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Chris pov...

"No buddy we are going to let your mom and dad sleep..." I vaguely hear in the distance as i slowly wake up. "Seb and i will take you to school..." I heard as i now was fully awake and i smiled looking at the time... I got out of bed to just check in if he had everything, he had for school... I opened the door of our bedroom and walked out in the hallway... "Nope back to bed... We got everything under control... We will drop him off at school and then Seb and i have a meeting... So, enjoy sleeping in... We also already walked the dogs..." Mackie said and i smiled... "Thanks..." I said and walked back into the bedroom... I heard Oscar laughing and then the front door open and close

Lana looked so relaxed and i crawled back into bed and i cuddled up to her, spooning her and wrapping her in my arms... She let out a little sigh in her sleep and i smiled. I dozed off for a bit not really sleeping but not really awake... I groaned as Lana started to move a little her ass grinding against my already hard dick as she pulled me closer and tighter around her...

I know it is selfish... But i couldn't wait for the day to be buried in her again... But she was still healing and i wanted her to make the first move... She had to set the pace... She had to be ready... I didn't want to hurt her... 

Then there was one other thing... The thing i had only told the detective... Not even my mother or any other family member... The thing in my sock drawer that i had bought to give her but then everything happened and i put it on the backburner... for now. When she was fully healed i would start planning something... I already knew before everything happened that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and Oscar... But it had made it even more clear to me... 

And i think she wants it to... Last night she although drunk said she hated the word boyfriend and i came so close to ask... "Well, what about fiancé..." But i didn't want to bring it up when we were buzzed... I wanted it to be special... Lana deserved that. 

"Chris..." I all of a sudden heard in a soft sweet voice... "Hmmm" I answered planting a kiss on her shoulder and she giggled... "We overslept... Oscar has to go to school..." She whispered... "No Mackie and Seb took him..." I murmur... "Oh, wauw really?" She said surprised and i hummed in response again. 

I chuckled when she tried to turn around in my arms but the boot, she is still wearing is making it difficult... "Ugh i hate this thing..." She says letting out a sigh... "Just a few more weeks sweetheart..." I murmur and i help her move... "I know... I am just sick of it... I want to be normal again... I dont want to feel sad... I want to pull my own weight in the house again... I want to be able to take Oscar to school and do fun things with him... and with you..." She said letting out a sigh... I put my finger under her chin and kissed her soft and sweet... She moaned in response... and deepened the kiss... 

"I want you so bad..." She whispers after we break the kiss and i smile... "Please Chris..." She whispers and i groan... "Sweetheart..." I groan as i am conflicted... "Dont you want me...?" She whispers soft and sounding so vulnerable... "Oh sweetheart you have no idea how bad i want you... I just dont want to hurt you..." I whisper and kiss her again... She deepens the kiss and i groan into the kiss and her hands finds my dick and she rubs me over my boxers... I groan again as she slides her hand into my boxers and wraps her hand around my dick... "Please Chris... Fuck me... I need you..." She begged.

I rolled us so i was now hovering over her and i kissed her again... "Promise to tell me when it hurts sweetheart...." I whisper and she nods before kissing me again... I gently push her legs apart settling between them as i keep kissing her... I groan as she pushes my boxers down.... And i glide my hand down to her core rubbing her over her panties and i can feel the wet spot...

I keep rubbing her up and down and she groans into our kiss... I smile and push her panties aside before i slowly and groaning push myself into her... "Oh fuck..." She moans and i pause... "You okay sweetheart..." I whisper and she nods and pulls me into another kiss before putting her hands on my back and pulling me closer making our bodies melt together... I slowly and gently start moving all the while kissing her and we both start to moan and breath heavy into the kiss... 

"Oh yes feels so good..." She whispers in a soft moan... I groaned at her words and kept moving slow and soft. I took her hands and put them above her head lacing our fingers together and kept my dick buried deep inside of her circling my hips making her moan louder... "I missed being inside of you sweetheart... I love you so much..." I murmur in her ear before i start kissing her neck... "I love you to Chris..." She groans and i smile into her neck... 

I keep moving and i can feel her getting tighter around my dick... I know we both won't last long because it has been a while... The little gasps she let out every time i hit her sweet spot made it even harder to not cum as i start to feel my dick twitch begging for a release... "Oh Oooh... Right there... fuck..." She moans and i groan... I keep moving just like that until i feel her squeeze me hard and her moans get louder. 

"Kiss me please..." She whimpers and i smile kissing her and she cums... moaning into the kiss and her walls squeeze me so hard that i cum to... filling her up groaning into our kiss as my body shocks... After we had come down from our high i carefully pull out of her and she smiles at me and i lean down and kiss her...

"Are you alright?" I ask and she nods smiling... "Yes... Now come her and cuddle with me..." She says smiling and i chuckle laying down beside her and i pull her in my arms. We lay there just holding each other... 

"Chris...?" She whispers. "Hmm..." I respond and she giggles. "Can we talk about Oscar's birthday..." She whispers and i open my eyes with a big smile on my face. "Can we throw him a party... I never really done that before..." She whispers with a blush on her face... "It was always just the two of us..." She mumbles... and i smile... "Of course, we are going to throw him a big party... Evans style..." I say smirking. 

The next hour is talked about what we are going to plan for his birthday and i am feeling excited about it... But Lana's eyes are getting heavy and i smile as i watch her slowly drift off to sleep...

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