Chapter 165

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Lana pov...

I just lay in bed waiting for Oscar to wake up... I hear Lisa walking around the house taking care of Maeve... I hear her sing for her and i am glad i can focus all my attention on Oscar... He slowly starts to wake up and immediately starts to cry and i pull him towards me comforting him... I can hear his stomach growl and i carry him to the kitchen putting him down at the counter and Lisa joins us... "Maeve, okay?" I whisper and Lisa nods... "I put her down for a nap..." She says and i nod...

Oscar is just staring ahead Dodger sitting next to him and Lisa sighs hugging him... "Oh sweetheart..." She whispers comforting him and i smile as he clings onto her... I hear a car and ask Lisa if she can take over cooking breakfast and i walk to the front door greeting Ryan and i walk with him into the garden pointing out the spot and he nods... 

I thank him profusely and he hugs me telling me no problem and he will come inside when he is ready... I watch him for a second as he starts digging but the idea that he is digging a grave is making me cry so i walk inside... I let out a sigh of relief when Oscar is eating and after breakfast, he wants to call Chris... 

I smile as i listen in and Oscar and Chris are talking about fond memories with Bob and Oscar smiles a little bit because of them... Chris tells him when he gets home, they will make a beautiful cross to put on the grave and that Oscar can call him every time he wants and that he will be home soon... Oscar hands me the phone when he is done and i talk to Chris and then Ryan walks in and i know it is time... I tell Chris i have to hang up and Chris tells me to call whenever and i can hear in his voice that he is annoyed that he can't be here... And i start to wonder if he ever will leave again but that is a problem for later... I asked Lisa if she could distract Oscar for a second as Ryan carried Bob to his final resting place... 

To my surprise it is a massive hole but i guess that is a good thing but the thought of putting Bob in the cold ground is heartbreaking... So, i leave the blanket over him and only reveal his head so Oscar can say his final goodbye... 

After that i go and get Oscar and it is finally time... He looks at Bob and sighs... "Mom... Is Bob in heaven now?" He asks and i get down to his level and nod... "Yes, he is sweetheart..." I say and he nods... "Maybe he can keep auntie company..." He whispers and for a moment i am confused but then it sinks in that he called her auntie all the time... My friend who died... I nod with tears in my eyes... "Yes... He is keeping her company... They will have so much fun, and she will walk him for us in heaven..." I whisper and he smiles... 

"Do you want to say something about Bob..." I ask and he nods... "Thank you for being my best friend..." He whispers and i sigh and smile as he hugs me and starts to cry again... "It is okay to feel sad sweetheart... I am sad to... We are going to miss him so much..." I whisper and he cries even harder and i nod to Ryan who pulls the blanket over him and i take a hand full of sand throwing it on top of him and Oscar follows my example... 

"Are you going to miss him grandma?" Oscar asks Lisa who stands beside us crying and she nods... "Very much sweetheart..." She says wiping her tears and he walks over to her and hugs her... Ryan starts to close the grave and we watch until the hole is filled up... 

Then it is time to go back inside, and Oscar asks if we can have a cuddle day... Lisa looks at me confused and i smile telling her that it means watching movies cuddled up on the couch... "Do you want to have a cuddle day to grandma..." Oscar asks and i smile... "If your mom is okay with that..." She asks and i know she doesn't want to overstep and i smile... "We would love that..." I say hugging her and thanking her for being here...

Ryan walks in and i hug him thanking him again and he smiles telling me again no problem but that he has to go to work now... Oscar hugs him thanking him for helping to and Ryan hugs him back telling him that he was glad he could help and that he was sorry for our loss... I smile watching my family... They could have told us to get over ourselves that it was just a dog, but they all seemed to understand that to Oscar and i he was so much more... 

I walk Ryan out and watch him drive off before going back in and getting Maeve while Lisa and Oscar are setting up for cuddle day... While Oscar is cuddled up to Lisa i sit down with Maeve in my lap and i smile as Lisa and Oscar pick a movie from Chris... I take a picture of them watching Chris on the screen sending it to Chris and telling him he is bringing comfort to our son even through a screen...

I text with Chris for a little bit but i can feel my eyes getting heavy and i feel exhaustion setting in... I hear Oscar whispering to Lisa and i feel Maeve being lifted from my arms but i am too exhausted to react... I sink down in the couch and let sleep take over knowing Lisa is here, and my kids are in good hands...

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