Chapter 139

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Chris pov...

We came home and Lana was tired... She had been amazing... My brother and sister had been amazing taking in account Lana her boundaries asking things instead of just doing... Lana had been amazing to my mother letting her feel the baby kick and hugging her when she was emotional about it being a girl... I had watched her like a hawk as she interacted with my mother without me there... Lana was smiling and relaxed but i could see my mother was putting on an act... Because every time Lana didn't see her smile fell from her face and she would stare daggers at Lana... 

"Sweetheart... I forgot my phone at my mother's... I'll be right back, okay?" I said and she mumbled something as she dozed off on the couch... I chuckled and went to look for Oscar... "Mom is sleeping on the couch... I quickly have to drive back to grandma..." I said and he smiled nodding while he played video games... "When something is wrong wake your mom okay... But only when something is wrong..." I said smiling. "Yes dad..." He said sticking out his tongue totally caught up in the game. 

I took my keys and got back into the car driving back to ma's place. We had left early because Lana was tired and getting uncomfortable and she just wanted to lie down... I saw that my brother and sisters were still there... I sigh got out of the car and walked in the house not calling out... 

"I just can see why i can't be there when the baby is born... It is nothing i haven't seen before..." I heard ma say to the others... "I just think she is selfish... I barely got to feel the baby kick... Chris just takes her side as if i mean nothing anymore... He just guards her as if she is made out of glass..." She continued as i listened without her knowing. 

"Ma you got to let it go... We get to see the baby after it is born and then they want bonding time with Oscar and the baby... Which is understandable... Remember he has a family now you are no longer number one... You have to accept that... Time to cut the cord..." Carly said and the others agreed but ma groaned. 

"Chris is finally having a family and i am being shut out... Lana is just being a little... " Ma said and decided enough was enough... "You are not being shut out... You just dont get your way anymore... And she is little what?  I dare you to finish that sentence..." I say appearing and everyone turns around and ma turns beet red... "Chris..." She says shocked...

"I knew something was off... The fake smiling to Lana... Then staring daggers as soon as she wasn't paying attention..." I said raising my voice. "I thought you loved Lana... What was that speech at the wedding about if you now act like this... Was our relationship so fucked up that this is the outcome now it changes...?" I said loudly now... "Chris... No... I am sorry..." Ma whispered but i shook my head... 

"Why can't you accept things the way they are... How can you hold you grudge against her while i made the promises without even talking about it with her... You should blame me... Not her..." I said now yelling... 

"Chris calm down..." Scott said but i gave him a dead stare... "Dont tell me to fucking calm down..." I said taking a deep breath... "I am done ma... Get some help... If you dont... I dont want to have you there in the hospital... I dont want to... You understand ma... I... Not Lana... She has been nothing but nice to you today... And here you are talking shit about her..." I said now with tears in my eyes...  "And if you keep this up... I will cut you out of my life entirely..." I said with venom in my voice and the look on her face was pure shock but i just didn't care anymore... 

Maybe i didn't mean it but i wanted to hit her where it hurts the most... As she hurt me by talking about Lana like that. Besides i needed to drive the message home... 

"Did you know how nervous she was coming here... How scared she was you would hold it against her... She just wants boundaries which thinking about it makes sense... I wouldn't want to be groped all day... I know a little what that is like and i can understand that it must be worse when you are pregnant... She let you feel the baby kick she wants include you without you stepping over every boundary she had set... That was her reaching out... But you just put on little show... I thought in this family we didn't do that..." I said and ma just stayed silent looking down at her fingers. 

I looked at my brother and sisters and just shook my head walking back out again... I was just about to start the car when Carly came up to the window... "Chris i know you are mad right now... But keep in mind she acted nice to Lana..." She whispered and i scoffed... "And it was all fake... I can't even tell Lana because she will be devastated and that is not going to be good for our baby... She thinks it went great... She was so happy... How am i going to tell her this..." I said now crying... 

"We will get ma help..." Carly said and i sighed... "That is not going to help as long as she thinks she is doing nothing wrong... I know i caused all this... But i saw were i went wrong and changed it... Why is she so focused on this baby... Was she this focused on your kids?" I ask Carly and Carly shook her head... 

"No, she hasn't... But then again i wanted her in the delivery room because she was my mother... I wouldn't have wanted Ryan's mother their either. I will talk to her and let you know what comes out of it... But i dont think you are in the right mindset now... You are understandably upset and emotional... Go home and relax with Lana and Oscar and i will call you tomorrow with and update..." She said and kissed my cheek and i smiled. 

I drove home and walked in... I heard Oscar in his room still playing video games so i walked over letting him know i was home again... "You okay dad?" He asked and i smiled... "I am okay bud..." I said and he continued playing. 

I walked to the living room where Lana was sitting on the couch awake and reading a book... "Hey..." She said smiling and i sat down on the couch pulling her in my lap holding her tight... "Hey..." I said pulling the book out of her hands before i kissed her passionately...

"I love you so much..." I murmured and kissed her again making her giggle... "I love you to..." She whispered and i let out a groan as those words sends shivers to my spine...

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