Chapter 190

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Chris pov...

We are a week in the hospital now... We are lying in bed waiting for a doctor... We are both so nervous because they are going to check if our baby is still there... All the previous medical attention was focused on Lana because having her healthy was more important but now Lana was getting better, she wanted them to check on the baby... We haven't told anyone yet wanting to keep the news to ourselves just in case it was not a happy outcome... 

They had drawn blood earlier and now are just waiting... Lana was restless being in the hospital she wanted to go home... That is all she wanted... Home... She told me that that was the only thing that kept her going and when she told me about her motto in the time, they had her it really hit how close i came to losing her... "Go home or die trying..." She had said explaining that she would rather die than life the live they had planned out for her... She slowly started to open up more and more telling little snip bit here and there and it was horrific... When i asked why she refused to go to the hospital back there she said all she wanted was to go home and to not spend a second longer in the same building as her father and Kyle seeing as there was only one hospital nearby...

She said the only thing getting her through was thinking about me and the kids... She never realized in that moment she could be pregnant thinking throwing up was just because she was disgusted by them but on the plane back home, she had to throw up again and it hit her... When she had space to think about anything else other than how to escape and survive it dawned on her that the throwing up might be from something else... 

She had a little breakdown for not protecting her belly better when they would beat and kick her but i told her she had to protect herself before our baby... That the baby would have 0% of surviving if she hadn't survived... I told her i loved her no matter what... The doctor had warned us that the chance of the baby surviving what she went through was slim, but she hadn't been bleeding and she had been sick a few times... So, we had hope... 

The doctor walks in and smiles dragging a ultrasound machine with him... "So, i am happy to inform you according to the blood test you are still pregnant..." He said and i felt Lana immediately relax... I smiled and kissed the top of her head... She was starting to look a little bit more like herself again the swelling had gone down and now only the bruises remain... "Now let's check out this miracle baby..." He said smiling and i helped Lana to pull up her shirt to reveal the bruised skin on her belly and i sighed... I had gotten used to it by now telling myself it was getting better... 

The first time i helped her shower i had cried like a baby... The doctor had not lied when he told me there was literally no part of her body that was not bruised. My heart broke seeing her in that state and instead of me helping her... She comforted me saying she was going to be okay that it was going to fade... She was just happy to take a relaxing shower to was everything off of her... The dirty water going down the drain absolutely disgusting, and she looked so much happier and relaxed when i helped her back to bed...

"I am sorry if this is going to hurt but i have to push a little..." The doctor said looking at her worried and she just smiled... "I can take it doc..." She said and i held her hand kissing it over and over... He moved the device of her stomach spreading the jell and all of a sudden, a heartbeat filled the room and Lana started to laugh and cry at the same time... "There he or she is..." The doctor said and i smiled with tears in my eyes... "Our baby..." She whispered looking at me and i nodded... "Your about 11 weeks..." The doctor said and we nodded... I tried to think back to when our baby could be conceived but we have had so much sex that i had no clue... It didn't matter anyway she was pregnant who cares when the baby was conceived... 

"If everything goes okay from here on could i give birth at home again?" Lana asked and the doctor looked at her in shock... "You gave birth to your girl at home?" He asked and we both nodded... "Wauw..." He says smiling... "If everything goes well and your health improves, and you have regular checkups i dont see why not... But again, that is all if..." He says and Lana nods and i smile... 

"May i ask why you chose for a home birth?" He asked and we explained, and he nodded... "Yeah it must be weird sometimes to have the world watching your every move..." The doctor said letting out a sigh and Lana chuckled... "I have no complaints... I love my husband and wouldn't trade him for the world..." She says smiling and looks at me and i blush... "And if i say it myself we do make cute babies..." She said smirking and the doctor laughed. "Yes, you kids are adorable..." He agreed and i grinned... I know it made no sense Oscar was biological not mine, but Lana said he looked more like me than his donor... 

We smile as we look a little longer to the ultrasound and he printed out a picture for us... After he had left i crawled back into bed with her and she sighed and cuddled into me... "We are going to have another baby..." She whispered and i felt her smile and i smiled myself... "Yes, it is so exciting... Another little one... Can't wait..." I whisper and she giggles... "You kind of have to..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "I love you sweetheart..." I whisper and she hums... "Love you to..." She mumbles back already half asleep...

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