Chapter 88

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Chris pov...

I am waiting at the school for Oscar to come out still thinking about the fact Lana is going to stay at ma's the day before the wedding. How everyone is going to know what she is going to wear but me... and for a second i have a little pity party for myself... I know i am ridiculous... but i can't wait to see her in a wedding dress...

The doors of the school open and kids come running out. I am waiting for Oscar to run towards me but i dont see him... A few minutes later he appears, and he doesn't look happy... He is sulking walking slow instead of running towards me like he always does... 

"Hey buddy..." I say when he reaches me expecting him to hug me like he always does but he doesn't he just stamps past me and i am perplexed... "What's wrong buddy?" I ask... but he says nothing and tries to open the car door... I get down to his level and try to pull him towards me. "Do you want to talk about it bud...?" I ask but he looks at me angry. "I want to talk to mom..." He says sulking and i sigh standing back up and opening the car door for him. 

I buckle him in his car seat, and he won't even look at me and i am getting anxious about it... I get in the car myself and drive off... "Did you have fun at school?" I ask... Hoping he will talk to me... "No..." Is all he says his arms folded in front of him not even looking at me. I dont know what to say anymore here is this 7-year-old boy and he has me anxious... I ask him what he has done today at school but he just sulks... 

We arrive home and i sigh getting him out of the car... He runs inside and immediately stomps off to his room... Not even saying hi to ma and Lana....  Ma and Lana look at me confused. "Dont ask me he doesn't want to talk to me... He was sulking when he walked out of the school... He said he didn't have fun at school and that he didn't want to talk to me but to you..." I say and Lana stands up and takes a deep breath... She kisses me and smiles. 

"I'll go check what is going on... Dont worry about it okay... It is not personal..." She says smiling... "I dont like that he doesn't want to talk to me..." I say pouting and Lana kisses me again... "I'll go check..." She whispers and walks off to Oscar's room.

"It will be fine Chris..." Ma says smiling... "Welcome to parenthood..." She says smirking and i sit down beside her on the couch letting out a deep sigh... "He wouldn't even look me in the eyes..." I whisper... "Lana is going to talk to him and it will be solved in no time... He probably had a bad day... I remember you being like that... You could sulk for days..." She says laughing and i groan.... 

"What were you guys doing?" I ask and ma chuckles... "Looking through bridal magazines..." She says smirking and i sigh. "What if he is mad at me and doesn't want me to be his dad anymore..." I sigh. "Sweetheart.... That ship has sailed... He is yours... The judge has approved and made it official... and there is no way back... Not going to lie there will be times he will be mad at you and dont like you... But that is being a parent... You can't be his friend all the time..." She says and i sigh... "I guess... He has never been like this towards me..." I mumble... 

All of a sudden Lana walks in with Oscar and we look at them... "I think we need to have a little chat..." Lana says and i can see she is suppressing a smile... "Do you want me to go?" Ma asks and Lana looks at Oscar. "Do you mind grandma being here?" She asks and Oscar shakes his head all shy all of a sudden. 

Lana sits down and pulls Oscar in her lap. "You want to tell dad what you told me?" She asks Oscar and he looks down and i can see he is sad... Really sad... "Charlene said she saw daddy kissing someone else on TV... She said that that means dad won't be my dad anymore..." Oscar whispers and i can here ma gasp and Oscar starts crying... My heart breaks and for the first time in a long time i wished i had a different career... I stand up and pull him of her lap and hug him tight happy that he lets me... 

"I will always be your dad buddy..." I say holding him tight. I sit down with him in my lap. I dont know what to say... I dont know how to tell him that it is not what is seems to be... Lana walks over and sits down on her knees in front of me...

"Do you remember the first time Chris came over to our old house and you called him Mr. America..." She says smiling and Oscar nods... "I told you Chris his name was not really Mr. America or Steve Rogers... But that he plays pretend... And that his name really is Chris..." Lana said. "Yes..." Oscar says really soft. 

"That is all pretend like you are playing pretending that you are an astronaut... or doctor..." Lana says and Oscar nods again... "Well dad plays pretend in the movies and sometimes he has to kiss another lady to pretend their boyfriend and girlfriend... But it is not like he kisses me, okay?" She says letting out a little sigh... 

"When i kiss mommy it is with love... Because i want to kiss her... Because i love your mom so... so much... And when i kiss someone in the movies... It is because it is for the movie because someone has written a story where the people kiss... That doesn't mean i love that lady it is all pretend... I am never going to leave you and mommy... I am never leaving you and your mommy... Because i love you both so much..." I say hugging him tight. 

"You promise..." He whispers and i sigh again. "I promise buddy..." I say and smile as he finally hugs me back. "So next time Charlene or anybody else says they saw daddy kissing someone else on TV you just tell them it is pretend and not a real kiss..." Lana says wiping away a tear and Oscar nods. 

I look at ma who is smiling but also with tears in her eyes. "Are you okay now?" I ask and Oscar nods. "Good..." I say smiling and stand up with Oscar in my arms and start tickling him making him squeal... "Now let's go play..." I say and kiss Lana before walking off to Oscar's bedroom to do something fun together...

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