Chapter 78

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Lana pov...

We are a few weeks later and I am having a checkup in the hospital for my leg... Finally, i can get rid of this damn boot and just walk around like normal... Chris asks the doctor 3 times if he is sure and 3 times i roll my eyes making the doctor laugh. He tells me he was happy to see i was feeling better... And i really do...

Life had pretty much gone back to normal... Chris and i had a few therapy sessions together to talk about our baby and everything that happened...After Seb and Mackie had told me he had broken down i felt guilty and selfish for not thinking about his feelings more... He had lost a baby to... He had been through hell to... and in my own grief i had overlooked that... The sessions really helped and i think we were closer than ever... 

I smile as i am able to walk out of the hospital without a boot and the wheelchair Chris had insisted to put me in on our way in... He takes my hand kissing the back of it and i smile at him. Most of the bruises had gone or were really vague... The stitches had been removed a little while ago and i was feeling a lot better... My body was no longer in a constant ache... 

"Can we go look for a present for Oscar?" I ask smiling as we reach the car. He smiles and opens the door for me and i get in. He leans down and kisses me and after we break the kiss he nods. "That sounds like a plan... Did you have something in mind?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and Chris smirks... "We can always get him a donkey..." He said laughing and i look at him in shock. "No...!" I said rolling my eyes and Chris laughs... "Chris be serious for a minute... Donkeys are a lot of work..." I said letting out a sigh and Chris nodded. "I am just joking sweetheart... I dont want a donkey any more than you do..." He said laughing and i let out a sigh of relief...

"But i did have an idea..." He continued and i looked at him... "You do?" I ask and he nods. "I was thinking of making a playground in the back yard and i know it is not really something he can play with now... But i saw this big Lego set... I think he would really like that..." He says and i smile. "I like that... and i agree he will like it to..." I say and Chris smiles. "I can show you at home on the computer..." He said starting the car and i nodded. 

"What do you think about the theme he has chosen..." I say smirking and he smirks back at me... "Oh i have a surprise for that to..." He says and i giggle... "If it is what i think that it is it will not only be a gift for him..." I say smirking and Chris laughs. 

We arrive home and i greet the dogs because finally i can just greet them without Chris holding them back scared that they will hurt me. "Hey sweeties..." I say getting to my knees and cuddling them both... "Can we go for a walk with the dogs please?" I say giving Chris my best puppy eyes and he chuckles. "Sure..." He says and takes the leashes, and we walk out hand in hand the dogs running around us. I loved the fact they could just run free around us, and the leashes are only just in case... 

I take a deep breath taking in as much fresh air as i can and Chris puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me into him. "I am so happy you are doing better..." He says and i look up at him and smile. "I am to... I am glad we could talk about everything even if it was with a therapist there..." I whisper blushing and he smiles leaning down giving me a kiss... "It is not something to be ashamed of sweetheart... We both have been through something and asking for help communicating bares no shame..." He says and i nod... "I just wished the trial would be sooner, so we really close this chapter and move on..." I whisper and Chris sighs. "I know sweetheart... I wish that to... But these things take time..." He says and i let out a sigh to... 

We arrive back home, and Chris shows me what he had in mind for the backyard and i chuckle. "Are you going to charge money?" I ask and he looks at me confused. "It looks like an amusement park..." I say chuckling and he grins... "Only the best for our son..." He says smirking and i shake my head but with a smile on my face. 

What Chris doesn't know is that i had put things in motion for him to have the option to adopt Oscar if he wants to... When Chris was out for groceries one day i had a little talk with Oscar if that were something he would like in the future and he was over the moon and i had him promise to not tell that it was going to be a surprise... 

The only other people who knew were Carly and Lisa because i wanted to know before i ask Oscar that it would be something Chris would want... They both told me that Chris would be over the moon...  They told me that when i was missing Chris at some point had told them he had asked his lawyers where he stood if i was not being found alive... He had no plan to give up Oscar... That was the moment i was sure and all i had to do now was find the perfect moment to hand him the paperwork... 

Chris proofs that blood doesn't make a family... He loves Oscar as if he was his own... He talked about him as if he is his son... And all i could think how lucky Oscar and i were for having him in our corner and have him love us...

"I love it Chris... It is the perfect gift... Oscar is going to love it all..." I say as i crawl into his lap and kiss him passionately...

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