Chapter 172

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Chris pov...

The talk with Oscar went as well as you would expect... A lot of crying... A lot of questions and we answered everything as best as we could. It broke me seeing him so scared but i have to be strong... After having Lana and Oscar installed on the couch watching one of my Marvel movies i put Maeve to bed... I walked around the house checking all the locks... I changed the code to the alarm and gate... I was about to call my family when my phone rang and i saw Mackie's name pop up on the screen... I walked into my office closed the door behind me and sat down and answered the video call... I tried my best to smile when i saw it was Mackie and Seb together... They wanted to check in about the whole Bob situation, but they quickly realized something was going on and i broke down.

I told them everything and all they said was to hang tight and that they were on their way before hanging up... I looked at my phone stunned... I sigh and push it aside and call Scott first and after that Carly, Shanna and the last one i call is ma... I tell everyone to be vigilant and that i am working on getting everyone security... I ask them to please accept this even though i know it is an inconvenience... And that i am sorry... They take it better than expected and assure me it will be okay... 

I sigh and look out the window wondering where the bastard is when the gate buzzer goes and i get up and go to see who it is... It is someone from the FBI to talk and to take DNA from Oscar... I open the gate immediately closing it again watching it close and i watch the car drive up and i look at the bat i had placed near the front door next to the shield Oscar wanted there because i had used it so often that it must help to protect the family... If it made him feel safer i didn't mind so i put it there... I answered the door, and the agent showed his id and i let him inside... 

He suggested to get the whole DNA thing out of the way first and wondered if he could ask Oscar a few questions... I nodded and looked at Lana who nodded to but told him that under no circumstance she would leave that he only could talk to Oscar with us present and the agent assured that it was never his attention to talk to Oscar alone... 

After the mouth swab he asked Oscar if he had seen anything strange... A car hanging around school or anything that was out of the ordinary... Oscar said no and that was it... Lana asked him to go to his room because the grown-ups had to talk now... 

"This is what we know for now..." The agent said... "Yesterday he walked out of prison pretending to be his cellmate... His cellmate died a day before due to a stabbing which we knew about thinking it was him... We think it was orchestrated by Kyle... We think Kyle has planned it for a long time... His cellmate had the same tattoos as him and they looked similar to begin with... So, they got the same haircuts and well to be quite frank understaffing and chaos and work pressure is to blame..." The agent said taking in a deep breath before continuing...

"We are still investigating to see if there is anyone from the staff involved because it is hard to believe he didn't have and inside man... There is no easy way to say this... But his cell was filled with articles about you and mainly about your wedding the birth of your daughter... There is an incident reported when they watched the interview on some talk show during rec time... where you talked about adopting your son and marrying your wife... Apparently, he went in a rage after that, and it ended up with him in solitary for a while... So yes... We think he is making his way here... We dont know when and how but from the inmates we interviewed he was adamant to get back what belonged to him... And i guess that means you and Oscar..." The man said looking at Lana who just turned white as a sheet... 

He asked us a few questions and mainly talked with Lana about the past to get a better picture of what they are dealing with... Nothing was too insignificant... Every little insight in his psyche was welcomed and as much it pained her to talk about it, she powered through taking a few breaks here and there... She knew she had to in order to catch him... 

She told him she knew from the moment they couldn't find him he was on his way here... He was not going to let it go... His ego could not handle the fact she was happy let alone without him... She told the agent he wasn't going to stop until he was ether... Dead... locked up or successful in his plan... She told him he could be patient when it came to getting what he wanted... So, he was probably laying low... To my surprise she told him to check in with her parents because she wouldn't put it past her father to house him... She told him about every friend or family member... She told him everything... She wanted him found she wanted to feel safe again... 

When i let the agent out i asked him for some referrals to security companies and he gave me some and told us an unmarked car was parked outside with two agents to keep an eye on everything... But to me that wasn't enough i wanted stronger security and i sighed calling them immediately after he left and i had closed the gate behind him making sure no one sneaked in while the gate opened and closed... I put the alarm on and once again checked all the doors and windows... 

I walk into the living room where Lana is sitting with Maeve in her arms and Oscar cuddled against her... He is asleep and i offer to bring him to bed but she doesn't mind and the idea of having her babies close is comforting... I sigh and sit next to her, and she hands me Maeve who is cooing and smiling oblivious to all the drama... Lana lays her head on my shoulder pulling Oscar, so he is now laying with his head in her lap running her fingers through his hair... He is oud cold and clinging on to her even in his sleep and i know he will be sleeping with us for a while but i dont care... Not this time... 

Lana asks if we can move Maeve's crib to our bedroom and i nod... That is how it goes when it is time for bed... Oscar is in our bed Maeve's crib next to it and then me and Lana with Dodger on the foot of the bed... Again, i dont care... Having everyone close is comforting this time...

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