Chapter 12

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Chris pov...

It was an amazing weekend. Spending time with Lana and Oscar was amazing. Oscar is such a sweet kid and yeah i know everything is new and there will be times that he would not be the happy bubbly kid but i was convinced it was all worth it. 

Everything Lana did made me smile... The few kisses we had... The way she now shyly would hug me and i could feel her relax in my arms.  The way her hand felt in mine... It all made me smile and feel so happy... Having her sleep in my arms was the best feeling in the world. 

We agreed to take it slow but now that i was back home it felt weird... The house was quiet now that i was home alone with Dodger again. Even Dodger kept looking around for Oscar and Bob... 

Lana and i texted back and forth for a little bit before she told me she was going to bed... Part of me wished she could have stayed another night or that i could spend the night there but like we had said we would take things slow... I understood and besides she wanted to keep Oscar's schedule and he needed a stability and dragging him back and forth would not be a good thing... Still, it was weird i already missed having them around... 

I was also having a few meetings for ASP this week and a meeting with my team about the new project i would start after new year's.  I would be gone to film about 6 weeks and the thought of not seeing Lana and Oscar already made me sad... but i was getting ahead of myself... I still roughly 2 months to spend with them. 

Lana pov...

I woke up got myself in the shower and dressed. I went to wake Oscar up and put him in the shower and got him dressed. While he ate breakfast i fixed his schoolbag and had breakfast myself. My phone dinged and i smiled as it was Chris whishing us good morning and telling us to have a great day... I texted him back the same and i couldn't help but smile at the fact he thought about texting us first thing in the morning...

"Are you ready to go to school sweetheart?" I asked Oscar as i was checking over my calendar and groaned as i had forgotten that in a week it would be Halloween. "Yes mommy..." Oscar said and i told him to go get his coat and shoes on. 

I smiled and waved at our neighbor Ms. Davis as we walked to my car. I groaned as i looked in the back and saw that i forgot to take my car seat back from Chris his car yesterday... I sighed and put Oscar in the seatbelt and sat down behind the wheel. I quickly texted Chris if it was okay to swing by after i dropped Oscar off at school because i needed my car seat and he told me he was home and to just stop by whenever... 

"Sweetheart? Next week is Halloween do you know what you want to be for Halloween?" I asked Oscar as i drove him to school. He smiled and held up his stuffed octopus... I chuckled and nodded. "Okay ill see what i can do..." I said smiling. 

We arrived at school and i walked him inside. I said hello to his teacher and smiled as Oscar immediately ran to his friends. I put his stuff in his cube and after saying goodbye to his teacher i went back to the car and drove to Chris his house. 

I pulled into the driveway and parked the car next to his. I felt nervous... Why am i so nervous... I have been here before... I have spent the night here with Oscar... and then it hit me... My buffer was not with me... Oscar was at school, and we would be alone... I nervously rang the doorbell and i smiled as i heard Dodger barking. 

A few minutes later the door opened, and Chris appeared smiling. I groaned he was only wearing sweatpants... no shirt and fuck it looked good... Chris gave me a kiss and stepped aside. Fuck he smelled good i thought to myself as his comforting sent surrounded me. "Do you want some coffee?" Chris asked and i nodded shyly... 

Pull yourself together... I thought to myself. We walked to the kitchen and i sat down on one of the barstools as Chris poured me a coffee. He put it in front of me and smiles. "Any plans for today?" He asked still smiling and i nodded. I was having trouble concentrating as he was still shirtless and i couldn't keep my eyes off of him as he muscles flexed while he moved. 

"Yeah, I need to go Halloween shopping for Oscar... I forgot that next week was Halloween..." I said letting out a sigh. "What does he want to be for Halloween?" Chris asks and i smirk. "He wants to be an Octopus..." I tell him and he smirks proudly. "I am kind of excited it is going to be his first-year trick or treating..." I say smiling and Chris looks at me shocked. 

"He is 6 and never has been trick or treating?" Chris asks and i shake my head blushing. "We were not allowed and then well everything happened, and i was just not op for it... but this year i am excited to go with him..." I say smiling and Chris steps towards me and cups my face kissing me. I can't help it but moan into the kiss and Chris grins. 

"Why dont you and Oscar dont come her for Halloween... My neighborhood is always going all out... It will be amazing for him..." Chris said smiling. I thought about it for a minute and i had to admit his neighborhood was really nice and all the houses were decorated amazingly... My neighborhood was not that into it as there were not a lot of families in my neighborhood. "Okay..." I whispered and Chris smiled kissing me again. I let a moan escape again as i melted into the kiss. I let my hands slip around his waist pulling him closer and he smiled into the kiss. 

I could feel his hand wrap around me as we deepened our kiss... Everywhere his hands touched it felt like my body was on fire and my whole body tingled. I smiled into the kiss as his hands made their way down and landed on my ass. He gave it a light squeeze and moaned. 

His touch was gentle and sweet... Not like i was used to Kyle just took what he wanted... foreplay was something he had never heard off. This felt nice... sweet and i could feel my core heating up. I let my hands roam around his back and i moaned as i felt his muscles flex under my touch...

I could feel his hands under my ass as he kissed me, and he lifted me up and put me on the kitchen counter. He pushed my hair out my neck and started to kiss me in my neck and i moaned. God, it felt good. His lips on my skin his hands rubbing me up and down softly massaging me all over. 

He started to fumble with my shirt and i could feel myself starting to panic... "Chris... can we pause for a second..." I whispered and to my surprise he immediately stopped another thing i was not used to... He smiled at me and cupped my face and gave me a sweet kiss. "Sorry got a bit carried away..." He whispers and i blush. 

"I should say sorry... I didn't mean to..." I whisper but he shakes his head cutting me off.  "It is okay... No rush... You set the pace... I can wait..." He whispers and i pull him in for another kiss. 

I kiss him with everything i got and when we come up for air, we press our foreheads together. "Thank you..." I whisper and he smiles. "I should go... I have an octopus costume to find..." I say smiling and Chris chuckles. 

After a few more kisses i finally pry myself away and Chris walks to the bedroom to put on a shirt. He walks with me to the cars and helps me to put the car seat back in my car. "There is a costume store in town where my mom is always getting the costumes for her theatre group... They should be able to help you..." Chris said smiling and he gave me the address... I smiled and thanked him before getting in the car and driving off. 

I drove to the store Chris had suggested and let out a sigh. I leaned my head on the steering wheel and cursed myself. What is wrong with me... God the most gorgeous man i had ever met wanted me and i cut him off... He was gentle, sweet and respectful but i just couldn't get out of my head. And the way he kissed me... God it was good...

I shook my head and walked out of the car and into the store. The lady behind the counter helped me to find an octopus costume in red like the octopus in the aquarium. I thanked her and paid and went home. I texted Chris a picture and thanked him again but there was no response...

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