Chapter 189

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Chris pov...

"I am nervous..." She whispers as Oscar and Maeve are on their way for a quick visit... "Why are your nervous sweetheart?" I ask her... "What if i scare Oscar like this..." She says in a small sad voice...

She is in the hospital for 2 days now and today Oscar and Maeve were coming for a visit... She needed it... She needs to see her babies... But the doctors have been holding it off to give her some time to rest and heal a little more... She was doing so much better but still in pain and tired she was so tired but that was no surprise after all she had been through...

A lot has happened in those two days... All sort of doctors and tests... Her psychiatrist has been by, but she didn't want to talk yet said she didn't need it for now being back home was enough... Everything was fine because she was home again that was all she kept saying over and over again even in her sleep she kept mumbling home... She talked with the Agents while i waited outside... I tried to stay but she said it would be easier to talk without me here... She promised me someday she would tell everything to me but not when we were both in this state... She didn't want to compromise our health for a conversation that could wait and for now i am fine with that... I know she was trying to protect me... When she found out i signed myself out she insisted that i was checked over to make sure it was okay for me to be moving around... The doctor checked me over and as long as i took it easy it was okay...

When the agents walked out of the room the one i dealt with the most came over to me and put both hands on my shoulders and had smiled at me... He told me she was a rockstar... That he was amazed by how clear headed and determined she had been... I asked him the question i have been afraid to ask her... "Did he? Did he..." I asked unable to get the word out, but he understood and shook his head... "No... She was not... She fought every step of the way for that to not happen." He said and a wave of relief washed over me... 

The first day in the hospital was chaotic... After all the doctors and the conversation with the agents she had been exhausted... I had crawled into bed with her again holding her while she slept... Scott had been by to drop of some things for her but told me not to wake her... The next day she had talked on the phone with Oscar and to say it was emotional was an understatement... 

News of her being found and brought home had broken almost immediately and someone had taken pictures at the airstrip, and it was all over the news... Everything that happened had come to light and we had to put out a statement and asked for time to heal as a family... We didn't pay attention to it, and it was not hard... Both our phones were in evidence so all we had to do was not turn on the TV which wasn't hard as Lana slept a lot and had no desire to watch TV... 

"It is going to be okay sweetheart... He just wants to see his mom to see she will be okay..." I said smiling kissing the top of her head... "I want to see him to... But i dont want to scare him... I mean look at me..." She said a tear running down her cheek... "Maybe we should wait..." She said but i shook my head... Not only Oscar needed this so did she... She needed to hold her babies... But if she was not ready i didn't want to force it on her... "If you really dont want to..." I said but she shook her head... "No i want to... I am just scared..." She whispered and i kissed her... She closed her eyes and hummed her body relaxing... "Still scared?" I whisper when i pulled back a bit and she smiled a little... "No... But you are not playing fair..." She whispered and i grinned...

There was a knock on the door and i walked to open it... "Are you ready?" I said smiling and she gave me a little nod and i opened the door... Ma and Scott walked in Scott was holding Maeve and this was the first time i saw her to so i had to fight my tears to not break down... Oscar was hiding behind ma and crouch down to his level... "We have to be gentle okay... Mommy is still hurt..." I say ignoring my own pain as i lifted him up and walked over to Lana who had her hand in front of her mouth and tears in her eyes... 

I put Oscar on the bed, and they immediately hugged Oscar not caring how she looked not scared at all just happy to hug his mom. Both started to cry... I could see she was in pain, but she looked up at me smiling mouthing thank you...  I walked over to Scott and took Maeve out of his arms... My little girl grown so much since i last saw her and now i was the one crying. I walked over to Lana who was still clinging on to Oscar as he was crying in her arms telling him how much she loved and had missed him... I sat down beside her on the bed and over Oscar's shoulder she looked at Maeve... I saw she wanted to hold her, but Oscar was not letting go... 

"She has grown so much..." She whispers and i nod... Maeve squeals waving her little arms around and we both chuckle... Oscar pulls back from Lana gently laying down beside her like he had done with me and i hand her Maeve and she cries some more... I lift Oscar up laying down with him in my lap and we both watch Lana and Maeve and i can't help but feel extremely happy... We have a long road ahead, but we are together and that is all that matters...

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