Chapter 154

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Chris pov...

"Hello, my beautiful little girl... Are you ready for your first bath..." I whisper looking at my beautiful princess laying in her crib. "Yes, we are going to play in the water today..." I coo at her and i smile as she moves her little hands and legs... I pick her up and hug her... "Are you ready to give her, her first bath?" I hear a voice behind me say and i smile turning around to see Lana standing there. 

I smile and nod... I was excited... "Are you sure you want me to do it?" I ask and Lana nods... "Of course... I set everything up you are good to go..." She said smiling and i smile back... I undress Maeve and bundle her up, so she stays warm... I walk with Lana to where she set up the bath and i look at Lana who chuckles... 

We have been waiting to do this until the umbilical cord was gone and i was so excited to do this but also a little scared. "Dont worry Chris you will do great..." Lana says kissing my cheek and i blush again... "What is she slips out of my hands..." I whisper and Lana smiles. "Relax babe... You are not going to hurt her... You will do great... You are a great father you got this..." Lana whispers and i take a deep breath... I check the water and Lana smiles as i lower her down and Maeve starts to coo... 

"She likes it..." I whisper looking at Maeve with the biggest smile on my face... I carefully throw some water over her and wash her... "She really likes it..." I murmur looking at Maeve mesmerized as she makes little sounds and moves her little arms and legs... After a few minutes i take her out and Lana hands me the towels and wrap to put her in... "Make sure you keep her warm..." Lana says and i smile. 

Maeve is such an easy baby... At least that is what Lana keeps saying... She is always so happy and doesn't cry much and when she cry's she is easy to calm down... But Lana says to not get used to it as it still can change... I get Maeve dressed and hand her to Lana so she can feed her...

She is breastfeeding and i get up with her every night even if she tells me i dont have to but i think it is the least i can do... I get up to get Maeve so Lana can feed her in bed. I want to be involved in everything i can... I dont want Lana to think for one moment she is in it alone... I want to be a hands-on dad... But she is going to be alone for a few hours this afternoon because i promised Oscar we were going to the aquarium...  "Are you sure you are going to be okay alone this afternoon..." I ask and Lana nods and smiles... "I am going to be fine Chris... You and Oscar are going to have fun at the aquarium..." She says smiling. 

I was looking forward to going with him but i also was a little anxious to leave Lana and Maeve alone... I know it was ridiculous because she has raised Oscar alone for a while and did a great job but still... I didn't want her to feel alone... "Chris... You are not abandoning us... You are going to spend some time with our son..." She says smiling as if she could read my mind... I crouch down and smile watching Maeve happily eating... "I know you will be fine... I am just going to miss you two... But i am also happy to spend some time with Oscar... I just feel so conflicted..." I whisper and Lana cups my face making me look up at her... "You are a great father Chris... We are all so lucky to have you..." She says and i blush. 

"Do you want me to bring the dogs to Scott?" I ask but she shakes her head... "No Chris i can handle them and Maeve..." She says smirking. A week after Maeve was born the dogs came home and they absolutely were in love with Maeve but as she didn't do much yet there focus quickly went back to Oscar... 

But i was still worried about Bob... A few months ago, we went with him to the vet... His conclusion... Bob was old and nothing else... He seemed to be in good health for a dog his age but still... He sleeps a lot we dont go on long walks with him anymore and getting on and off the bed at night with Oscar had to be assisted... Lana was the one who had the most trouble with him getting older... Bob was her rock when she came here and the first thing she did when she arrived at Boston was adopt him... She was so happy he still got to meet Maeve but the thought she wouldn't grow up with him was making her sad...

"Okay but promise you will call when you need anything..." I whisper and Lana smiles and nods. "I promise..." She whispers and she moves Maeve as she is done feeding... I take Maeve and burp her as is our routine... Lana gets to bond feeding and i get to bond burping and changing her... I love that we do everything together... I love that she lets me experience the firsts... Little Maeve has me already wrapped around her little fingers and she is not even a month old... 

What i love the most is the fact that due to her giving birth at home and the pediatrician coming to the house is that the news of her birth isn't out there yet... We are still a family of 3 as far as the press is concerned although it starts to buzz now because surely, she must have given birth by now... But because we didn't go to a hospital, they dont know for sure and i was loving that... Leave it to my beautiful and strong wife to stick it to them by changing the plan and giving birth at home...

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