Chapter 68

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Chris pov...

"Where is she..." I asked when i shook their hands... "The doctors are working on her... They will send someone in with an update soon... We can wait in the family waiting room..." The detective said. I sighed as they walked me to the waiting room... I paced up and down... Too anxious to sit down... It looked like it took forever... In the meantime, the detectives tell me what happened.

Like i had predicted Tara kept her mouth shut and had hired a lawyer... So, they had stopped wasting time on her... They had turned her house upside down... They found evidence that Lana had been there...  They had checked her car GPS and highway cameras, they found she had been to a secluded area... It was nowhere close to where she had dumped the car... The had called in the dogs and apparently ma had given them some clothing from Lana when they were at our house and i had walked out of the conversation... 

The had given the dogs her sent and after they led them straight to Lana... They were not expecting her to be alive but when they reached her to their surprise, she was...  She was severely injured... Beaten... bruised and barely breathing... Other than that, the Detectives didn't know how she was or how long she had been there... Tara had been to that spot numerous times so there is no way in knowing when she had put Lana there... The paramedics quickly loaded her into the ambulance and took her away to get her to a hospital as soon as possible... 

All of a sudden, the door of the waiting room opened, and a doctor walked in... "Mr. Evans..." He said looking at me and i stepped forward. "How is she...?"  I asked... 

"She is lucky to be alive... She was dehydrated and hypothermic... She lost a lot of blood, but we were able to give her a transfusion... She has a lot of stiches and is going to be sore for a while... Physically she should be okay... Mentally i dont know... Because there is one other thing... I regret to inform you that we couldn't safe the baby..." The doctor said... "Baby?" I asked shocked and the doctor looked back at me... "She was pregnant... a proximally 4 weeks... I know it was not long and i am guessing you didn't know?" The doctor said and i shook my head.

"Can i see her?" I asked and the doctor nodded. "Yes, you can and seeing as you are her emergency contact..." The doctor said and i followed him to her room... We walked in and i looked at Lana... She looked horrible... She looks so tiny in that big bed... Hooked up at machines... Barely recognizable so beat up was she... stitches on her forehead...  "We are keeping her sedated for now... Everything is up to her... But i think she is a fighter..." The doctor said and i nodded sitting next to her and taking her hand... "If you need anything or something changes the nurses are right across the room or you can press one of the buttons..." The doctor said and left... 

"Hey baby..." I said kissing the back of her hand as a tear ran down my cheek... "I am so happy to see you..." I said and started sobbing harder... "We were really scared... Oscar has been asking for his mommy... He misses you and feels so lost without you... Me to... Please baby you have to fight... We are nothing without you..." I whisper kissing her hand over and over again... A nurse walks in to check on her... "Excuse me can i make a call in here?" I ask her and she smiles at me. "Yes, you can..." She says smiling at me... Before she leaves, she asks if i need anything but i shake my head. 

I am just about to call ma when there is a knock on the door and the female detective appears... "Mr. Evans... We are going to go... We got statements about her injuries from the doctors and nurses... They gave us her clothes and they get taken to the lab to build the case against her attacker... Can you give us a call when she wakes up or when she is strong enough to make a statement..." She asks and i nod.  "Detective...?" I say when she is about to walk out of the room, and she turns around. "Thank you... For everything..." She smiles and nods before walking out of the room...

I call ma and tell her everything but for now i keep the pregnancy and loss of it to myself... I ask her if i should tell Oscar and if it is wise to let him see Lana like this, but ma has a point when she says it is better for him to see her than to wonder... 

So, i ask her to bring him along... "Did you know she made me her emergency contact..." I ask her. "Yeah, she told me a few weeks ago... She had done it after the whole school debacle... She made you the healthcare agent in case she ever was in the hospital and her family would show up... She also did this for Oscar... She didn't tell you?" Ma asks and i sigh. "No i thinks she wanted to tell me in person besides i dont think she thought i had to use it so soon..." I mumble.

"Can you tell the rest..." I ask ma and she promise she will... She says she will be over with Oscar after breakfast but for now he is still asleep, and she doesn't want to wake him... Like me Oscar has had problem sleeping so ma was right... He needed his sleep... 

After i hung up the phone i sit back down and take her hand in mine again kissing it. She was pregnant... She was pregnant and lost the baby... I dont think Lana knew she was pregnant... Would she be happy about it? We had talked about kids... But she had said not yet but still i like to think that she would be happy about it... She was on birth control, so it was a total surprise when the doctor said she was pregnant... But how was i going to tell her that she was pregnant and had lost the baby... I could feel tears coming... We could have had a baby in 9 months... My heart broke... Our baby gone... 

But Lana was alive and according to the doctors she should be okay... Physically that is... About two hours later there was a soft knock on the door and ma walked in with a shy and scared Oscar... He looked at his mom and walked over to me and crawled in my lap... The others are in the waiting room outside... Ma whispered and i looked at her and gave her a little smile. Ma walked over to Lana and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "He sweet girl... We missed you..." She whispered.

"Is mommy going to be, okay?" Oscar asked. "I dont know buddy we have to wait and see... But the doctors think she will be..." I said hugging him tight.  "Is she sleeping?" Oscar asked and i nodded. "Yes, the doctors gave her something to sleep so she can get better..." I said and ma looked at me smiling a little. I put him on the bed next to Lana and he carefully cuddled into her. 

"What did the doctors say?" Ma asked but i shook my head. I did not want to talk in front of Oscar and i dont know if i was ready to share the fact she was pregnant... It didn't feel right sharing that without telling Lana first about the loss of our baby... 

After an hour ma took Oscar back home. He didn't want to... He wanted to stay with his mother but i told him he could come back tonight... Ma nodded saying that she would happily bring him by again and to keep her in the loop... After ma and Oscar left My brother and sister stopped by one by one and stayed for a few minutes before everyone left and i was alone with Lana again...

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