Chapter 46

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Chris pov...

We are now a week after i cut Tara off... I had to block her and so did my family because she kept calling and texting... After Lana and Oscar came back from the zoo and Oscar had been put to bed i told Lana everything...

She just held me as i cried... She calmed me down as i was laying with my head in her lap and she played with my hair... The betrayal hurt... Having Tara meddle with my life behind my back... It made me so angry... But i was also angry with myself for not seeing it... I can't imagine what she has been doing behind my back all this time... Thank God she wasn't able to chase them away... 

Lana didn't seem surprised at what Tara had said... She said she had a feeling about it but didn't say anything in case she was wrong... and didn't want to cause drama... or jump to conclusions...

Besides she said it was up to me what to do with her... The only thing she wanted was to not have Tara around her and Oscar which i totally understood... She said there was something in Tara's eyes what made her think about Oscar's bio dad... It scared her... 

But she said she would leave it to me what kind of relationship i wanted with Tara... But i was so disgusted with Tara that i didn't want her in my life anymore... It was just all so fucked up... And how was i ever going to have a friendship with Tara after all this... 

But as the days passed it was getting better... Lana listened to me let it all out. She asked me if i was sure that there were no feelings and if there where and i wanted to be with her, she wouldn't hold it against me... 

I was shocked and assured her that was absolutely not the case... and that was the truth... But for her to tell me it would be okay and to give me that option just showed me what kind of person she was... It only made me love her more... But it also made me realize that i never could have Tara back in my life... because i dont think Lana would ever be comfortable with that... I mean i would never be comfortable with that... I would always wonder if she was being honest with me or if they were underlying motives with everything she would do or say... I could never trust her again...

The week went by fast, and we decorated the house for Christmas with Oscar... He was absolutely loving it... We had picked out this massive tree and bought all new decorations... He was so excited... When we had put up the tree and decorated it, we watched the lights in the dark and it was the cutest thing ever seeing him mesmerized by the lights...

For the outside i had hired a company and as i was talking with them about what i wanted Lana rained me in saying it was too much and that the house did not need to be seen from space... The guy laughed and asked if it was our first Christmas together and we both just smirked and nodded... 

The look on Oscar's face when we turned them on for the first time after dark was priceless... The smile on Lana's face the cherry on top... I just wrapped my arm around her pulling her close as we watched the lights and Oscar running around with Bob and Dodger all excited... After we went inside, we watched a movie before we all went to bed early...

I dont know how late it was when Lana shook me awake all excited... I groaned and opened my eyes to see her standing next to the bed all dressed. "What is going on..." I groaned sitting up and wiping the sleep out of my eyes... "It is snowing..." Lana said all excited... "So..." I groaned... still a little groggy... 

"We have to go outside..." She said with the biggest smile on her face... I look at the time and see it is 3 in the morning... "Baby it is 3 in the morning..." I groan... "I know... just get up and dressed... I am going to wake up Oscar..." She said with the biggest smile before running out the bedroom... 

I groaned and dropped myself back on the bed... "SNOW!!!" I heard Oscar yell all of a sudden and that made me sit up immediately again... I dragged myself out of bed and put on some clothes and walked out of the bedroom greeted by an overly excited Lana and Oscar... 

"DAD IT IS SNOWING!!!" Oscar yelled and i smiled... "Yes... Your mom told me..." I said grinning. "LET'S GO!!" Oscar said taking my hand and pulling me outside and the dogs and Lana followed. 

"Waaauw..." Oscar said looking up at the sky as the snow came down and had formed a white blanket over the yard and house... Lana was looking around totally mesmerized just like Oscar and right in this moment you could really see he was her son... 

All of a sudden it hit me... "You two have never seen snow?" I said and they both nodded with the biggest smiles on their faces... I chuckled as Oscar was sticking out his tongue trying to catch the snow... I finally gave in and made a snowball hitting Oscar with it and that set off a snowball fight... After that we made snow angels... 

After about an hour playing in the snow Lana said it was time to go back inside. Oscar pouted and threw a little tantrum wanting to make a snowman... I promised him to make one tomorrow and when he had calmed down a bit i picked him up and we walked inside... 

After some hot coco we put him back to bed and we crawled back into our own bed. "Thank you for going out with us..." Lana whispered and i chuckled... "You didn't exactly give me a choice sweetheart..." I said smirking and she giggled. "Sorry i was just excited..." She whispers and when i look down she had the biggest smile on her face. 

"What do you say we go Christmas shopping when Oscar goes back to school..." I murmured... "Yeah that sounds fun..." Lana says cuddling into me more...

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