Chapter 23

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Lana pov...

Before i knew what was happening Chris had me laying underneath him and kissed me passionately. "God i love you..." He whispered and i smiled back at him and run my hand through his hair. "I love you to..." I said back and he smiled kissing me again. "Thank you for today..." He whispered and i looked at him confused. "Thanks for what...?" I ask and he smiles kissing me again. "For just inviting Carly and her kids on a whim... You dont know how much that means to me..." He says and i smile shyly at him.  

"At first i was afraid i overstepped by inviting them without talking to you about it first..." I whispered. Chris smiled and shook his head. "Never... When it comes to family, we have an open-door policy..." He said smiling and i giggled. "I have noticed that... First your mother... and Ryan just walked in today..." I said smiling and kissed him again. "Is that a problem?" He asked looking at me seriously and i shook my head. 

"It is your house... I have no say in that..." I whisper and he smiles but his smile doesn't reach his eyes. "Would that be a problem if we ever life together?" He asked and i thought about it for a second. "No... As long as it is okay to tell them it is not a good time, and they accept that..." I whisper and Chris now smiles for real before kissing me again. 

Living together... He thinks about living together... my mind screams at me and i dont know if that makes me scared or happy... I push it out of my mind and smile at him...

"Just remind me to never walk around naked..." I say smirking and Chris growls. "I think i have to have a little talk with my family about my open-door policy..." He growls before his lips attach to the skin in my neck and i giggle. I let my hands glide under his shirt and the feeling of his skin under my fingertips send tingles through my body. 

I dont think i will ever get used to this... Feeling his muscles flex under my touch his lips on my skin... Fuck it feels good... He makes me feel good... He makes me feel adored and loved... The way he touches me... The way he handles me even when it is a bit rougher... I still feel safe... 

I think that with him i feel safe enough to experiment... I never have... My ex just took what he wanted and rolled over... It mostly lasted a few minutes and i just closed my eyes waiting for it to be over... Not with Chris... He took his time made sure i enjoyed it as much as he did... It was all so new and foreign to me but God i was here for it... Maybe it is pathetic to feel like this at 28 but i didn't care... For once in my life i was not going to overthink... and as long as i felt safe i was going to experiment... with him... 

I start pulling on his shirt wanting it off and i can feel him smirk in my neck. He sits up and pulls the shirt over his head and i can't resist... I sit up and let my hands roam his chest biting my lip and he lets me... He follows my every move and as i lightly scrape my nails over his skin tracing his abs... He groans... "Having fun sweetheart?" He asks taking in a sharp breath and i look up into his eyes. They are dark... filled with lust and i nod biting my lip... 

I let my hands glide down his happy trail and i reach his belt... I open it and slowly pull it out of his pants and i throw the belt aside... I run my fingers over his dick through his jeans and he groans... I can feel him grow as i stroke him. I unbutton his jeans and pull them down a bit together with his boxers and his dick springs free. 

He growls as i look up at him and wrap my hand around his shaft slowly starting to pump him up and down. He cups my face and rubs circles on my cheek with his thumb his eyes never leaving mine... 

I want to feel him inside of me... stretch me like only he can... So, i slowly push him to sit down on the couch... I stand up and kiss him before i help him remove his pants. I stand in front of me and take off my shirt throwing it at him, and he chuckles. 

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