Chapter 155

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"I promised your mom we would pick up dinner..." I said to Oscar as we walked to the car after a fun afternoon in the aquarium.  We got to go behind the scenes again to feed the pinguins... The vet was there to check up on one of them and Oscar asked him like a thousand questions... He loved everything to do with animals and he told the vet about his fish tank and his dogs... But he was a little bit sad when he told the vet that one of his dogs was really old and that he didn't want to play with him as much anymore... Even Oscar knew that he was not like he used to be and that worried me... I was worried how he would deal with it when Bob his time came... 

The vet was so sweet and listened to him explaining how he could help him by playing in a different way with him... She let him give one of the pinguins his medicine explaining what it did and why he was getting it... Oscar loved it and had the biggest smile on his face and even the trainers of the pinguins told me he had a feel for dealing with animals as normally the pinguins wouldn't let strangers come this close... 

Of course, we said hi to his favorite the Octopus and i just loved how much he loved being here... I sent like a hundred pictures to Lana, and she sent some back of her and Maeve just relaxing with the dogs on the couch... 

"What do you think your mom wants to eat...?" I ask Oscar and he smiles. "Burgers and fries... With a milkshake..." He says smirking and i chuckle... "Are you sure that is what your mom wants...." I say grinning and he nods barely keeping a straight face... "Okay... But i am blaming you when your mom is not happy..." I say and i laugh at his shocked face... "Dont worry bud your mom loves burgers and fries..." I say winking at him, and he smiles... "Does Maeve like fries to?" He asks and i chuckle... "Maeve is a little too young to eat fries... All Maeve wants is milk from your mom..." I say and Oscar pulls a face... I laugh... 

"You ate that to when you were a baby..." I said and he looks even more disgusted making me laugh even harder... We arrive at the diner and order food to go and i smile as a little boy looks at me and points... "Dad..." Oscar says and points at the boy that shyly walks over... "Hi i am Jake..." He says shyly blushing a little and Oscar smiles... "I am Oscar, and this is my dad... He plays captain America..." Oscar says and the boy looks at him with the biggest smile... 

"Do you want a picture...?" Oscar asks and the boy nods and i smirk at the fact that Oscar doesnt seem to have a problem with all this... He is sort of used to this by now... It doesn't happen often here but enough for him to not find it strange anymore... I smile even more as Oscar takes the boys phone and takes the picture for him... The boy who has introduced himself as Jake smiles as he gets his phone back and thanks me with a blush on his face. "Can i go play with Jake for a bit...?" He asks and i nod watching them run off to the play area of the diner... The parent's wave and i wave back... 

I wait for our food and when it is done i call over Oscar who quickly says goodbye hugging the boy and Jake's parents smile and after that Oscar and i go back to the car... I smile at Oscar... "Why do you look at me funny?" He asks and i smile even more... "I am so proud of you bud..." I say ruffling his hair and he blushes... "You are such a sweet kid..." I say and he blushes even harder and i ruffle his hair even more... "Daaaad..." He whines and i grin... 

We come home and walk in with our food and i sigh seeing Lana vacuuming... I pull the plug out of the socket, and she turns around... "Sweetheart... You shouldn't be vacuuming..." I say and she blushes... "I know... But..." She said but i cut her off by kissing her... "I will vacuum the whole house tomorrow... I promise... But now we brought food... Oscar chose... Burgers fries and milkshakes..." I say holding up the bag of food... "Good choice..." She smirks into the kiss and i grin...

We sit down at the table and i put all the food out... I smile as Oscar tells Lana about our day and she listens to him with a smile on her face... He tells her about the pinguins and everything he had learned, and Lana had to wipe away a tear when Oscar told her about how he learned he could play with Bob without hurting him too much now that he was old... He told her about Jake, and she smiles as he tells her what he learned about Jake... Jake just moved to Boston with his parents and to our surprise will be going to the same school as Oscar... Jake's dad is a lawyer, and his mother is a nurse. 

Maeve starts crying and i tell Lana that i will get her and i smile as i walk in the nursery and she is crying her eyes out... But as soon as i pick her up out of her crib she goes quiet... I change her diaper and take her with me to the kitchen and sit down with her at the table... 

"Can i take Maeve to school Monday?" Oscar asks and i grin at the fact he wants to show her off... "I am sorry sweetheart, but she is too little to go outside just yet..." Lana says leaning over to him and giving him a kiss on his head. He sighs... "She is too little to do anything... Baby's are boring..." He mumbles disappointed... 

Lana sighs and i can see she is getting a little bit emotional... "What do you say to help me read her a bedtime story when we put her down to sleep..." I say and he nods but still is a bit disappointed... "Can we read one of moms books?" He says looking at his plate playing with one of his fries and i nod... "Of course..." I say and this makes him smile a little bit... 

After dinner Lana feeds Maeve and i go for a walk with Oscar and the dogs. "Want to tell me why you are so sad...?" I ask Oscar and he shrugs his little shoulders while kicking a rock... "I want to play with Maeve... But she can do anything..." He mumbles and i stop him and get down to his level... "Listen to me bud... Maeve is a little baby... And yes, baby's dont do much... But when she gets older, she can do more, and you can play with her... You have to be a little patient... But we can read her stories and you can talk to her... Trust me bud there will be a time that you can play with her..." I say smiling and he nods and hugs me... 

We arrive home and Oscar seems to be in a better mood. I take Maeve from Lana and together with Oscar i get her ready for bed and Oscar reads her a bedtime story. After that we play a boardgame until it is time for him to go to bed... 

Lana sigs as i sit down next to her on the couch after i tucked Oscar in for the night... "We should have prepared him better on what it meant to have a baby sister..." Lana whispers cuddling into me her tone a little sad... "Dont worry... I had a little talk with him walking the dogs... We need to incorporate him more in taking care of Maeve and it will be fine... Before you know it, he will ask to get his sister out of his hair because she is annoying him...." I say smirking and she chuckles... "You are probably right... You are the one who grew up with siblings... I have always been an only child so i have no idea what it is like..." She mumbles and i smile... I stand up and lift her off the couch making her squeal and giggle... "It is time for bed Mrs. Evans..." I mumble kissing her and she smiles as i walk us to the bedroom...

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