Chapter 133

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Chris pov...

"Look at this... So cute..." Lana said in a high-pitched voice as she showed of another set of baby clothes and putting it in the cart. I was surprised it still fit in the cart... I didn't mind though... All the clothes were cute and the smile on Lana's face was worth it. 

"Chris look...!" She squealed and i looked around as i lost her and i started to push the cart to where her squealing came from. "First kid?" An older guy said looking at me with a smirk... I nodded and smiled... "First baby yeah... I have a son i have adopted..." I said smiling. "That is nice..." The man says as i hear Lana in the distance squeal again. We both laugh... "If i were you i would get over there before she gets her own cart..." He says smirking and i nod... "Congratulations on your baby girl and good luck..." He says smirking and i chuckle before finding Lana who has her arms full of all sorts of stuff. 

"What is all this...?" I ask smiling and she smirks at me... "Stuff for our baby..." She says and i take something out of her arms... I chuckle looking at it and throwing it in the cart before i take everything out of her arms putting it in the cart... 

We make a stop at the mommy department and Lana gets a few things for herself. I look at some of the things utterly confused as i have no idea to what it is... or even what it is necessary for... Maybe i should read the books better... 

We went to the register to pay and after that we loaded everything in the car. "Told you we need a bigger car..." I mumble and Lana laughs... "Okay maybe i went a bit overboard..." She says blushing and i chuckle... "Oh well i guess we need it all anyway..." I say shrugging my shoulders and pulling her in for a kiss. I groaned as i saw cameras coming out way from the corner of my eye... So, i quickly closed the car so they couldn't see all the girl things... They were getting relentless and where i always felt fairly unwatched in Boston it was now getting harder and harder to go around without them trying to get anything out of me and Lana... 

"Get in the car baby..." I whisper and she nods and just as the reach us we are both in the car and i get out of there as fast as i can... "You would start to think i am the first woman to ever be pregnant..." Lana said letting out a sigh. "I am sorry sweetheart..." I said kissing her hand and she shook her head. "Dont worry i can handle it..." She said looking at me and smiling. 

We arrive home and while i am going to take everything inside Lana is going to take a nap... I put everything in the room that is going to be the nursery... When i walk past our bedroom i smile as she is out like a light already and cuddled up with her pillow... 

I go to my office to read the email the team of Jimmy Fallon had send. I groan as it ar a lot of personal questions so i can't reply until i have spoken to Lana... I need to know what she is willing to share about our personal life... 

I answer a few other emails and then i am done with it and i walk to the bedroom and replace the pillow with my body... She smiles in her sleep and i smirk because i know she rather cuddles me than a pillow. I relax and enjoy how she wraps around me.

I dont know when i dozed up but when i wake up Lana is no longer in the bed but i can hear a tap running in the bathroom... I get up and Lana stands there softly sobbing and i am a little confused... Her clothes are bawled up in the corner and i have no clue what is going on so i take her hand and pull her into me... "What is wrong sweetheart..." I whisper and she just buries her head in my chest... "Nothing it is too embarrassing..." She mumbles and i put my finger under her chin making her look at me... "Sweetheart you are my wife... no need to be embarrassed..." I whisper and she sighs and turns on the shower making me more confused as she is also filling the tub... 

She quickly rinses herself off and looks at me... "I didn't make the toilet in time okay...!" She says letting out a sigh and rolling her eyes. "Oh, baby it is okay..." I say holding her hand and helping her step in the tub. I take my own clothes off and she smiles sliding forwards and i step in behind her and pull her back against my chest. 

I dont know how long we sit there but when Lana starts to shiver it is time to get out. I help her dry off and get her some clean clothes helping her to get dressed... While Lana is going to lay down again i quickly get dressed to and order us some dinner. 

I lay down beside her and she cuddles into me. "I got an email from Fallon... With questions and i need to know what you are willing to share..." I whisper and she sighs... "I leave that to you... As long as you dont tell it is a girl i am fine..." She mumbles and i smile... "Okay good to know..." O mumble back and kiss her forehead. "And dont tell them i peed myself..." She says and i laugh. "I promise sweetheart i would never..." I whisper and then the doorbell goes, and we leave the bed to go eat.

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