready to give her a call and she would come and get her... She told me she intended to keep that promise if the time ever came... I smiled and just hoped that one day she would have her mother back in her life...

She said if anyone could have given her number to Kyle it must be her father... He must have found the card with her number... She couldn't think of any other way Kyle could have gotten it. 

I just listened to her and once again i was amazed of what an uphill battle her life had been and the fact that she achieved the life she had now was even more amazing to me... She fought her way out of hell and came out stronger... Bit for bit she told me more about her life and i could see she was scared i was going to run for the hills, but she could tell me whatever and i would still want her here... 

Part of me was amazed by this feeling... The feeling of wanting her around... The feeling of wanting to protect her and Oscar at all costs... The feeling that i would move heaven and earth to make her happy... To see that beautiful smile... That amazing feeling of her belonging here was both calming and terrifying... 

I told her how amazing she was, and she blushed and i ran my thumb over her rosy cheeks smiling at her and she smiled back at me. "You are the first man i feel completely safe with..." She whispered and i took in a sharp breath as her confessing that made me feel all warm and tingly inside and i couldn't help but have a massive smile on my face. 

She sat up and kissed me and i smiled. "I will never hurt you or Oscar... I promise to always protect you and to love you... Because i do... I love you... both of you..." I said smiling cupping her face and she blushed, and a tear ran down her cheek. "I love you to..." She said so soft it was barely audible as if she was too scared to say it out loud but i heard her and God was it a good feeling having her say that she loves me. We both smiled as we kissed again, and she crawled into my lap and i wrapped my arms around her holding her tight...

"Are we crazy..." She whispered when we came up for air and i shook my head. "I dont think so... but even if we are... i dont care... i love you... and i love Oscar from the moment i saw you i knew i wanted you two in my life... i can't explain it... Something draws me to you... I feel... whole..." I said and she kissed me again passionately... 

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