Chapter 164

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Lana pov...

"Is Bob going to be, okay?" Oscar asks me sadness and fear dripping from his voice. I dont want to lie so i take a deep breath... "I dont know sweetheart... We are going to try everything we can, but he is very old, and we have to hear what the vet says..." I say and he kisses Bob's head again... I look at him in the rear-view mirror for a moment before concentrating on the road again... 

We arrive at the vet clinic and i get out and Oscar does to but before i can even get Bob the vet appears telling me he will carry him and i am thankful because Bob is a big dog and heavy... We walk behind him into the clinic, and he immediately walks to an exam room and puts Bob down on the table... "Can you fix him... Please fix him... He is my best friend..." Oscar asks him with tears in his eyes and the vet gets down to his level and gives him a little smile... "I am going to try okay..." He says and Oscar nods...  But when he starts the examination, he looks at me and i know immediately and i feel my heart break... My phone buzzes but i ignore it wanting my focus on Oscar and Bob for what is about to come...

The details are vague as i hold on Oscar who is now crying but from what the vet says is that he is probably bleeding internally somewhere and already too far gone to fix it... Even if we were early... His age probably won't have him survive the surgery... It all comes down to this... It is more humane to let him go... Oscar is in tears throwing himself at Bob kissing and hugging him and with his last bit of strength Bob gives him a kiss... The vet looks at me and i nod fighting my tears... "Ill give you two a moment to say goodbye while i get the things ready..." The vet says and i nod again before the vet leaves the room. 

I get down to Oscar's level and hug him while he keeps stroking Bob's head... "I am sorry sweetheart... But Bob is in pain... It is better to let him go and be with the other dogs in heaven... So, he can run around again and be happy..." I whisper rubbing his little back trying to console him... "It is not fair!" Oscar says crying and i sigh... "I know sweetheart... I know..." I whisper and i look at Bob and i can see he is tired and ready... 

"Bob loves you so much and you made him so happy... He loves you so much for always playing and cuddling with him... But he is tired and if we dont let him go he will suffer, and we love him too much to do that... right...?" I whisper and Oscar nods while still kissing and hugging Bob...

The vet walks in with a tray of shots and i sigh standing up. "Will it hurt?" Oscar asks the vet, and he shakes his head... "No, he won't feel a thing..." He says and Oscar nods. "He will get 2 shots and fall asleep..." The vet says and Oscar whispers in Bob's ear to have sweet dreams making me slap my hand in front of my mouth to control my sobbing... 

I give the vet a nod and i get back to Oscar's level hugging him as we stroke Bob's head while the vet gives him the shots and it doesn't take long for Bob to drift off to never wake up again... The vet checks for a heartbeat and when he doesn't detect one anymore and gives me a nod to signal Bob is gone, he leaves the room and Oscar starts to cry uncontrollably. I hold him crying to... 

I ask if Oscar wants to bury him in the backyard so we can have a little memorial place and he nods so after sitting with him for a while still saying goodbye and Oscar being inconsolable i ask the vet if he can carry Bob back to the car so we can take him home and give him a burial... 

He puts Bob in the back of the car and i put Oscar in the backseat... He is still sobbing a little bit, but all the emotions have worn him out and he has trouble keeping his eyes open... I walk back inside thank the vet for being so gentle and explaining it as best as could to Oscar... I pay the bill and walk back to the car taking a deep breath... Oscar is sitting on the backseat and is asleep and i sigh... I drive home keeping it still together as i need to focus on the road... My mind is spinning on were to bury Bob and i wonder if we even got a spade for me to dig a hole...

I have to step up and have to help him deal with this... Help him deal with this... Make sure he has closure in a way that helps him deal with this... I make the decision to have a little funeral... 

We arrive back at the house and i park the car and take a deep breath laying my head on the steering wheel taking a quick second to get myself together before i get out and lift Oscar out of the car... He is asleep in my arms exhausted from crying and i walk inside to find Lisa on the couch and she knows in an instant... "Oh sweethearts... I am so sorry..." She whispers and i sigh... "I am going to put Oscar in bed..." I say and she nods... "I'll be here..."  She whispers and i nod and walk Oscar to my own bed not wanting him to wake up alone and i sigh tucking him in on Chris his side kissing his forehead and walk out leaving the door open a little bit...

"Did everything go okay with Maeve...?" I ask Lisa and she smiles nodding... "Slept like a baby... Are you okay...?" She asks and that is the moment i break and start to cry uncontrollably and she rushes over hugging me and i sob in her arms... She says nothing just lets me cry as she rubs my back letting me get it all out... 

After i finally composed myself she offers to stay over to help with Maeve and Oscar and i accept thankful for her being here... "Were you able to get a hold of Chris?" I ask and she nods... "He tried to call you, but you weren't picking up..." She says and i sigh... "I was focusing my attention on Oscar..." I whisper and she smiles... "As you should sweetheart... But i told him you would call him back when you could..." She says and i nod... 

After Lisa went to bed taking the baby monitor with her. I walk to the car and carry Bob out and put him in the garage draping a blanket over him. I got back in the house... It is already getting light out and i know Carly is awake so i call her letting her know what happened and that i am keeping Oscar home... That we are going to have a little funeral today... I hear Ryan her husband in the background saying he will come over so i dont have to dig myself... I feel myself getting emotional and thank him... After hanging up i take a deep breath and call Chris...

It is not a long conversation... I cry telling him what happened, and he says he will be on the first plane out but i tell him not to... I tell him to finish filming and come home so he will be here for a while that there is nothing, he can really do... He comforts me as best as he can over the phone and tells me to let Oscar call him whenever he wants to and that he will see if they can speed things up at his end so he can be home sooner... He apologizes for not being here over and over guilt dripping from his voice but i tell him it is okay that we could not have known this was going to happen...

I tell him of my plan to bury him in the backyard and Chris suggests the perfect spot and that he and Oscar can make him a little memorial cross or something together when he gets home... 

After we hung up i walk to the bedroom and smile as Dodger is cuddled up to Oscar who has his little arms wrapped tightly around him, but Dodger doesn't seem to mind as if he somehow knows what is going on... I sigh and lay down on the bed patting his head and planting a kiss on Oscar's forehead again before closing my eyes to rest for a little bit because my mind is full preventing me from falling asleep...

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