Chapter 136

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Lana pov...

I look at the time as i slowly wake up... It is only 4 in the morning... But i have to pee... I struggle out of Chris his arms and he groans... "Where are you going..." He mumbles half awake... "Need to pee..." I whisper and he hums something i dont quite get but he has a smirk on his face...

I go to pee and wash my hands before walking back in... "What is this..." I say smirking as he is sitting up against the headboard holding out his hand for me to take... "Come here sweetheart..." He says in a dark seductive voice sending tingles all through my body...I can feel my core heat up just at his words and giggle taking his hand... With ease he moves me so i am straddling him and he cups my face and kisses me until i am out of breath... 

I let out a little sigh as he moves his lips down to my neck his one hand gently massaging my boobs... the other in my hair pulling my head gently aside so he has more access... I just let him move me how he wants me to move... My body is surrendering to him... Reacting to his touch and because i am pregnant it feels so much... more... I am so much more sensitive to his touch... his words or tone... I swear i started to think he could make me cum by just talking to me...

I run my fingers through his hair as he kisses me all over and he starts pulling on my shirt and i put my hands in the air so he can take it off of me... I dont know were my shirt went as his lips immediately attached to my skin again marking me all over as his hands roamed up and down my back his finger tracing my spine making me shiver.... I just wrapped my arms around his neck again pulling him as close as i could to me... 

He mumbled something but i was too caught up in the pleasure i was feeling from him worshipping my body... The feeling of his hands everywhere and his soft lips on my skin made me moan and let out little sighs... But i gasped when i felt him rip my panties apart snapping me out of me pleasure daze a little... "What the..." I whine and i can hear him chuckle... "You didn't listen sweetheart so i had no other choice..." He murmurs in my ear and i moan as he pulls the ripped piece of fabric off of me...  

I cupped his face with both hands kissing him and i moaned into the kiss as i started to move my hips realizing he was completely naked... He had prepared when i was in the bathroom... That explained the grin on his face... I moan at the feeling of his dick gliding between my folds as i rocked my hips back and forth... Enjoying the pleasure it provides me... But what i enjoy most is his moans... His little grunts every time my pussy rubs over his tip... I kiss him again and moans into the kiss and i can feel his hands move to my ass helping me move... 

We keep grinding together until he has had enough and i can feel him wrap his hand around his dick and with the other, he lifts me a little bit lining me up... "Need to be in you, sweetheart..." He murmurs under his breath before he slowly lowers me around his dick making us both moan. 

The hand on my ass starts squeezing harder as i lower myself further down wanting every inch of him and i pull his face into my chest wanting to feel his lips there... He didn't need words and started kissing me all over his free hand in my neck sliding up in my hair holding me still so he could kiss my neck marking me as his... There is one thing i learned about Chris... He loves to mark me... To show the world who i belong to but never in a malice kind of way... I never feel degraded but i think the way how he treats me outside the bedroom has a lot to do with that...

I let out a little sigh and drop my head in the crook of his neck as he is now balls deep inside me... He curses a little under his breath holding me still as we both take a deep breath and adjust for a little bit. "Dont move just yet sweetheart..." He pleads and i smirk a little... "Did you get fucking bigger...?" I murmur in his ear, and he groans... "Stop it..." He growls and i giggle... 

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