Chapter 114

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Chris pov...

I grinned holding the camera pointing it at Lana who bit her lip as she played with her boobs laying on the couch... I followed her hands as she let them glide down her body and she cupped her own core before starting to rub herself up and down... I took in a sharp breath and sat down on my knees pointing the camera at what she was doing. "Such a good girl playing with yourself..." I growled and she moaned... "I rather have you playing with me..." She moaned and i took in another sharp breath... Her voice sounded needy but so damn sexy... 

I reached out and dipped my fingers between her folds rubbing her up and down... I watched my fingers play with her on the little screen of the camera making sure i got it all in the frame of the camera... I grinned as i spread her arousal around her pussy glistening on the screen of the camera... 

I zoomed out so i could see her play with her tits on the screen while i played with her pussy... I grinned as she moaned pulling on her nipples and i pushed a finger inside of her and slowly started to pump it in and out while my thumb rubbed circles on her sensitive nub... She whimpered and i licked my lips... "Hold this sweetheart..." I mumbled handing her the camera wanting to taste her... 

She took the camera turning it towards me and i leaned down flicking her nub with my tongue before sucking on it making her moan... "Make sure you keep me in the frame sweetheart..." I growled looking up in the camera smirking sucking on her sensitive nub again and she moaned louder arching her back of the couch... 

"Oh shit..." She murmured and i smirked. "Does it feel good baby..." Hummed making her shiver... "So good..." She said in a husk tone of voice... "Please dont stop..." She begged and i grinned... "Wasn't planning on it sweetheart... Can't deny my beautiful wife her pleasure..." I growled. 

I kept sucking on her clit as i pumped my fingers in and out of her adding a second finger hooking it inside of her finding her sweet spot... "Oh god..." She exclaimed and i looked up again smirking in the camera... She had laid it on her stomach as the pleasure started to build inside of her because she was not able to hold it up anymore... 

Her juices were flowing and took it all still smirking at the camera wondering what it would look like... The thought of watching myself back eating her out making her cum made me painfully hard... I thought about the time i filmed her sucking my dick... And i couldn't wait to film that again but for now it was about her... Because as soon as she had cum i was going to fuck her... hard...

I know it was ridiculous but until she was pregnant i was not going to waste my cum on her perfect mouth... I was going to fill her up every chance i got... 

Her legs start to shake... Her moans were getting louder, and her hands were clawing at the couch... Her juices were covering my beard and i was loving it... "You taste so sweet..." I murmured and that send her over the edge... She screamed my name and i felt proud having caught that on tape... 

I lapped up all her juices as she came down from her high breathing heavy... I grabbed the camera and paused it for a second putting it aside and crawling over her kissing her and she smiled lazily at me... 

I got up and put a stack of books on the side table putting the camera on top of it so we didn't have to hold it and i checked if i had the right angle... I smirked and walked over to Lana putting her on her hands and knees stepping behind her...I pulled her up at her arms her back now against my chest... "Smile at the camera sweetheart... You better not take your eyes off the camera... I want you to look in the lens as i fuck you hard and make you cum..." I whisper in her ear, and she whimpers as i put her back down on her hands and knees...

I caress her ass with both hands and can't resist slapping it making it jiggle... I grinned looking at the camera... "Do you want me to fuck you sweetheart..." I growled as i wrapped my hand around my shaft and slowly started to stroke myself up and down... "Yes..." She whispered and i slapped her ass again... "I can't hear you sweetheart..." I growled and she whined... "Yes! Please... Chris fuck me hard..." She moaned and i grinned again lining myself up and slamming into her hard making her moan loudly... I groaned as she squeezed me hard as i filled her... Stretching her... 

"So, fucking tight..." I growled slapping her ass again making her squeeze me even harder as she let out a little yelp... I started to move pounding into her in a relentless pace... I put my hands on her shoulders pulling her on me harder and i just smirked at the sound she was making... The little whines and moans of pleasure... 

"Fuck you feel so fucking good around my cock... Fuck... fuck... fuck... Such a tight little pussy... All for me..." I growled... I watched her watch the camera... "Yes... Yours...Only yours..." She moaned and i grinned moving my hands to her hips... She started to push back on me and i wondered how it would look on camera her tits bouncing with every thrust... Pleasure plastered over her face... Me behind her buried deep inside of her... 

It was getting harder to hold of my own orgasm... But by now i knew her body like the back of my hand and by the way she moans and her pussy squeezes me i know she is close to... My thrust were getting sloppy and i couldn't hold in my groans and grunts anymore... It were the only sounds filling the room... The sopping sounds of my dick in her pussy... Our skin slapping together and our moans... are breaking the silence of the cabin... 

I thrust into her a few more times and she comes around my cock and it is too much... I find my release filling her up my cum coating he walls as we both moan pleasure sourcing through our bodies... I lean over her kissing her between her shoulder blades. 

She hums and shivers and i pull out of her... I take one of the blankets and after i turn her around laying her on her back again i cover her. She smiles and yawns and i chuckle leaning down and kissing her. I get off the couch and turn the camera off before getting back to the couch and cuddling up to her... She lays on her side and buries her head in the crook of my neck letting out a little sigh... 

I smile and stroke her on her back up and down and when i look down she is asleep... I close my eyes and soon i am dozing off to...

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