Chapter 97

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Lana pov...

I drive like a maniac to the hospital... My heart is racing as i am praying everything is okay... The man on the phone said Chris was unconscious... Chris hadn't mentioned filming something dangerous today... Every scenario runs through my head... I am starting to panic and i take a few deep breaths to calm myself but it doesn't really help... What am i going to tell Oscar if this is serious... I sigh shaking my head wanting to not immediately go to the worse possible scenario... But the fact that the person on the phone said he was unconscious made me anxious and scared. 

I park the car and run inside and to the counter. The woman motioned to me to wait a minute but that minute feels like hours. When she finally has time for me i explain who i am and for whom i am here.... She smiles at me before she points down the hall and tells me it is the last door on the left. I thank her and walk off. 

That must be a good sign, right? The fact she just lets me go through... Telling me where he is instead of telling me to wait until a doctor comes to get me... That must mean it is not that serious... Or maybe it is okay because he is dead... Another voice in my head yells at me and the anxiety in my body starts to rise again... 

Just when i am about to open the door his personal assistant walks out and sees me. "Is he..." I ask on the verge of tears. "He is fine..." His assistant said and wanted to hug me but i pushed passed him and into the room. 

Chris was sitting upright his arm in a sling... some cuts and bruises but conscious... Our eyes met and i could feel the tears starting to come so i tried to fight them. "Hey..." I whispered and he looked at me with a smile on his face. "Hey baby..." He said holding out his free hand for me to take and pulled me closer. I squeezed his hand just to make sure it was real, and he was sort of okay...

"I was told you were unconscious..." I whispered in a small voice my emotions all over the place.  Chris kissed me. "I have never been unconscious baby..." He says looking at me confused. "The person that called me said you were taken to the hospital in an ambulance unconscious..." I say again and Chris shakes his head.  "I am okay baby... I am sorry they scared you... Just some cut and bruises and they are going to take x-rays of my arm because it is probably broken..." He said and i sighed before giving him a kiss. 

"What happened?" I ask and he sighed... "Just a little accident filming a car chase sweetheart... Nothing serious..." He whispered... "Nothing serious...?! Have you looked in a mirror...? Did you..." I said but i got cut off by a nurse walking in. "I will be fine sweetheart..." Chris said as he sat down in a wheelchair. He took my hand and kissed the back of it. "We will bring him right back with you Mrs. Evans..." The nurse said and as i blushed Chris grinned. 

While Chris was getting an x-ray i called Carly and the rest of the family. Everyone was relieved that it was not more serious... But the fact that he was so nonchalant about it irritated me a little bit. He didn't seem to think it is a big deal... And maybe to him it wasn't... But getting a phone call that he is at the hospital and unconscious... Well, it had shaken me to my core... 

Not to mention if it is broken, we can't go on the trip i had planned... But for now, that was not important... The most important thing was that he was going to be okay... I sigh and wait for Chris to come back. I look around the room and then i see it... Chris his phone... I take it and it is completely smashed... beyond repair... The door opens and Chris his assistant walks in with coffee and hands me one... "Can you please tell me what happened?" I ask and he looks at me like a deer in the headlights... "I shouldn't... You should wait for Chris to come back..." He mumbles and i sigh... They are hiding something...

I hold up the phone... before throwing it on the bed... I put my hands on my hips... "Tell... me... what... happened..." I said in a low demanding tone... I listen in shock as his assistant tells me that the stunt with the car initially was going to be done by a stunt double... But with the camera angles it was not possible, so Chris insisted to do it himself... He was overconfident and the car flipped, and he got stuck underneath it... and yes... he did lose consciousness... I sigh and shake my head not wanting to believe he would put his life in danger... "Did he even think of me and Oscar..." I ask his assistant. He shrugs his shoulders and looks at me as if i have asked him the stupidest thing on earth...

I sigh and shake my head... I text Lisa and Carly telling them what i know now and tell them i am waiting for Chris to come back from x-rays. "You can go home..." I say looking at his assistant because he was getting on my nerves. "You can't..." He tries to say but i give him a stern look and he nods and leaves... I sit back down and a few minutes later Chris gets wheeled back in. "So how was the x-ray and CT Scan..." I say and Chris looks at me as a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar... "Told you..." The nurse says and Chris blushes. 

"The doctor will be right by with the results..." The nurse says and she winks at me before leaving the room. I put my hands... "No loss of consciousness... huh..." I said with my hands on my hips looking at him angry... Chris sighs and looks at me all guilty but before he can say anything the doctor walks in interrupting us...

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