Chapter 103

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Chris pov...

The doors open and everyone turns as the music starts to play... A few seconds later Lana appears holding Oscar's hand... I take in a sharp breath... Because just like i thought she looks absolutely breathtaking... It is like the whole room around me disappears and all i can do is keep my eyes fixed on Lana... My beautiful bride... Fuck she looks stunning... A proudly smiling Oscar walking her down the aisle... My wife to be and amazing son... 

As they are coming closer and i can see here clearer it happens... The waterworks start and i can hear Scott chuckle behind me and handing me a tissue... "Big softy..." He mumbles and i chuckle. "Can you blame me... Look at her... She is perfection... They both are perfection..." I whisper. 

She gets closer and closer, and Oscar looks up at her and says something and she chuckles... I can see the people around her chuckle to and i wonder what he is saying... I can't keep my eyes off of her... 

Her dress is absolutely gorgeous... It suits her perfectly... The delicate lace hugging her in all the right places... The plunging neckline... the necklace i gave her around her neck dangling between her breasts... She was wearing the earrings my mother had gave her... She looked sexy yet elegant... She is the most beautiful woman i have ever seen...

They reached me and Oscar took Lana's hand and gave it to me... I got down to his level and hugged him. "Thank you, buddy... You did amazing... I love you so much..." I said kissing his cheek and he blushed hugging me back. "I love you to dad..." He whispered and everybody just awed at our little interaction...

Oscar ran off to sit next to ma and the rest of the family and i stood back up looking at Lana with the biggest smile on my face and tears in my eyes... 

"Wauw.... Just wauw... You look absolutely breathtaking..." I whisper and she blushes. "You look so handsome..." She whispered back and i smiled as Carly gave her a tissue and she was about to wipe away her tears. I took the tissue from her, and she smiled as i dapped her tears so her make up would not be ruined... 

"Thank you..." She whispered and i smiled... "Anything for you baby..." I whisper... The officiant appeared and cleared his throat and we both chuckled looking at him. 

Lana and i just looked at each other grinning like lovesick fools as the officiant started to speak...

"Dearly Beloved and Honored Guests... We are gathered together here today to join Christopher Robert Evans and Lana Elizabeth Cooper in marriage. This is a serious commitment requiring a deep understanding of its obligations and responsibilities. Remember that love, loyalty, and empathy are the foundations of a happy and long marriage." The officiant said as Lana and i just kept looking at each other...

"Do you... Christopher Robert Evans...Take Lana Elizabeth Cooper... to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold... in sickness and in health... in good times and bad... for richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?" The officiant asked me and i nodded... "I do..." I said smiling and fighting back tears as emotions were sourcing through my body...

"Do you... Lana Elizabeth Cooper... Take Christopher Robert Evans... To be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold... in sickness and in health... In good times and bad... for richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?" The officiant asked her, and she smiled as a tear ran down her cheek... And yet she had never looked more beautiful... "I do..." She said smiling and i smiled back at her...

"Lana and Chris have will now exchange their vows and rings to show their love and commitment..." The officiant said and i smiled as Scott stepped forward and handed Lana a ring for her to put on my finger... 

I smiled as she played with my fingers looking up at me with those big, beautiful eyes of hers... They were filled with love, admiration... and happiness... 

"Christopher..." She said and took a deep breath... I smiled at her giving her hand a little squeeze... "When Oscar first recognized you and called you Mr. America... I couldn't imagine we would be here today..." She said and the room erupted in chuckles and i could hear Oscar giggle... 

"I had given up on love... I had pulled my walls up... Not wanting to get hurt again... Not wanting to get attached..." She said and chuckled... 

"Well, that didn't last long... You broke down my walls... Made me feel safe and loved... You accepted from day one that Oscar and i were a package deal... You never judged... just listened... I remember the first night you stayed over, and you held me... I was so scared and yet felt so safe... And that feeling has never left... The way you helped Oscar when he had a nightmare... The feeling of your lips on mine the next morning even if it was just for a brief moment..." She said and we were now both fighting our tears... The room was dead quiet... 

"Looking back i knew i loved you right then and there... I love you so much... I love your sweet and caring nature... I love it when you kiss me hold me how you replaced all my bad and painful memories with good once... I love your playful side even if you boys scare me half to death every time..." She said looking at Scott and Oscar and then back at me and everyone chuckled again... 

"Chris... I love you so... so much... and i can't wait to grow old with you and see what the future is going to bring us... But i know as long as we are together, we can handle anything..." Lana said as she pushed the ring around my finger... I looked at her and smiled fighting the urge to kiss her... Because that was all i wanted right now... Kiss her... 

"Chris... It is your turn..." The officiant said and Scott handed me Lana's ring...I take her hand in mine and take a deep breath...

"Lana... Sweetheart... When i think of you my heart beats a little faster... I never knew love could be so intense... I never knew i could love so much... You and Oscar are the best thing that ever happened to me... " I say and the smile on her face gets bigger and she gets even more beautiful...

"God you are so beautiful..." I whisper as i run me free hand over her cheek and she blushes... "Every day i wake up next to you i feel whole and can't believe my luck that i can call you mine... You make me so happy... You and Oscar... You make all my dreams come true... You make me a better man..." I say and she blushes... I chuckle... "Yes, baby you did..." I say and caress her cheek again... "So, in front of all these people i am going to make you some Promisse's..." I say and take another deep breath...

"I promise to always love you... I promise to always keep calm and listen to you... I promise to always care about what you care about... I promise to never... ever... hurt... you and to protect you to the best of my abilities... But above all... I promise to not take you for granted... and to treat you with love and respect... When i put this ring around you finger, we are officially a family..." I say and smiles as tear runs down her cheek again... "I love you baby..." I whisper and push the ring around her finger in front of her engagement ring... 

We look at each other both with a big smile on our face waiting for the officiant to seal the deal... 

"By the authority vested in me by the State of Massachusetts I now pronounce you husband and wife...." He says and we look at him as he pauses... He has a smirk on his face and i am getting impatient... 

"You may kiss the bri..." He says but before he has even finished that sentence i crash my lips on Lana's dipping her low and making her smile into the kiss. The crowed erupts and stands up and cheers and applauds... I pull Lana back up and we break the kiss looking into the room and turn to them and i can't help it but smile.... Oscar runs over to us, and we get to his level, and both hug him tight... "We love you sweetheart..." Lana whispers and i nod... "I love you to..." Oscar says. "We will be right back okay... Go to grandma..." Lana says kissing his cheek again...

He runs back to ma and i take Lana's hand and we walk back down the aisle while everyone cheers... I smile as i pull her down the hallway and to the suite where she had gotten ready...

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