Chapter 146

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Lana pov...

The doctor checks the baby one more time at my request before i can go home... I want to go home but i just want her to check the baby one more time just to be sure... Chris has walked off after getting a phone call... He has been on his phone a lot... I can feel he is tense... I know he is on a war path against the press but i have no clue on how and i didn't care... 

I wanted to stay calm... My baby needed me calm and i was more than happy to let Chris deal with it... This morning the bruises on my hips and belly were massive and Chris had taken pictures and the doctor had noted them for his report... I was just feeling empty and drained... I thought i was happy when they finally brought me to the hospital and out of the spotlight on the street but in the hospital the feeling of being watched didn't go away...

I woke up every time the nurse checked up on me... I barely slept and all i wanted was to go home and lay in my bed... I couldn't walk anyway because of the cast that already itched me... I just feel miserable... This is not the pregnancy i had envisioned... I know it was not fair of me but i was done... I just wanted to go to bed and shut the world out and have this pregnancy to be over... I could only lay on one side because the other was bruised and it hurt to lay on it. 

To say the pink cloud of the pregnancy was gone was an understatement... I just wanted it to be over... Not that i wanted my baby to be born now but i just wanted to go to bed and wake up when it was time for the baby to be born... 

Chris walked back in, and he looked at me and smiled... The smile didn't reach his eyes and i sighed... "What is it?" I asked annoyed and he looked at me guilty... "We can't leave just yet..." He said and i rolled my eyes... "Why? I just want to go home Chris... I am done... Nurses walking in pretending to check up on me just to gawk at you... I just want some freaking privacy is that too much to fucking ask...!!!" I yelled at him, and he turned bright red looking at his feet and i immediately felt guilty... 

"Sorry... It is not fair to take it out of you... It is not your fault..." I mumble and he sighs... "I am waiting for the security i hired to make sure we get home safe because there is press outside the hospital..." He says and now i feel even more like an asshole and i feel my emotions boil over and i dont want to but i start to cry... 

"Please dont cry, baby..." Chris whispered crawling back into bed with me... "I am sorry... I know you are doing everything you can and here i am taking it out on you..." I said sobbing... "It is okay sweetheart..." He whispered kissing the top of my head... "No, it is not..." I said sobbing and the door opened and a nurse walked in but when she saw what was going on she immediately turned around and walked out... "See no fucking privacy..." I mumble and Chris sighs... 

There is a knock on the door and Chris gets out of the bed and opens and 4 massive guys walk in and  i look shocked a little scared and intimidated... I pull up my sheet a little higher a if that is going to help in any way... 

The men introduce themselves and tell us they are ready to go as one of them has brought a wheelchair for me... They want to help Chris to get me in the wheelchair but i panic and tell them to stop and they do... "Sorry i dont want you to touch me..." I mumble to the men and Chris smiles kissing my temple... "I got it..." Chris says to them and they nod... "They are massive..." I whisper as he lifts me out of the bed and puts me in the wheelchair... Chris just chuckles and i wince as he puts my leg in the leg rest making him apologize immediately again... "It is okay moving hurts no matter what..." I mumble and he kisses me...

One of the men hands Chris something and he puts a cap and some sunglasses on my face... He then puts a cap and sunglasses on his own head, and we start to leave... In not time we make our way through the hospital with the 4 massive guys but my heart sinks as i can hear the yelling as soon as we come outside... "Breath sweetheart..." Chris whispers behind me as he pushes my wheelchair... The 4 guys easily push their way through the sea of press and keeping Chris and i somewhat concealed... The questions thrown at us are ranging from... "Are you going to sue... Do you blame the paparazzi... How is the baby... Is it a boy or a girl..." I sigh when one yelled that if we just have told them we wouldn't be here right now and i can feel Chris getting tense so i grab his hand to make sure he won't explode...

We reach the car and i bite through the pain as Chris helps me in with the security detail blocking the view of the paparazzi... He then gets in next to me and 2 of the security detail get in in front and as soon as all the doors are closed, they take off... "Are they going to be surrounding the house..." I ask and Chris sighs... "I am working on it sweetheart... But i have to wait on the judge..." He whispers and i sigh taking his hand and he looks at me and smiles... "The security is to stay though... When we leave the house, they come along..." Chris says in a tone that i know to not fight him on this... 

I shrug my shoulders because i have no plans on leaving the house again... I am done with the world... I can order online what i need... At least until the baby is born i am fine at home... "Dont worry i am not leaving the house again..." I whisper...

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