Chapter 41

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Lana pov...

I look at the woman shaking my hand who had introduced herself as Chris his best friend... Something is off about her... She makes the hair on my body stand up... and not in a good way... Her smile is fake... Her eyes are... for lack of a better word... Evil... But i just shake her hand and smile back at her... If she is really Chris, his best friend being friendly with her is important... But he never really talked about her... And something is just off because Chris looks uncomfortable... 

Plus, I didn't like the way how she said... your SON... The kids came running in and as Oscar walked over to us i pulled him in front of me. "This is my son... Oscar..." I said and i looked down at him... "Oscar this is Tara... Chris his... Friend..." I said and she stared daggers at me. "Nice to meet you..." Oscar mumbled and i know that him not reacting to her like he did to Chris his family was because of me feeling tense... But everything about Oscar said that even he was not comfortable with her... "Hello... little one..." She said smirking at him like a Disney villain...

Thankfully Carly called her over and she walked away... Her husband introduced himself smiling and with him i felt more at ease with him than with her... I just couldn't put my finger on it... She was not the type of person i would ever guess Chris to be friends with... But what did i know...

After talking with Tara's husband Rick for a bit he introduced his two kids and soon all the kids ran off to play... Thank God her kids seemed nice and i just hoped they would all get along... 

"Chris can i talk to you for a second..." Tara asked after Chris and i sat down again... Chris had pulled my chair even closer and had his arm wrapped around my shoulders... His other hand was holding mine playing with my fingers... He felt tense ever since she got in and i started to wonder why... Somehow i had a feeling that it was because of me...

Before Chris could even answer his mother interrupted asking Tara is she could help setting the table... Tara looked annoyed but walked over to help her... Chris stood up and took my hand pulling me up and leading me upstairs... He opened a bedroom door and led me in... I smiled looking around and i chuckled as i came to realize that it must have been his room... 

"Wauw... Am i standing in Chris Evans his childhood bedroom... THE Chris Evans... also known as America's ass or Captain little ass to friends..." I said joking trying to break the tension... Chris chuckled and pulled me in his arms kissing me passionately...

"So do you want to tell me why you are all tense since your BEST friend walked in...?" I said when we broke the kiss... Chris stayed quiet... "Chris...? Talk to me..." I whispered and he sighed looking... sad? hurt? He still said nothing so i took his hand pulled him to the bed sat him down and stepped between his legs and cupped his face making him look up at me. 

"You can tell me... I can handle it..." I whispered and planted a soft kiss on his lips... He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer resting his head on my stomach... "She thinks you are making a mistake having a relationship with me... and having Oscar and i move in with you... Does she..." I whisper... 

Chris sighs... "Yes... She has been bombarding me with texts... and i found out that she has been sabotaging my relationships in the past to a point that it was successful... She told Carly that something happened between me and her in the past..." He murmurs and i take in a deep breath... "But that never happened i swear... Her and i never been anything but friends... Nothing happened i never thought about her other than as friends..." Chris says now looking up at me with panic in his eyes...

"Shhh... Relax baby... I believe you..." I whisper and i can see Chris relax. "You believe me??" He asks if it is the most unbelievable thing ever... "Yes... I believe you..." I say and i kiss him again... 

"But why didn't you tell me this sooner... You are so tense... I hate to see you like this... I could have told you that i believe you... You wouldn't have had to deal with it alone..." I say and he lets out another sigh... "I am just so scared of losing you... I can't lose you... I will be lost without you and Oscar... It hurts... I thought she was my friend... but all these years... She has been sabotaging... and..." Chris rambles but i stop him by kissing him. "Just think of it like this... All that eventually brought you to me..." I whisper and this makes him smile. 

There is a knock on the door... "Dinner is being served better put your pants on Chris..." I hear Scott yell through the door and i laugh hard... I walk to the door and open it and smirk at Scott... "Nobody's pants are off Scott..."  I say rolling my eyes and walking back to Chris. 

Scott watches us and sighs... "You told her?" He asks and Chris nods as he looks at Scott with tears in his eyes... "Chris... Dont let her see she got to you... The best way to handle this is to let her see you are happy... That you both are happy..." Scott says looking at Chris and then at me... I nod and look at Chris. "He is right..." I say and Chris wipes away his tears standing up and i hug him again... "We won't let her Chris..." Scott says and i smile at him... 

"Ma has her seated at the opposite side of the table... All of us are sitting in between you two...." Scott says and Chris nods... Scott walks back downstairs and after i wait for Chris to splash some water in his face we walk back down hand in hand... I look at Chris and smile squeezing his hand a little... "We got this... I love you..." I whisper. Chris looks at me and smiles. "Love you to..." He whispers back before we walk into the dining room...

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