Chapter 170

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Chris pov...

Everything is set up... We have talked about it and decided to follow the therapist's suggestion, so my lawyer is on his way to the prison to arrange everything... We are waiting for his call... Kyle's body will be flown over to Boston and buried in the cemetery here... Nothing fancy and we won't be there... He will get a quick burial... He will get a headstone so if Oscar ever wants to, he can have a place to go and not have the feeling that we didn't care at all... We didn't care about Kyle, but we care about Oscar... We do this for Oscar... 

Lana was on the fence of not telling him but eventually we decided to wait until he was older... Her hesitation scared he would hate us for not telling but after the whole debacle of dying with Bob she eventually gave in... We didn't know what he died off... i am sure my lawyer would let us know... He would bring back his personal belongings and i had bought a storage box to put it in the garage... 

"What are you doing...?" I ask Lana as she is sitting at the counter with a piece of paper in front of her staring at it mumbling things... "Thinking what to put on the assholes headstone..." She mumbles and i sigh... "Just his name date of birth and day of death..." I say and she sighs... "Yes, i guess you are right... It is not like i can put loving dad on it..." She sighs with tears in her eyes... "Why weren't we ever good enough..." She whispers and i sigh and hug her... "You two are good enough sweetheart... You and Oscar are amazing... He was not good enough..." I whisper and she wipes away her tears... "

 "I just dont know how to feel about it all... I am so confused... I am sad for Oscar never having the ability to get answers... I am happy that i never have to worry about him again and i know that i didn't have to because he was locked away for life... I am happy it is over... Really over... I just will be happy when everything is done... I can't wait for the lawyer to call and confirm he is really dead..." Lana mumbles and i sigh hugging her kissing the top of my head and if the lawyer could hear us, he calls...

"Chris are you with your wife right now?" He asks... "Yes i am..." I say a weird feeling taking over... "The photo you gave me... That is definitely him... That is Kyle...?" He asks and my heart sinks... "Yes, it is a few years younger, but it is him..." I say an ominous feeling sinking in... "You might want to sit down..." He says and i sit down... "What is going on?" Lana whispers and i look at her not knowing how i am going to break this to her... 

"It is not him..." He says and the blood drains from my face... "Then where is he..." I ask softly and Lana stands up and she looks like she is going to throw up and starts to pace up and down... "They are going to look now... But i have a bad feeling about this..." Our lawyer says and then he takes a deep breath... I hear someone saying something to him but i can't make out what...

"Chris there is no easy way to say this, but we need DNA from Oscar to make sure and official confirm that this is not Kyle..." He says and i sigh and look at Lana whose face is anxious... "Someone is coming to your house to take his DNA... I will keep you up to date..." He says and i hum in response completely shocked... "Oh and Chris... If Kyle disappeared... which is likely what happened because his cellmate has been released... You might want to let Oscar's school know and think about security for all of you not only Lana and Oscar..." The lawyer says and my heart sinks even more and i look around for my keys...

"Sweetheart... Sit down for a minute..." I whisper and she looks at me ignoring my request and i know i am not getting her to sit down... "It is not him, is it?" She whispers and i nod... "Then where is he?" She says and i stay quiet... "WERE IS HE!!!" She yells complete panic on her face... "They dont know... They are looking now... But there is a chance..." I say but i can't finish that sentence as Lana starts to hyperventilate... "This can't be happening... No... No!! This is just a nightmare... I am going to wake up soon... This is not real..." She says and i walk over to her... "Breath sweetheart... I need you to breath..." I say and she looks at me with fear, pain and panic in her eyes... 

"He is coming for us..." She whispers and i wrap her in my arms... "I won't let him get anywhere near you sweetheart... Not near you or Oscar... But i need you to pull yourself together because we need to go and pick up Oscar from school because someone will come to get DNA from him to confirm it is not him... I need you to get Maeve... Because i am not going to let you and our kids out of my sight..." I whisper and Lana pulls back and nods and walks to the nursery going into zombie mode... Functional but not really here... 

I sigh and call my team while Lana is getting Maeve ready... I inform them so they can work on statement if necessary and to arrange security... Security for my family because i was serious... He will not come near my family... 

"Please just be a stupid mix up... Let the man just be behind bars..." I mumble but deep down i know we are going to be sucked into a shitshow...

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