Chapter 107

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Lana pov...

I woke up wrapped around Chris... The sun was not even up yet and when i checked the time it was on 6 in the morning... I smiled thinking about how he took care of me taking off my make-up and letting my hair down... Helping me out of my dress all so gentle and with such care... I had been so tired that i had trouble keeping my eyes open... Even in his sleep he was holding me tight... and i smiled feeling so happy... We were now officially husband and wife... A family officially... The Evans's... Chris, Lana and Oscar... and who knows a little baby in the future... That would be so amazing... I just knew Chris would be so amazing with a baby... Sometimes i wished Oscar had him as a dad sooner... But i knew i was lucky to have met him and to have him love us... I was lucky to have met someone who was willing to step up for Oscar... Who loved Oscar just as much as i did... And i was never going to take that for granted... 

I planted a soft kiss on his chest and watched him sleep for a while... He looked so peaceful... I carefully slipped out of bed to go pee... When i was done i walked back into the bedroom... Chris had moved and was now laying like a starfish in the middle of the bed making me chuckle... His feet were sticking out of the covers and i couldn't help myself... and tickled him under his foot and he moved a little... He moved his foot back under the cover mumbling something and started to wake up a little bit so i crawled over him planting a kiss on his nose... then one on his left cheek followed by one on the right... I started planting kisses all over his face and he started to wake up grinning from ear to ear... 

"Goodmorning my dear husband..." I whispered and he sighed with a smile on his face, but his eyes were still closed... "Good morning my beautiful wife..." He said in his low groggy morning voice that send shivers through my spine and made my core heat up... I smiled as he slowly opened his eyes... "Hi..." I whispered and he smiled. "Hi..." He said back and we both smiled. 

I kissed him again and hummed as i slowly started to move down his neck nipping at his skin... I scoot down kissing down his chest egged on by his little grunts and moans... I smirked as i could hear him gasp a little as i run my tongue around his nipple before flicking it... I repeated that with the other before continuing my way down... The little shivers and moans making me wet and i could feel my core starting to heat up more and throb... 

I peek up at him and smile as he lays with his eyes closed his hands under his head a giddy smile on his face, he looked absolutely adorable and yet so hot... I pulled the covers down revealing his dick laying hard on his lower abdomen... I licked my lips before I kissed my way down while my hands rubbed up and down his chest... He let out a little sigh as i started to kiss down his happy trail and he took in a sharp breath flexing his muscles... I smiled while still kissing him loving the way how his body reacted to my touch... 

I smirked and without warning ran my tongue over his shaft making him gasp followed by a little curse under his breath... I smirked and hummed as i repeated it again following the thick vein with my tongue before flicking the tip with my tongue making his body jerk a bit and i smirked as he removed his hand from under his head and put them on the bed next to his body clutching the sheets... 

He groaned as i kissed the tip of his dick before gently sucking on it... "Fuck... Good morning to me indeed..." Chris growled and i chuckled as i gently wrapped my hand around his shaft pumping him up and down before taking him in my mouth... I bobbed my head up and down hollowing out my cheeks taking him in deep... 

I hummed and he groaned again... I released him with a pop... "Taste so good..." I hummed and he growled... "I have such a tasty husband..." I murmured as i played with his dick before taking him in my mouth again... I smirked as i felt his hand go through my hair lightly pulling on it as he started to guide me gently... I pulled him in deep feeling his tip hit the back on my throat and i breath to my nose to not gag... "Fuck fuck fuck.... Such a good wife sucking your husband's cock..."

I could feel him move and i peaked up and see he has pushed himself up on his elbows watching me... I smirk at him, and he growls... "Fuck Mrs. Evans you look so sexy with my dick in your mouth..." He growled as i started bobbing my head up and down again... I could feel him twitch in my mouth and he gasped dropping himself on the bed again... I was done teasing and kept going up and down a drop of saliva running down my chin... but i didn't care... 

My pussy was throbbing as giving him pleasure made me feel all hot and bothered... He started to buck his hips up hitting me deeper and i put my hands on his hips pushing him down... He started to squirm and groan louder and louder... His breathing was getting heavier... I could already taste the salty pre cum and i hummed at the taste...

I took him in deep one more time and with a loud growl Chris found his release... I sucked him dry to the last drop wanting it all before releasing him with a pop... I swallowed it all as he looked at me with lazy satisfied smile on his face... I crawled over him, and he took my face in his hands pulling me down for a kiss... 

I laid down on his chest getting comfortable... "Shit that was... damn..." He murmured and i giggled... "Just doing my wifely duties... Mr. Evans" I joked smirking and he chuckled. "I should have married you sooner..." He growled and i giggled again... 

"What time is it...?" He mumbled and i lifted my head looking at the clock... "8 in the morning..." I mumble laying my head on his chest again... "Oh in that case..." He said and i squealed as he rolled us over so i was now laying underneath him...

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