Chapter 150

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Chris pov...

"Chris...!!!" Lana yells and i jump up from the couch and run into the kitchen where Lana stands holding on tight to the counter... "You, okay?" I ask slightly panicked and she nods smiling... "My water broke..." She whispers still smiling and i look at her in shock and then down... "You... But it is not time yet..." I say a little bit in shock, and she looks at me... "Your right... I will tell our girl to wait another week..." She says snapping at me...

"No right... Sorry..." I say feeling a little panicky... "I will call the midwife and Carly to pick up Oscar from school..." I say running off to find my phone... "Chris!!!" She yells and i grab my phone running back into the kitchen... "Chris breathe..." She says looking at me with a soft smile... "Come here..." She says and i walk over to her and she takes my hands in hers... "Calm down... Take a deep breath and think of our plan... Can you please help me to the room... So, i can change and get comfortable... Then you can make all the calls you want..." She says and i blush at the fact she is the one in labor but is calming me down...

I take a deep breath and walk her to the guestroom that we have set up for her to give birth... "Sorry... I am just nervous and excited..." I say as i help her get out of her clothes and into the clothes she had put out for this... "It is okay Chris... I understand... I love you and it is okay to be a bit scared and anxious... But i need you..." She says and i cup her face and kiss her...

"I love you to and i got you..." I say and she smiles... "Do you want to lay down?" I ask but she shakes her head... "Sweetheart take rest when you can we dont know how long this is going to take..." I say and she sighs but nods... "You are right..." She says smiling and lays down on the bed...

I call Carly who squeals over the phone and when she finally calms down says she will pick up Oscar... We already had put an overnight bag with his stuff at her place for when this would happen... I call the midwife, but Lana's contractions are not close enough yet and i have to call her when they are... 

This is what i hate about all this because right now it is just Lana and i... I take a deep breath and walk back in... She looks at me and smiles... "She is not coming yet..." Lana says with a smirk on her face and i nod... "Come here..." She says and she scoots over making room for me in the bed... We had brought in a high bed so she could get in and out easier... I scoot in beside her and she lays against me... "We are going to meet our little girl soon..." She whispers and i smile... "I hope she looks like you..." I murmur and she giggles... "I hope she has your eyes..." She mumbles and i look at her... "I love your eyes..." She says and i blush.

She starts to breath harder as she has another contraction and i rub her back as she sits up... "I forgot this part from when i had Oscar..." She says while trying to breathe through it... "How can you forget that?" I whisper and she chuckles still breathing through the pain... 

When the contraction is over, she lays back down against me and gets comfortable... "Thank you..." She whispers and i look at her. "For what?" I mumble back and she sighs... "For agreeing to do this at home..." She says and i sigh... "I have to admit it is nice not having doctors and nurses walk in and out in a cold bright room..." I say and she smiles a little... 

The next few hours are spent helping her get through the contractions in any way i could and more important she would let me... I called the midwife again and she was on her way... She had the code to the gate and a key to the house so i wouldn't have to let her in and i would have to leave Lana's side... 

She was great the conversation with her was what eventually made me comfortable enough that we could do this... Lana was standing at the side of the bed not wanting to lay down anymore and i was rubbing her back as she was having another contraction... I hated seeing her so uncomfortable, but she was doing so good... She was amazing... 

"This is all your fault... Mr. I am going to get you nice and pregnant..." She snapped at me while breathing through the pain... I chuckled... "I am sorry sweetheart..." I said still rubbing her back, but she got up and moved around... I heard the front door, and a few moments later there was a knock on the door and Eva our midwife walked in... 

Lana loved her she was understanding of the situation... Lana sat down on the bed and laid down and Eva did her checkup... "You and your girl are doing great Lana..." She said smiling and Lana smiled back... "How are you doing dad..." She asked me smirking and i smiled at her a little anxiously... "Nervous but excited... Can't wait to meet our girl..." I said and she smiled...

"Well, she is not there yet but you are coming along great... Did you have something to eat and drink?" She asks Lana and she nods holding up the sandwich i made her. She had only taken a few bites of it when she had another contraction... 

Everything goes by in a daze now... I have to admit being at home in a nice and calm environment seems to do Lana good... She is absolutely amazing... I like the fact i dont have to worry about press or the wrong people walking in... I dont have to do the whole panicked drive to the hospital... It is nice... Intimate... 

"Dad it is time..." The midwife says and i feel a light panic but take my place behind Lana as we had discussed... She wanted me as close as possible... I had changed in comfortable clothes... Lana had gotten rid of most of hers feeling hot and uncomfortable... 

"It is time to push momma..." Eva said and Lana has this dead grip on me as she starts to push... "You are doing great sweetheart... Breathe... I love you..." I murmur in her ear as she is pushing... I keep my focus on her as she pushes and yells at me at how this is my fault and how she is not going to let me touch her for at least 18 years... She is cursing me out but i dont care... I will take and can take it...

"One more push Lana... Your girl is almost here..." Eva says after Lana is pushing for a while... "I can't... I can't anymore..." Lana says totally exhausted... "Yes, you can sweetheart... You are the toughest woman i have ever met... You can do this... One more push and you can hold our sweet girl... Think about holding our girl... I love you so much... You can do it..." I say and she starts pushing again holding my hands squeezing so hard i think i heard something break... But a few moments later we hear crying and Lana starts to laugh cry as Eva holds up our girl and puts her on Lana's stomach... 

"Congratulations on your little girl..." Eva says and i look at the little baby on Lana's belly and i start to cry... "You did it sweetheart... Our beautiful girl is here... She is perfect... I love you so much... Both of you..." I say as Lana holds her and leans into me... "She really is perfect... She has your eyes..." Lana says crying. We both cry unable to take our eyes off the baby in Lana's arms...

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