Chapter 24

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Lana pov...

I wake up early and smile as Chris is spooning me his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close... I smirk as i can feel his hard on against my ass... I slowly and carefully push his boxers down a bit... I wiggle my ass and feel his dick slide between my ass cheeks... I can't resist and reach behind me and slowly put his dick at my entrance and push back pushing him inside of me... 

God i love the feeling of him inside of me and for a moment i wonder if i am taking it to far and maybe i should wait for him to be awake... But i can feel Chris wake up a bit and groan... "Can't get enough sweetheart..." He murmurs in his morning voice sending shiver down my spine and goosebumps appear on my skin... "No... Never..." I whisper and take his hand putting it on my boob making him grin into my neck before planting a soft kiss. 

We slowly start to move together in perfect sink... our bodies perfectly fitting together. I love how he wraps his strong arms around me... We keep moving until we both come and just lay there connected neither one of us wanting to move bathing in the afterglow... 

"Chris... Should we talk about the fact we haven't used condoms again..." I whisper as i realize that i gave him no choice in the matter this morning and just acted not checking if he was okay with it... 

I mean he was obviously okay with it.... Otherwise, he wouldn't continue... Would he? But i just wanted to talk about it so we would be on the same page, and it wouldn't cause conflict in the future... Yes, i was on birth control but nothing was a 100% safe... I didn't want him to blame me if something would happen... 

"I am okay with it..." He whispers and i can feel him grin in my neck. I chuckle and pull his arms around me tighter letting out a sigh. "Are you okay with it?" He whispers. "Yes... I am... I just wanted to talk about it... I mean nothing is 100% safe and well condoms is an extra layer of protection..." I whisper and Chris softly laughs. 

"I am clean... Had a checkup a few weeks ago... I am not seeing other people or have plans or desires to sleep with other people... I only want you..." He whispers and it makes me smile. "Me neither... I only want you to..." I whisper and i can feel him smile to. I turn in his grip facing him and i kiss him. 

"We should get out of bed... Oscar is going to wake up soon..." I whisper and Chris nods but doesn't let me go... "5 more minutes..." He whispers and i smile cuddling into him more taking a deep breath... But we both dozed off again. 

I woke up again to feeling something crawling on the bed and when i looked i saw Oscar smiling at me. "Good morning mommy..." He whispered smiling and i chuckled. "Good morning sweetheart..." I whispered back at him. I rolled away from Chris and cuddled with Oscar like we used to do often on Sunday. 

Both Oscar and i giggled as Chris mumbled something in his sleep. I just laid there with my sweet boy in my arms and i wish it could stay like this forever... "Is there room for one more...?" We all of a sudden heard and i looked at Chris who is now awake. "What do you think sweetheart? Is there room for Chris to cuddle?" I ask Oscar and he nods smiling. "Come here you two..." Chris says as he pulls us both into his arms. 

"How did you sleep buddy...?" Chris asks Oscar and he smiles. "Good..." Oscar said smiling. "Chris?" Oscar said putting his little hand on his face. "Yeah buddy?" Chris said smiling at him and Oscar paused for a moment. "Are you going to marry mommy?" He said and i froze on the spot, but Chris just looked at him and smiled. "One day... I will marry your mom..." Chris said without hesitation. "When you marry mommy... Do you become my dad?" He asks Chris and I slap my hand in front of my mouth. I dont know what to think of this... But again, Chris doesn't hesitate. "You know what... When i marry your mom... We talk about it okay?" Chris says smiling. "Okay..." Oscar says satisfied with this answer. Chris gives me a wink but i am too stunned to speak... It was like Chris already had thought it all out and i dont know how to react... This amazing man was so sure about it all... He loves me... He loves Oscar... He has thought about marrying me...  

Chris sees the look on my face and turns back to Oscar. "Hey buddy could you do me a favor?" Chris asks Oscar and Oscar nods. "Can you go watch TV in the living room... Your mom and i will be right there for breakfast..." Chris said. "Okay..." Oscar said all excited and crawled off the bed and run out the room and a few minutes later we heard SpongeBob's laugh through the house... 

"Come here..." Chris said pulling me into his arms. "I... I dont know what to say about all this..." I whisper and Chris chuckles. "Dont worry about it... He is a kid... But i did not lie... I am going to marry you one day... and then we will have the dad talk..." Chris said and i looked at him and blushed. 

"If you ever want to get married of course..." Chris said and i nodded. "Sorry i am just a bit overwhelmed..." I whispered and Chris smiled before kissing me. "Dont worry... Not today or next week... Not even next month... We have time... For now, i am happy with the way it is..." He said and i smiled kissing him again. 

We got out of bed and i went to make us breakfast as Chris sat down with Oscar to watch Sponge Bob. I smiled as they both were giggling at the TV. 

I couldn't help that my mind wondered. I imagined a life i never had imagined before. Having a happy family... Oscar playing ball with Chris in the yard... Marriage... The white picket fence... Was it possible that i could have it all... 

After breakfast we decided to just have a lazy day in watching Disney movies. We all cuddled up on the couch... Chris and Oscar were singing along to most of the Disney songs, and it made me smile. The rest of the day was just heavenly... Outside the weather was terrible... Rain was coming down and the wind was slamming the rain against the windows. Even the dogs ran in and out the house quick when we let them out to pee. 

I just loved these days... With a fire burning... and hot coco in my hand i just wished it could be like this all the time. For dinner i make lasagna and i smile as Chris and Oscar are talking about Disney movies... 

I feel like the day had gone by in a daze as all i could do was just smile at my little boy... Totally happy and at ease... It is such a difference with our live before we moved to Boston... I imagined my best friend watching over us from heaven smiling, cheering me on telling me to be happy and life the best life... She adored Oscar and although i wished she could be here... I know she was happy for me and Oscar and that the best way i could honor her memory was to be happy like she had said...

When Chris and i go to bed in the evening i cuddle into Chris and fall asleep with a smile on my face...

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