Chapter 34

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Lana pov...

It is Sunday... I am making breakfast while Chris is still asleep, and Oscar is playing with the dogs... All of a sudden, the doorbell rang, and the dogs started barking. Chris hadn't said anyone would be coming over... His family normally just walks in... Before i could even check i heard Oscar squealing and i rushed over to the door to see Oscar had already opened it and was jumping up and down seeing Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan standing there... I rushed over and pulled him back. "What did we agree on... We dont open doors for strangers..." I scolded him and Oscar looked at me confused... 

"But... They are Chris his friends... They are in the movie and on the pictures were Chris works..." Oscar said looking at me utterly confused. I sighed... "We talk about it later sweetheart... okay..." I said and stood up holding Oscar in my arms. 

"I am so sorry i didn't mean to insult you..." I started to stutter but they both looked at me smiled but also a bit confused... "Ehm no problem... we just wanted to surprise Chris..." Sebastian said and i smiled. "Who knew we would be the one surprised..." Anthony said smirking at me... 

"Sorry where are my manners... I am Lana, and this is Oscar..."  I said smiling and Oscar waved... They introduced themselves waving back at Oscar but i could see they were still a bit confused at me being here in Chris his house... 

"Chris is still asleep... but i guess it is okay to come in... Would you like to join us for breakfast..." I said feeling guilty for the way i acted... I stepped aside and they walked in... I walked to the kitchen, and they followed me... "Wooow... Chris has food in the house?" Anthony chuckling... 

I chuckled back but had to admit I was feeling a bit nervous... I knew that they were Chris his friends, but my anxiety was popping up and i felt uncomfortable with two man who i didn't really know... "Sweetheart... Can you go wake Chris up for me..." I said putting Oscar down and Oscar ran off to the bedroom... "Cute kid..." Sebastian said smiling at me and i blushed. "Thank you..." I said and continued with breakfast and put some more plates at the table... 

Chris pov...

"Chris!! Chris!! Wake up..." Oscar squealed jumping up and down on the bed and i groaned. I grabbed him and pulled him down and started tickling him making him squirm trying to get out of my grip... "Chris stoooop..." He squealed.... and i laughed... I stopped but Oscar was still giggling... "Mommy said to wake you up... Your friends from the movies are here..." Oscar said all excited... "My friends from the movies?" I asked him confused sitting up... "Yeah from the pictures on your wall..." Oscar said smiling and smiled back at him. I got out of bed and put on a shirt. 

"Hurry Chris..." Oscar said and took my hand pulling me towards the kitchen... 

Lana pov...

"Either one of you have allergies?" I ask not knowing what else to say. They both shake their heads smiling... In the distance we hear Oscar squeal and giggle. "So... You are the new mystery girlfriend..." Sebastian said smiling at me... I look at him surprised and he chuckled. "Chris had been telling us about this amazing woman he met..." Seb said smiling at me... "With this cute kid..." Anthony added smirking. "He talked about us?" I whisper and they both smirk. "He hasn't stopped talking about you and Oscar ever since he met you..." Anthony said. 

"Look who the cat dragged in..." We all of a sudden heard and Chris came walking in dragged by Oscar who was all excited. "Mommy invited them for breakfast..." Oscar said jumping up and down. I blushed while the rest laughed at his enthusiasm... I looked at Chris who winked at me before he hugged both men... 

He walked over to me and kissed my cheek... "It's okay baby... they are good..." He whispered in my ear. I blushed and he smiled cupping my face kissing me again... This earned us some gagging noises from Sebastian and Anthony making Oscar giggle. "Mommy and Chris kiss all the time... They are boyfriend and girlfriend, and we are going to live here with Chris..." Oscar said rattling as he jumped between Anthony and Sebastian... Chris had the biggest grin on his face while i just blushed. 

"Wauw that is amazing..." Sebastian said to Oscar... "Yes, we are going to paint my room and mommy is going to paint Octopus all over the wall..." Oscar said all excited... "That sounds amazing buddy..." Anthony said and they both smiled at Oscar... "Okaaay that is enough revelations for one day... Oscar come help me take the food to the table so we can have breakfast..." I said and Oscar walked over to me as i hand him some things to put on the table... While Sebastian and Anthony chuckled. Chris just looked so proud and started to help with putting everything on the table... 

We sit down to eat and i feel a bit more at ease as i get to know Anthony and Sebastian... They are funny and Oscar is giggling with Anthony as he pulls weird faces at him, and Anthony is pulling weird faces back at him... I just looked around the table smiling a little... Oscar was having the time of his live and Sebastian and Anthony were so patient and sweet to him... 

After breakfast the guys were adamant to clean up while i got showered and changed... They had promised to go do something fun with Oscar and we decided to go to this indoor miniature golf place... Oscar was all excited. I suggested to take Carly's kids with us so after talking about it with Carly we would go and pick them up on our way there...

It was an amazing afternoon... The kids were loving it and i had to admit the guys were doing great with them... I just smiled as Oscar was having so much fun smiling and laughing... Sometimes i find it hard to believe we are where we are... 

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