Chapter 101

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Lana pov...

I smile stretching myself out... Lisa had put me in Chris his old room and waking up in his childhood bed was kind of weird but also kind of comforting... I smile looking at the bag hanging at the door containing my dress... I couldn't wait to put it on, but we were going to get ready at the venue... A photographer would be following both of us all day... So, i know from the moment i step out this door the calm is over, and we will be in the storm... 

At first i couldn't sleep last night... So, i had called Chris and we both stayed on the phone until we had fallen asleep... But the line was dead letting me know Chris was already up and he had hung up... I know i should go out bed and go downstairs but i want to take a moment to enjoy the calm... I just hope the chaos is not going to drive me crazy...

Last night was fun though... We had a nail technicians come to the house who gave us all Pedi's and massages and facials... Carly, Shanna and Lisa had gone all out and i couldn't help but cry because i was really touched by it all... It was really fun a nice distraction and above all really relaxing... 

I slip out of bed take a shower and scrub my whole body... I put on some sweats i had brought along and make my way down... As soon as i step into the kitchen i see a flash temporarily blinding me and i put up my hand. "Goodmorning sweetheart..." Lisa says hugging me grinning from ear to ear. "How did you sleep?"  She asks and i nod but blush a little. "I slept okay..." I mumble as the photographer takes my picture again... 

Lisa sits me down and soon thereafter Carly and Shanna come downstairs both also already showered and dressed. We eat breakfast together and i can't help but feel so nervous... I check my phone and smile as Chris has texted me good morning and that he is so happy and that this is going to be one of the best days in his life... I text him back that i love him and can't wait to see him in his tux as i walk down the aisle... That i can't wait to say i do... 

I look in my purse at the paper with the vows i had written... We were going to do our own vows... Chris and i agreed we wouldn't do the whole obey part of the wedding ceremony... I just couldn't... I love that i was getting married to Chris and i was more than happy to take his last name but i refused to repeat a sentence that made me feel like a piece of property... He understood and thanked God he had no problem with leaving all that out... 

I was deep in my own thoughts when Lisa, Carly and Shanna stood in front of my holding a big box. "So... Your dress is not really a fall dress..." Lisa said smiling and i looked at her worried. "So, we had the bridal shop make something to go with the dress... Made from my old wedding dress..." Lisa said and looked at her stunned.  

"For when you are cold or have to go outside..." Carly added when she saw my worried expression... "Dont worry we haven't switched your dress..." Shanna said smirking as if she could read my mind and i let out a sigh of relief... 

I opened the box and was stunned when i took this beautiful shawl out of the box... "Wauw... OMG i love it..." I whispered and put it back standing up and hugging them all... "I love you all so much... You all made me feel so welcome and loved..." I said wiping away my tears and they hugged me again... 

We ate breakfast and then it was time to go to the venue to go get ready for the day... We got into the car that was waiting for us and drove to the venue... The road to the venue was busy with press and i was relieved that security is tight.... It was so surreal all the flashes as the car drove through the sea of people and through the gate... Yesterday all our out-of-town guests had arrived and checked in and it was like Boston had turned into Hollywood for a few days... 

I texted Chris who was still at home with Oscar... Oscar was all excited and hyped up already wanted to wear his tux... I told him about the sea of press, and he reassured me that security could deal with them... He promised that our day really would be ours and to not worry about the leeches... like Chris always called them. 

We arrived and were greeted by the owners with big smiles. The led us to the room where we were going to get ready... This was it... In a few hours i would say i do... I was nervous... excited and to be honest a little scared... 

There was a knock on the door and the people i had hired for our hair and make-up walked in and started to set up... The photographer walked in to...  Lisa, Shanna and Carly were first and i sat down just relaxing a bit... I read through my vows again not wanting to have to read them from a piece of paper but to know them by heart... 

A few hours later it was my turn and i sat down. The started on my hair and make-up... I just looked in the mirror as they transformed me into the bride... It was weird... A sort of calm came over me... In a few hours i was going to marry the love of my life and i couldn't believe how happy i was... 

"Penny for your thoughts..." Lisa said smiling at me and i smiled back. "Just that i am so happy..." I whispered and Lisa smiled. "You deserve it sweetheart... We are all so happy to have you and Oscar in our lives..." She said and we both had to fight our tears, so Carly and Shanna intervened to make sure my make-up was not going to be ruined... 

When my hair and make-up was ready i went to put on my dress... It was no joke when i said i was not going to wear anything under it... The dress wouldn't allow it... Carly helped me into the dress and i had to fight my tears again when i looked at myself in the mirror....

We were waiting for the ceremony to start when there was a knock on the door and i smiled standing up knowing it was going to be Oscar... He was going to walk with me down the aisle... He was excited about it... 

The door opened and Oscar walked in, and he looked at me with big eyes.... "Waaaauw you look like a princess mommy..." He said and i crouched down hugging him... "You look so handsome sweetheart... You look so grown up..." I whispered hugging him a bit tighter... The tears were coming and i couldn't stop them... So, the girls had to fix my make up again... 

It was almost time and Lisa and Shanna said goodbye to take their seats... It was just Carly, Oscar and me... There was a knock on the door and Maggie appeared. "Wauw you look absolutely stunning..." She said smiling and i blushed. 

"Are you ready?" She asked and i took a deep breath and nodded....

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