Chapter 111

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Chris pov... 

With Lana hanging over my shoulders giggling i walk to living room... The room is barely lit... The only light coming from the fireplace... I carefully put her down on her feet and grin sitting down in this big chair... "Take of your clothes sweetheart..." I whisper and she smiles as i lean back in the chair getting comfortable to enjoy the little show...

She pulls her shirt over her head revealing her perfect tits to me and i smirk... She runs her hand over her chest cupping her own tits massaging them before pulling on her nipples making them hard... I clear my throat and move in my seat as my dick grows hard at the sight of her playing with herself... She lets her hands glide down her body before hooking her thumbs in her pants. She turns around and while bending over she slowly pushes her pants down her pussy on full display... her core glistening with her arousal... I move in my seat and have to readjust myself because my erection is getting uncomfortable...

She stands back up straight and kicks her pants aside now standing in front of me completely naked and  i growl she bends over again running her fingers through her folds making my dick twitch... 

I pulled my shirt over my head feeling all hot and bothered the warm glow of the fire radiating on my skin... "Come here..." I growled as i got undressed further... My dick painfully hard begging for a release... I couldn't decide if i wanted her mouth or pussy... She stalked over to me... The glow of the fire gliding over her body as she came closer... 

She stepped between my legs and i sat up planting a kiss on her stomach as my hands graced her skin rubbing up and down her legs... I groaned as she ran her fingers through my hair. I planted another kiss on her stomach and smirked as i made my decision... Why waste my cum on her mouth as i could fill her pussy and possibly make her pregnant with my baby... 

I lean back into the seat pulling her with me making her straddle me... Her tits were in my face and i planted kisses all over them while i grabbed my shaft and rubbed my tip between her folds... 

"Time to fill you with my cum again sweetheart..." I growled and she groaned... "Yes... Fill me like a little cum slut..." She whispered catching me off guard because normally she didn't like that kind of words during sex... I let it go for now and I shake my head groaning as she is pushing herself down on my dick... God why did i fucking love this so much... My whole life protection was my top priority... Preventing a pregnancy was always on the front of my mind... But with her even before we got married and even before we lost our baby the thought of getting her knocked up was secretly on my mind... It was like i had unlocked the breeding kink in me... I bucked my hips up hitting her deep making her whimper and i smirked... 

"Going to do my best to have you walk out of her at the end of our honeymoon all nice and pregnant sweetheart..." I growled grabbing het tits and taking a nipple in my mouth sucking on it hard making her shudder... "You are going to be so beautiful when your belly swells with my baby..." I growled and she groaned as she started to move circling her hips with my dick deep inside of her... She leaned back hanging onto my shoulders and i groaned as she picked up the pace riding me like she was desperate for my cum... "That's it sweetheart... Ride me... Oh fuck..." I growled as i could feel her walls pulse around my dick... I watched her hang onto me as she took me and used me... Fuck it feels good... 

Her moans get louder and her movements harder she is riding me harder than i have ever seen her do before and she looks amazing doing it... All caught up in the heat of the moment desperate for a release... She has grown so much sexually since we got together... Although she could still be shy sometimes her adventures side definitely had come out... And i was more than happy to discover it with her...

I have my hands roam over her chest and while one hands plays with her tits the other finds the sensitive nub and with my thumb i rub circles on it making her whimper even harder her legs shaking... 

She leans forward again, and she grabs my face with both hands kissing me... "Please Chris... I need you to take control..." She whimpers in the kiss her eyes pleading with me... "I need it Chris please..." I look her in the eyes because i dont know where this is coming from... "Tell me what you want sweetheart... Use your words be specific..." I groan because for a moment i am out of my depth... 

"Bend me over the couch and fuck me hard..." She whimpers and i grin i stand up lifting her with me and with my dick still inside of her i walk her to the couch pulling out and putting her down on it... She scrambles on her knees her ass towards me and her hands clutching to the back of the couch...

"Hold on sweetheart..." I growl grabbing her hips and thrusting into her making her gasp and she pushes back onto me hard making me growl and i slap her ass making her yelp... I start pounding into her hard making her bounce and her ass jiggle and fuck it feel good... I am digging my fingers into her flesh leaving a mark for sure as i keep pounding into her hitting her deep hard and fast... But she doesn't seem to care as her moans get louder with little gasps whimpers and pleads in between... 

Fuck it is all so hot and my thrusts are getting sloppy and i can feel she is almost there to... Her walls are pulsating squeezing me hard i can see her arousal coat my cock as i keep thrusting into her making it drip down her legs... The sopping sounds accompanied by the sounds of our skin slapping together fills the room adding another dimension... "Oh shit baby going to fill that pussy..." I groan as i thrust into her a few more times... "Go ahead babe... Fill me... god it always feels so good when you fill me with your cum..." She whines and i lose it and pull her down on me hard one more time as my body involuntary jerks while i find my release together with her finding hers... "Oh shit Chris!" She screams ass her pussy milks me for every last drop... "Oh yeah sweetheart that's it... milking me so good... Take it baby... Take it all... Every last fucking drop" I growl while snapping my hips forward one more time making her whimper...

She goes limp resting on the back of the couch and while still breathing heavily i pull out making her whimper... I grin watching her throbbing pussy push out my cum but i am not having it and with my thumb push it back in making her shudder again... 

I smirk and get an idea so i grab her by her hips and flip her around making it, so she is laying on the couch with her legs in the air... She giggles and i look at her sternly... "Dont move sweetheart..." I growl and just then the oven dings... "I have to move... Dinner is ready..." She says and i shake my head... "You stay right there i got it..." I say and she smiles as a small blush comes over her face... I grin and put a blanket over her to make sure she is not getting cold. I put on my sweatpants and i walk to the kitchen to get us dinner.

I grab us each a bottle of water putting them in my pockets before walking back to the living room and sitting down beside her... I sigh because like this she can't eat... She giggles and moves sitting up right.... She cups my face and smiles... "Dont worry Chris... When the time is right i will become pregnant... No need for all this right now... But i love that you are so excited about having a baby..." She whispers and i blush... 

"Yeah, maybe i am going a bit overboard..." I admit and she chuckles... "No complaints here..." She says smirking and kisses me again... She wraps the blanket around her and i hand her one of the plates and we eat. We talk about our wedding and smile at the happy fresh memories... After dinner i put some more wood in the fireplace and we cuddle up on the couch... Perfectly content just the two of us...

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