Chapter 173

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Lana pov...

The last week has been crazy... Chris has been running around setting up security... It is all out there now... Every little detail... Kyle his photo is out there... Some news site got a hold of police reports, and my photo is out there bruised and beaten... Nothing is private anymore any little detail is out there of what Kyle did to us during our relationship... We get pulled in every direction. 

We put out a statement asking for privacy in this difficult time... It didn't really help... Requests for interviews came in every day all day but thank God his team was handling those... Charities for victims of domestic abuse asking if i want to help them by talking on camera trying to get their message out practically wanting me to be the poster girl... Paparazzi gathering in Boston again... 

You can't put on a tv of Kyle's photo appears warning people he is dangerous... But it is almost always followed up by a photo from me in a state that makes me cringe followed by our wedding picture... 

Other than the statement we put out we said no to everything... I know it might be selfish but i had no desire to be the poster girl... I just want this to be over and move on with our life... Our happy life without fear... I wanted to sleep through the night without nightmares... Without my son being too scared to sleep in his own room... 

Mackie and Seb are here, and they have been a massive help... I love those guys they dropped everything and immediately came over... Oscar felt so much safer now having his 3 hero's here... Mackie and Seb alternated sleeping in his room so Chris and i could sleep in our bed alone and have the sleep we needed so desperately... There really is no way i can ever repay them... 

But sleeping was tough... Nightmares were an every night recurrence... Kyle getting to us torturing Chris, killing Maeve and Oscar making me watch... All the memories came back the memories i tried so hard to deal with trough therapy... I was basically back to square one...

Security was around the house 24/7 And at the school... Monday Oscar would go back... Parents have been informed and except for a few parents everyone was really supportive... I was still not sure if him going back to school was a good thing... I was so scared him showing up at his school... But everyone kept telling me he would be safe there... But still i was hesitant... The whole family got security and i felt so guilty... All because i have a shitty past they now have to have a stranger around their house...  

But i am scared... I know Kyle... He will bite his time staying hidden... Question was how long we could life like this... The FBI had been by my parents and all his family and friends, and no one has seen him... He needs to stay somewhere he needs to get money to survive somehow but they didn't know... He was a ghost... The camera footage of the prison shows him just strolling out smirking at the cameras... When they showed it to us i just shuddered... The look on his face i just knew all too well... It was the look of i am going to get you... 

"Sweetheart what do you want for dinner?" Chris asks walking into my office were i had hide myself away for a little bit... "I dont care you pick..." I say and he sighs walks over to me and gets down to my level cupping my face... He smiles and kisses me and for a moment every little thing that is going on disappears and it is just him and i... He pulls back but i want that moment of peace to last so i stop him and pull him back sliding down to the floor with him and he smiles kissing me passionately...

"Lana... The house is filled with people..." He growls when i start to push his sweats down desperately to have him... I need to forget no matter if it is only for a second... "I need you..." I whisper and he growls standing up and locking the door... I smile as he stalks back over to me and pulls me up... He walks me to the nearest wall our clothes flying everywhere and i gasp when he lifts me up making me wrap myself around him and he pushes me up against the wall while entering me... I moan at the full feeling at his dick stretching me inch by inch and God it feels so good... 

"Fuck me Chris..." I moan and he growls as he starts to move a few things falling down the wall but we dont care... He keeps his pace relentless, and it feels like heaven... The connection... Him deep inside of me giving me pleasure his grunts and moans and hard thrusts making me so wet and i know i won't hold out long... We both dont because the need for each other is just taking over... The fact that we have to be quick so as not to get caught is only fueling the desire... 

 He is marking me sucking on the skin in my neck... And after a few more minutes he finds his release burying his head in the crook of my neck to muffle his sounds... I just bite down on his shoulder as my orgasm takes over and explodes throughout my body....

We stand there still connected catching our breath for a few seconds before Chris pulls out and gently puts me down on the floor his hands that 2 second ago were holding me up no on my face as he kisses me passionately... "I need you to promise me something..." I whisper and he closes his eyes... "What?" He whispers... "When it comes to picking between me or the kids... Pick the kids..." I whisper and he groans... "Lana i will never have to do that... Please dont say that..." He says with tears in his eyes and i sigh cupping his face... "Chris i hope to god it won't come to that but i need to know you will pick the kids... You need to promise me that..." I say desperate to hear him say it... "It is not going to be necessary but i promise..." He mumbles and i smile kissing him again...

One thing i know for sure i was going to do everything in my power to keep Chris and my kids safe... Whatever happened my kids and Chris were going to come out of this alive... 

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