Chapter 175

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Scott pov... 

"Is mom, okay?" Oscar asks me and i smile as i walk over to Maeve sitting down next to her to feed her... "I think so..." I say and Oscar sits next to Maeve on the other side cooing to his little sister who is the happiest little bean... Chris had a meeting and asked me to come over to keep Lana and the kid's company... I sigh and look towards the bedroom where Lana had walked off to and a weird feeling sunk in...

All of a sudden i see the security running to the back of the property... I stand up and look confused because i looked out a second ago and nothing was going on... All of a sudden i hear a car start and speed off and now i am utterly confused... "Stay with your sister bud I'll be right back..." I tell Oscar who is looking around just as confused... I walk to the bedroom and knock but no answer... I open the door and Lana is not here... 

Clothes are scattered around the floor not something Lana normally would tolerate... She likes thing neat... I then walk to the garage and her car is gone and it sinks in... She left... She is gone... But why and were to and why didn't she say anything... I call one of the security guys to ask them what is going on as i walk back to the kitchen were Oscar had picked his sister out of the highchair and is clinging onto her for dear life... 

"False alarm something triggered the alarm at the back..." The guy says... "Well, who left with Lana then?" I ask him and he seems to be confused... "No one left Mr. Evans..." He said and i feel myself getting angry... "Yes... Lana her car is gone so is she and the gate is open..." I practically yell forgetting for a second that Oscar and Maeve are here so i calm down and walk over pulling them closer to comfort them... 

A few seconds later the security team comes in and look around the house and i roll my eyes... "Really... She is gone..." I say rolling my eyes at the guy staying in the kitchen as i hug Maeve and Oscar... The rest comes walking in and one of them asks what happened and i explain that we heard her scream and walked in... She was on the phone and asked me to feed Maeve... That she needed a minute... Saying she hurt her knee... 

"But i dont know... Something was off... Next i know everyone is running and i hear the car and Lana is gone..." I say panic setting in... I get my phone and try to call Chris but no answer... I try to call him again and again but nothing i am cursing him under my breath... I see one of the guys at the main panel of the alarm looking in the history... "The alarm was triggered from Mrs. Evans's phone..." He mumbles and i sit down... Chris is still not picking up and i am getting frustrated... 

Oscar walks over to me tears in his eyes and i take Maeve from him and pull him close... "Where is mommy..." He says crying and i dont know how to answer that and i try my best to keep him and Maeve calm... "Mr. Evans and Mrs. Evans are both not picking up..." One of the guys say and i roll my eyes... "No shit sherlock..." I say and they all look at me... As if i know what to do now...  

I call ma and ask her if she has heard anything from Chris or Lana but nothing and next on my list are my sisters but nothing... No one has heard from Chris or Lana... I have just hung up with Carly when the front door open and closes and for a moment i think Lana is back, but it is ma... "I called Mike... Chris never arrived at the ASP office... He texted that Oscar was sick and that he was staying home..." She says tears threatening to come through and panic in her voice... 

Everything is going in a daze from the moment ma had arrived... Ma insisted that they call the FBI saying it was out of character for Chris and Lana to leave without telling anyone where they are going... Lana would never leave her kids behind without telling that she was going... That in combination with her behavior right before she left has made us even more concerned... Carly and Shanna arrive not much later, and we just sit around and wait for the authorities to take over...

We keep calling Lana and Chris but Chris his phone is now going straight to voicemail... It is turned off... And with everything that is going on he would never do that, so we know something is wrong... 

Not much later the FBI and Boston PD arrives, and they ask all sort of questions and going through the house to see if they can find out what is going on... I dont know what they expect to find but i guess it is standard procedure... It is frustrating... They keep asking over and over about Lana's state of mind today... I keep telling them she was in a good mood... She was relaxed... Or as relaxed as he could be under these circumstances...

Hours go by and still no word from Chris and Lana... Oscar is exhausted sleeping with his head in my lap... He didn't want to go to bed he is too scared... He was clinging on to me and threw a tantrum when ma wanted to put him in bed... Maeve is sleeping oblivious to everything... Dodger is pacing up and down picking up at the anxious feeling of us all... 

They dont tell us much as they dont know much themselves... They are working on getting into phone records of both Chris and Lana and are trying to track Lana's car... But everything takes time and i wonder if we have that... 

It is getting late and dark, and the more time goes by the worse the outcome might be... I just want to punch myself for not paying better attention right before Lana walked out of the kitchen... If seen so much true crime to know that time is not on our side... 

It is frustrating... Ma is beside herself. Carly is in contact with Chris his team to keep a lid on this... If the news would get out that both Chris and Lana disappeared it could have devastating consequences... Because deep down we know that something is unbelievably wrong and i have a feeling the outcome is not going to be good...

All of a sudden, a man walks in and whispers something in the ear of the agent and he turns to us... "We found her car... Agents are on their way to check it out..." He says to us.

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