Chapter 35

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Chris pov...

I was sitting in the living room drinking a beer with Mackie and Seb. Lana was taking Oscar to bed... He was absolutely exhausted from the day running around with Carly's kids and miniature golf... 

"So they are moving in huh..." Seb said smirking at me and i nodded grinning back. "That is great... They are really great... Lana is amazing, and Oscar is a sweet kid..." Mackie said. "Anything we can do to help... We are in town a few weeks filming...?" Mackie said and i smiled. "That is very nice... We will keep it in mind..." I said smirking. "You do know he is going to ask us to help her move in, right?" Seb said laughing.  Mackie looked at me and i grinned... "Shit...!" Mackie said rolling his eyes but with a big smile on his face... 

Lana walked into the room and i handed her, her drink and pulled her into my lap making her blush. She took a sip of her drink, and she kissed me before turning to Mackie and Seb... "I have got the guestrooms ready because you guys are not drinking and driving..." She said taking another sip of her own drink and we all looked at her surprised. 

At first, she was a bit shy around them a little hesitant... I had noticed it before and i couldn't blame her for being hesitant around men... But seeing her laughing and at ease with Mackie and Seb makes me smile and so happy... Everyone i have introduced her to seemed to really like her... The only one who hadn't been as enthusiastically when i talked about dating Lana was my one of my closest friends from school Tara... It is the reason that i hadn't introduced them to each other yet... I just had made excuses to Tara every time she wanted to hang out or come over... 

Tara had never met her but already had an opinion about her... I just hoped that when she eventually met it would all work out... But to say i was worried was an understatement... I pushed Tara out of my mind... It would all work out, right? When she would see how happy i am she would embrace Lana and Oscar...

Lana was laughing as Mackie was telling stories from the set... I groaned as they were telling embarrassing stories about me... "Would you guys stop... I would like to keep her around..." I said joking and Lana looked at me... "Dont worry baby... I think it is cute..." She said smirking... "Yeah lighten up Captain little ass..." Mackie said laughing and Lana almost chocked on her drink... I groaned "Really Mackie...?" I said and Lana giggled. " Dont worry baby i like your little ass..." She said smirking and i blushed. 

After one more drink Lana said she was going to bed because she had to take Oscar to school tomorrow... She kissed me goodnight and told me to have fun but please dont wake Oscar up... I smirked and we promised her... 

"Wauw the instant family life..." Seb said and i blushed. "Dont say it like that..." I said rolling my eyes and Seb chuckled. "I didn't mean it like that buddy..." He said patting my shoulder as he got us another beer... 

Seb handed us our beers and he smiled. "We can see how happy you are... And Lana and Oscar are really sweet and great... We can see that Lana loves you... And Oscar adores you..." Seb said and Mackie agreed. 

"But what about Oscar's dad, man..." Mackie said and i took in a sharp breath... "Not in the picture... and i dont know if i should tell you why..." I said not feeling sure if Lana would appreciate that... "Let's just say he will not be coming back..." I said taking in another deep breath... "He died?" Seb asked and i shook my head... "Locked up... For live... Let's just say it is a miracle that she and Oscar are still alive today..." I said and it looked like they got what i meant and the room went quiet for a second.

"She has had a tough live, hasn't she?" Seb asked and i nodded. "Yeah... But it hasn't have gotten her down... She is amazing... Smart, sweet and funny... She writes children books... The Dana the dog series..." I said and Seb and Anthony smiled... "Wauw they are really well-known children's books..." Seb said and i nodded... "She draws and writes them herself..." I said smiling. 

"Look i know everything seemed to go very fast since i told you guys about her but i can't explain it... I love her... I love Oscar... He such a funny kid and my family already absolutely adores them both... Especially Ma and Carly... She and Carly went out to lunch the other day and Ryan and i had to go and pick them up because they had gotten drunk on cocktails... Ma adores her and already calls Oscar her bonus grandchild... And Oscar adores her..." I said smiling and both Mackie and Seb grinned. 

"Let's just hope she can handle the crazy that comes with our lives..." Seb said letting out a big sigh and i nodded... "Well... if not i will retire..." I said and they both looked at me shocked... "What?" I said and they both just shook their head... "You never said that for any woman... Thats all..." Mackie said. "Yeah well... Never met anyone that is worth it..." I said smirking... 

"There is one thing i am worried about..." I said letting out a sigh... "And what would that be..." Mackie asks. "Tara..." I said and the room went silent... "I haven't introduced her to Tara yet... and Tara had already said some stuff without even meeting her..." I said and both Mackie and Seb looked at me without saying a word, but they have a look on their faces... 

"Look buddy we know she is your friend... But to be honest she has this kind of hold on you... She is married has a husband and kids... but sometimes she acts like you are hers..." Seb said his voice calm and serious. I rolled my eyes... "We are just friends... Always have been and we are like brother and sister..." I said. 

"Remember when you briefly dated Fiona?" I sighed and nodded... "How can i forget... She left without ever telling why... Wait... You guys know why?" I said sitting up. "We found out last year at your Halloween party... Tara practically bragged about chasing her off..." Mackie said and i looked at him in shock... 

"If you dont believe us... Ask Scarlet... Tara even told her once to not get any idea's... and you two weren't even dating..." Seb said... "Just keep it in your mind... If you really love Lana and Oscar, you keep them close when Tara is around..." Mackie said and i let out a groan... 

"Promise us Chris because we like Lana and Oscar, and we think that they are good for you... You look happier than we ever have seen you and we hate for that to be destroyed by Tara... Just think about it... If she was nasty to the women, you were dating... What would she do to the woman who is living with you... and not that long after meeting Lana and Oscar..."  Seb said and i nodded. "I promise..." I whispered. 

We finished our drink and went to bed... I cuddled up to Lana... and let out a sigh. All the new information i had gotten from Mackie and Seb running through my head... The thought of losing Lana and Oscar makes it hard to breath... Was i so blind to Tara's behavior...? But she is married... Has kids and i never thought about her that way... She was like a sister and thinking about being romantically involved with her made me sick... I sigh and close my eyes pulling Lana closer. I was not going to lose Lana and Oscar because of her and i took the guy's advice to heart... When Tara was around i would keep them close... I let out another deep breath and i slowly drift off into a restless sleep... 

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