Chapter 16

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Lana pov...

"Mommy is Chris still sleeping?" Oscar asks and i chuckle. "Yes, sweetheart he is... and we are going to let him sleep and you will see him after school, okay? Because we are going to stay at Chris his house this weekend..." I say to Oscar, and he smiles. 

I take Dodger and Bob with me and drop Oscar off at school. I quickly take the dogs for a walk and go back home. The house is quiet and i smile as Chris is still fast asleep in bed. I can't resist and take off my clothes and crawl back in bed. Chris is laying on his stomach and i plant kisses on his back and he starts to stir... "Good morning..." I whisper. Chris turns around and pulls me on top of him and smiles up at me. 

"Good morning? What time is it?" He says in this groggy morning voice. "9.30..." I whisper and he looks at me surprised. "Why didn't you wake me?" He says and i smile. "Just wanted to let you sleep in..." I whisper and he smiles. "How long have you been awake?" He asks and i chuckle. "I have been up since 6... I got Oscar ready for school and dropped him off and then i went on a walk with the dogs.... and now i am here... with you..." I say and kiss him. He moans into the kiss. 

"There is breakfast in the kitchen..." I mumble and he smirks... He kisses me passionately and flips us over so i am now laying underneath him... "I am hungry for something else..." He murmurs and before i can even respond he kisses me... I moan into the kiss as i can feel his hands all over my body... caressing every inch of me. I can feel him spread my legs apart with his knee and he settles between them. 

I moan as he starts kissing my neck sucking on my pulse point and it sends shivers through my body.... I can feel him pull the cups of my bra down and play with my boobs massaging them. I moan a little louder as he plays with my nipples and i can feel Chris smirk in my neck. 

He kisses his way down and when he closes his lips around one of my nipples and sucks... I arch of the bed. I can feel Chris smirk and he uses the moment to unclasp my bra... He sits up and pulls the bra off of me and throws it aside. He looks at my bare chest and smiles. "You are so beautiful..." He whispers and his hands find my boobs again and he gently massages them rolling my nipples between his fingers making me moan... 

He leans back down and plants kisses all over my chest before kissing his way down... I can feel him go lower and lower. kissing down my stomach and he doesn't stop... I try my best to stay calm as my breathing is getting heavier wondering if he is going to do what i think he is going to do... I gasp as he plants a kiss on the inside of both of my thighs before slowly pulling down my panties...

My mind is working overtime as i am just waiting for what is to come and i think he notices because he crawls over me and kisses me. "Just relax baby... I am going to taste you and have you as my breakfast... Going to make you feel good..." He whispers into the kiss smiling and i moan as i can feel his hand slide down and his fingers rub between my folds. 

I watch him as he brings his finger to his mouth and licks them clean humming... and God it is the sexiest thing i have ever seen and he smirks. He scoots down and settles between my legs pushing them further apart... I gasp when he plants a soft kiss on my core... Fuck he really is doing this... I am all over the place with my thoughts... My mind is racing what if he is disgusted with me down there and on the other hand i am so relieved i decide to shower this morning... 

"Relax baby..." He whispers in a low humming tone and i gasp gripping the sheets when he runs his tongue up and down between my folds... He hums... and does it again... I involuntarily start to squirm as a feeling of pleasure starts to build inside of me and Chris pins me gently down...

Fuck this is all so new and so... hot... He sucks at my sensitive nub making me gasp again and i think i can feel him smirk... I can't believe he is enjoying this... This must be a dream i must still be dreaming... But know because i gasp again as he sucks on my sensitive nub again while pushing a finger slowly inside of me... He slowly starts to pump it in and out and i moan as the pleasure starts to build even more... His finger is hitting the right spot over and over again...

"So sweet..." He murmurs. "Oh... oh..." I moan in response as i can feel him push in another finger and fuck it feels good... He picks up the pace a little with his fingers and keeps sucking on my clit alternating it with his tongue toying softly with it... 

The fact that he seems to enjoy this so much only makes me more wet and it is getting hard to think... but maybe that is a good thing... Maybe i should stop overthinking and just let go... I grip the sheets a little tighter and i can feel some sort of jolts of electricity run through my body...

"Chris..." I softly moan and now i can definitely feel him smirk... My mind is getting foggy as my body now completely is taking over and i can feel my legs start to shake and my toes start to curl... My orgasm washes over me and i moan loudly... This feeling that i never have had until yesterday sources through my body and it is overwhelming but fuck it feels so good... When i come out of my pleasure fog i stare in Chris his beautiful eyes and he smiles at me kissing me passionately... "Best breakfast ever..." He whispers chuckling and i blush...

I dont know what to say so i just pull him in for a kiss. But what surprises me the most is that he crawls off of me and just pulls me into him as he lays next to me... He just holds me close playing with my hair with the biggest grin on his face and all i can do is watch him and wait for him to tell me what he wants... I expect him to want something in return, but he just lies there playing with my hair... 

I start to feel awkward... Should i do something... Does he want me to do something in return... I start to get overwhelmed and i have to fight hard to not panic... All my sexual experiences where never about my pleasure... So, this is so confusing... 

"Lana...? You okay...? Did i hurt you...?" Chris says sitting up a bit looking at me with an anxious look. All i can do is shake my head while i slap my hand in front of my mouth and tears start to form and run down my cheek... "I am sorry..." I say as i start to panic even more because he gave this most amazing orgasm and i am now crying making him wonder if he did something wrong...

"Sorry it is not you... It was amazing... It is all me... I am sorry..." I say between sobs. "Talk to me baby... Calm communication remember...? Whatever it is no judgement no anger..." He says smiling softly at me...

"It is just all so.... Overwhelming..." I say softly... "I never have... that... done to me... It was never about me... I... i..." I say and Chris lets out a sigh pulls me closer and kisses me... 

"Oh sweetheart... I am so sorry... I am so sorry that something what should have been enjoyably and intimate never was... I am sorry he never treated you right... Like you deserve... But i promise you i will never be like that... Giving you pleasure and seeing you fall apart in a good way underneath my touch... The fact that i can make you feel good and make you cum... All that is giving me pleasure... Because making you cum... Is the best feeling in the world..." He says with now a grin on his face, and he kisses me again and i am sure i am now as red as a tomato... I try to hide my face in my hands feeling so embarrassed, but he gently pulls them away and looks at me smiling. 

"There she is... no need to hide from me sweetheart... No need to feel embarrassed... You are amazing... and so deserving of every orgasm..." He says and the last sentence with a big smirk on his face and i start to giggle... He kisses me again with a proud look on his face... 

He lays back down and pulls me into him again but after a few minutes his stomach growls and i chuckle. "I think it is time for a real breakfast..." I whisper and Chris laughs. "You go shower and i will heat things up for you..." I say smiling and he nods. 

Chris gets out of bed and i watch him walk into the shower. I let out a sigh... After everything he said i still was waiting for the other shoe to drop... I shook my head and scolded myself... Stop it... Chris is not Kyle... He is far from it... I get out of bed and smile picking up Chris his shirt that he was wearing yesterday and put it on before walking into the kitchen to heat up breakfast...

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