Chapter 116

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Lana pov...

We are in the cabin for a week now... We are snowed in and i am ecstatic...The thought of not having to go anywhere and just be with Chris... Our little perfect bubble... But the snow had stopped and the sun had come out...

Chris is still sleeping... I starting to think i am wearing him out... I am sitting in my favorite place in the cabin the windowsill looking out over the snowy forest... I am looking through the photos Chris and i had taken over the week and we look so happy... My favorite picture is of us lying in bed and him kissing my cheek... Happiness is oozing off the picture and i definitely wanted to savor it... 

The world looks so peaceful covered under a blanket of snow and i wanted to go out... So, i got up from the windowsill and walked upstairs... I looked at Chris sleeping on his stomach... He looked so peaceful... But not for long... I crawled over him planting kisses all over his back. Chris groaned and started moving... "Goodmorning..." I whispered in his ear, and he groaned again... I I grinned and squeezed his ass making him chuckle. "What are you up to sweetheart..." Chris murmured and i giggled... "I want you to get up and get dressed..." I murmured in his ear, and he protested... "No... Bed good..." He said but i wasnt having it... I got off the bed and pulled the covers off and started pulling on his arm in an attempt to get him up...

"I want to go outside... It stopped snowing and the sun started shining... Pleeeease..." I said and he lifted his head and i pouted... "You're lucky i love you..." He groaned and i smiled as he pushed himself up... 

"I'll meet you outside..." I said and put on my boots and ran downstairs... I could hear him laugh as i put on my coat and made my way outside. I opened the front door and took a deep breath of crisp air... I could hear Chris rummaging around upstairs and i took a hand full of snow and started to make snowballs. I hid around the corner and 5 minutes later the front door opened and as soon as Chris stepped out i started my attack... I laughed as he had a face full of snow looking shocked before wiping the snow of his face and turning to me... 

"You little..." He started to say but i threw another one and hit him right in the face again. He turned to me and i squealed as he started running my way. I tried to get away, but he caught up quick... He lifted me up and soon i was laying on the ground being peppered with snow and squealing and laughing... He stopped and smiled at me and i wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss... He pushed himself up when we broke the kiss and when he was standing up, he took my hand and pulled me up to... He patted the snow of my back and pulled me in for another kiss... 

Maybe it was childish but i was having so much fun making a snowman with Chris... It was just uncomplicated fun. When we were done i wrapped my arms around Chris his waist and put my head on his chest letting out a sigh. "I am so happy..." I whispered and Chris held me a bit tighter. "Me too sweetheart..." He whispered. After frolicking in the snow for another hour we went back inside... 

I made us hot coco and we cuddled on the couch in front of the fire... I look at Chris who is staring at the fire and i smile... I dont know if it was the honeymoon period but every time i looked at him i could feel my core heat up...  That little tingle going through me and all i wanted was to touch and to have him touch me... I just couldn't keep my hands off of him... I shifted in his lap and he looked at me. I gently took his cup of hot coco putting it on the coffee table before kissing him... I let myself slide down the couch lowering myself on my knees in front of the couch and his eyes turned dark a small grin appearing on his face. "What are you doing Mrs. Evans..." He growled and i smirked back at him... "I want to eat you..." I whined and he chuckled. 

He looked a little hesitant but moved and pushed his pants down his dick sprung free... "I am not stopping you sweetheart..." He groaned and i licked my lips... I wrapped my hand around his shaft slowly stroking him up and down and he threw his head back... "Chris..." I whisper and he snaps his head forward looking at me. "Yes sweetheart..." He murmured and i sighed... 

"Use me... Fuck my mouth make me gag... I want you to use me..." I whispered softly and he cupped my face running his thumb over my cheek... "Are you sure...?" He said his voice hoarse.

"Why?" He asked and i sighed... "I trust you... I love you and you make me feel things... I want to experience things with you... Have this done and be it a fun memory... But above all i can't stop thinking of you fucking my mouth making me gag... It makes me so wet..." I said almost begging him and he smiled. 

He nodded and stood up... "As you wish sweetheart... Now open wide..." He growled with his hand around his shaft and i took in a sharp breath... "When you tap on my leg 3 times i will stop... Do you understand..." I nodded and he grabbed my face making me whine.... My pussy was now throbbing as i was getting excited... "Words..." He growled and i looked up at him with a smirk knowing how i could push him over the edge... 

"Yes sir... I understand..." I whispered and he took in another sharp breath... I sticked out my tongue and he pushed his cock deep in my mouth my nose hitting his pelvis and his groans making my pussy drip... "I was planning on only filling that pussy of yours with my cum until you were pregnant... But how can i refuse my wife as she is begging for my dick in her mouth..." He growled as he pulled out of my mouth before pushing in again...

He was relentless and i was loving it... His dick deep in my mouth snapping his hips forward making me gag saliva running down my chin and tears running down my cheek... But i loved every minute of it... His hand gripping my hair as he fucked my mouth god it was amazing... I love giving him pleasure... He was now fucking my mouth holding my head still and i gagged again so he pulled out... He let me breath for a second before fucking my mouth again this time not stopping until i feel his hot cum shoot down my throat...

I swallowed it all and he pulled me on my legs... "Feeling better sweetheart..." He growled and i nodded smirking sticking out my tongue showing him it was all gone... "Good girl..." He whispered with his lips over mine and i whined... "Having his praise was everything..." We went upstairs and Chris filled the bathtub while he had me parked on the bathroom counter. 

When the tub was full, he picked me up and lowered me into the water before getting in himself and wrapping me in his arms... This is what i loved... As rough as he could be it was always followed by caring for me making sure i was okay. 

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