Chapter 131

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Chris pov...

Lana was reading a book with Bob his head on her belly while i was making her a fruit platter. I smile because she is softly reading to Bob while stroking his head and he seems like the happiest dog in the world.  I finish her platter and bring it over to her. "Here sweetheart... Your snack." I say as i sit beside her. She makes me chuckle by letting me hold the plate while she takes pieces off of it. On the other side Bob is still lying and he seems totally happy... I stroke Bob his head and he open his eyes and looks at me as if he is smiling... 

"Good boy..." I whisper and the dog smile get bigger... "We have to leave in 2 hours..." I say and Lana nods. After she ate her fruit, she went to go change and i look at Bob following her to bedroom like the loyal pup he is... Dodger jumps on the couch beside me and i sigh... "I know buddy... I know... I am worried to..." I whisper and give him some cuddles. Dodger had become careful with Bob noticing things to and just being his buddy and making sure he was okay... 

Sometime later Lana walks back in Bob walking after her. "You look nice sweetheart..." I say smiling and she blushes... "I am literally just wearing leggings and one of your Patriots jerseys." She whispers and i grin... "The best look ever..." I said grinning. She rolled her eyes and blushed even more... I pulled her in my lap and hug her and she relaxes... I smile as Bob makes his way on the couch and no matter what his head needs to be on her belly...

"Remember when the baby kicked him for the first time..." Lana whispered and i chuckled... "The confused look he had was priceless... He kept nudging your belly to wanting to see what " I whisper van and Lana giggles. "I am scared..." She whispers and i sigh... "Bob is really going downhill... Can we take him to the vet tomorrow... I want to see if there is something we can do for him..." Lana says and i nod... "I will make an appointment when we come back..." I said and she hugged me tighter...  

"But there will come a time we have to let him go sweetheart..." I whispered wanting to prepare her for that hoping it would not be such a shock that she would go in premature labor... That was my biggest fear... Bob's time coming and Lana going into labor because she was going to miss her shadow... 

"I know... But maybe there is something we can do to make him last as long as possible... I am not ready..." Lana whispered and i sighed... "We will try everything possible as long as has no pain..."  I said softly and she nodded. "Of course, no pain... But right now, he has no pain... He is just old and slow..." Lana said and i chuckled "I am just not ready..." She whispered kissing the top of Bob his head stroking him and i let out a sigh. "We never are sweetheart... No matter what we never are..." I said kissing her temple.

We sat on the couch cuddled up with the dogs until it was finally time to leave... I was excited and it took everything in me to not just jump up and down. With Lana's hand in mine i walked us to the car... I opened the passenger door for her and helped her in... "We should get you a bigger car for the future..." I mumble when i get behind the wheel. Lana chuckled... "My car is fine..." Chris..." She sighed and i nodded letting it go for now. 

I started the car and we drove to the doctor... "So, what is your guess for today..." She whispered smiling as we were waiting in the waiting room. "I still think boy..." I said rubbing her belly and she chuckled... "You sticking to girl?" I asked and she nodded and smiled... "What makes you so sure...?" I asked next and Lana shrugged her shoulders and giggled. "A feeling... I had it from the day we found out... Can't explain it..." She whispered and i chuckled. "Well, there is a 50/50 chance you are right..." I said before we got called into the doctor's office...

The doctor asks if we are okay because we postponed this appointment. We assure him everything is fine and that it was due to family circumstances. The doctor nodded and asked Lana some question about how she was feeling... She kept saying she was feeling so tired more than when she was with Oscar... He checked her blood pressure, and everything seemed okay... But still after we would leave his office a nurse would take some blood to see if everything was okay. It was not unlikely that it would be something serious but just in case.

Then it was finally time... The big moment... The moment i have been waiting for anxiously... I didn't care if it was a boy or a girl... I just wanted Lana and the baby to be safe and healthy. Lana laid down while the doctor set everything up. She lifted her shirt and pulled her leggings down to expose her belly and i couldn't resist kissing it... Lana giggled, and the doctor smiled... "So, what are you both thinking...?" The doctor asked and Lana told him a girl and i told him a boy...

 "Okay no agreement then... Meaning i have to show who is right..." The doctor said smirking.  He squirted the jelly on her belly and started... He was looking around and told us the baby looked good... Great even... He let us hear the heartbeat and i smile because that never gets old... Hearing that strong heartbeat made my own beat faster... It spread a warm feeling through my body and just made me smile. 

"So, are you two ready to find out the gender?" The doctor asks and we both nod with a big smile... "Yes..." We say in sync...

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