Chapter 159

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Chris pov...

"And it can't be filmed in Boston?" I sigh talking to my agent... I got offered this amazing roll but i have to leave for Atlanta for 4 weeks... "When do they need to know?" I ask and i sigh when i am being told i have 24 hours... I am hesitant and have to discuss it with Lana... I hang up the phone and groan... Why can't everything be filmed here in Boston so i can be home at night... If i accept this i am gone for 4 weeks... 

I listen to the laughter coming from the kitchen it makes me smile... Tomorrow Seb and Mackie are leaving... The have been here for 2 weeks and it had been fun... I loved that Lana got along with them so great... I loved that Oscar loved having them around and yesterday we had a massive dinner with the family and Seb and Mackie... Lana had gone all out... She loved entertaining and it was amazing to see her totally in the zone running around the kitchen making food for a large group of people... The house had been filled with love and laughter and i had to pinch myself a few times to make sure i was not dreaming and this was really my life...

Maeve was doing amazing... The only thing that i didn't expect was how fast she was growing... Everyday something was different and there was some sort of first... That was what made me hesitate... I knew Lana was going to be okay she was an amazing mother... But the thing that was making me wonder if i should accept the role was the fact i would be missing so much from Maeve... The fact i would miss Oscar like crazy and Lana... Fuck i would miss her... I gotten so used to have her sleep next to me... I gotten so used to having her around and if i could i would take them with me... But Oscar had school... Maeve was on a schedule and i knew it would be selfish to disrupt that...

I sigh and walk to the kitchen and smile as Seb and Mackie are laughing hard tears running over their face and Lana is just smirking as she is busy making lunch... "What is going on...?" I ask curious... Lana shakes her head with a mischievous grin on her face and i am now even more confused... "I just told them how i got your home so fast the other day..." She says smirking and i look at her shocked... 

"Who knew that the shields would still be useful..." Mackie said and i grinned... I walked over to her and kissed her cheek... "Naughty girl..." I whispered in her ear, and she looked at me smiling... "Hey... I didn't show them the picture..." She said shrugging her shoulder... "And you never going to... My eyes only..." I growled and she smiled... "Yes captain..." She said in a sweet voice and i blushed and this made Mackie and Seb double over laughing again...

"So, i my agent called..." I said changing the subject and Lana looked at me and smiled... "Okay..." She said still smiling and i sighed... "I got offered this amazing role... It is mine if i want it..." I said and she beamed at me... "Okay... So, what is the problem?" She asked and i sighed again pausing for a second... "I have to go to Atlanta for 4 weeks..." I mumble and Lana sighs stopping what she is doing and steps in front of me wrapping her arms around my waist and i look down at her... 

"Do you want the role...?" She asks and i nod... "Yes... But..." I said but she cut me off... "No... No buts... Do you want the role...?" She says and i nod... "It is really a great opportunity... The role and the cast are amazing..." I say and she smiles... "Then take it..." She says catching me by surprise... "We will be fine Chris... You have to get back to work..." She said and i sighed and she chuckled... 

"You can call every night... I will send you hundreds of photos and videos and i will put the phone by Maeve so you can still read to her at night..." She said smiling... "What project..." Mackie asked and i explained... "Yeah you can't say no to that..." Seb said nodding... "See... You can't say no... So go call your agent..." Lana said smiling slapping my ass and i grinned... "I am starting to think you want me out of the house..." I said smirking and gave her a quick kiss... "Busted..." She said smirking and i laughed... "Okay... I am going to call back..." I say kiss her again and walk back to my office... 

I call my agent and accept, and my agent will arrange that the script will be sent to my house... I have to leave in 8 days and i sigh... I walk to the nursery and watch Maeve sleep for a while thinking about how much i will miss her and how much i will miss... Is it worth it... My agent said this was an Oscar worthy roll... But i already had an Oscar and a Maeve and those counted more than any price... But the fact that Lana was so sure about it made it a little easier... She had said before that i needed to get back out there... But i had turned down a few things not feeling ready... But this... This was not something you would turn down easily... 

I plant a soft kiss on Maeve's little head and made my way back to the kitchen... "And?" Lana said and i nodded smiling... She squealed and jumped in my arms and i laughed... "You are going to be amazing..." She said smiling and i blushed... "Congratulations man..." Mackie and Seb both say and i nod smiling... "I leave in 8 days..." I say and i look at Lana, but her smile doesn't waver... 

Lana served us lunch and we talked about the role and what all had to be done before i left for Atlanta... Lana made a list and i smiled... Maybe this was her way to deal with me leaving... 

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