Chapter 122

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Chris pov...

"Are you okay?" Lana whispered as we were sitting in the waiting room of her doctor... "Yeah just nervous and excited to see our baby..." I whispered smiling and i took her hand kissing the back of it...  Sometimes i couldn't believe i was here... I finally got the one thing i wanted most in life... A family... A great son and now another baby on the way... 

The doctor called us in and after a little talk about how Lana was feeling it was exam time... The doctor did some checkups and checked Lana's health before it was time to do the ultrasound... My heart was pounding when he squirted the jelly on her stomach and started to move the echo thing over her stomach... The doctor smiled and pointed out our baby and i was mesmerized looking at the screen... I had looked at the first ultrasound picture like a million times, but this was live... This was our little blob in real time...  

Then a sound filled the room, and it was too much... Tears started to form in my eyes. "Chris? Everything okay?" Lana whispered and i nodded not taking my eyes off the screen. "There really is a baby in there..." I whisper and both the doctor and Lana chuckled... I kissed her hand not taking my eyes off the screen... The sound of the heartbeat was like the most beautiful music i had ever heard. 

The doctor stopped and i felt sad because i wanted to watch our baby all day if i could... "How much does such a machine go for..." I asked the doctor and the doctor chuckled and shook his head. "This one was about 90.000 dollars..." The doctor said smirking and Lana looked at me... "Dont you dare Christopher..." She said looking sternly at me and i sighed... "I won't..." I mumble. 

"I get the urge... But i dont think it is smart... It could do more harm than good... You would drive yourself crazy..." The doctor said and i sighed. "Yeah, i guess so..."  I mumble and the doctor chuckled again... He handed Lana a paper towel to clean up the jelly but i took it from her and she rolled her eyes and shook her head smirking as i cleaned her up with a grin... "Doc will you tell him i can do stuff..." Lana said letting out a sigh... "Just enjoy the pampering..." He said winking at Lana and she sighed. "But yes... She can do things just take it easy..." He said and Lana looked at me... 

We said goodbye to the doctor and planned another appointment before we left. I tucked Lana under my arm and i smiled as she put her hand in the back pocket of my jeans... I chuckled when she squeezed my ass and she giggled. 

We arrived home and it was time for me to pick up Oscar from school... We still hadn't told him and it was killing me... It was killing me that only Lana and i knew but she was right not to tell yet... I knew she was right but again it was killing me... I kissed Lana and left to go and pick up Oscar... I picked up Oscar and drove home and i smiled when Lana was cooking in the kitchen. She had put out a snack for Oscar and while he ate his snack, we listened to his stories about his day... 

"Dad..." He said turning to me and i smiled... That never got old... Him calling me dad still made me smile... "Yes bud..." I said smiling... He told me they had career day at school and a proud feeling came over me when he asked if i would come to school to talk about what i did for work... Lana smiled and i promised him i would... "But you have to bring your shield..." He said and i chuckled... "Sure buddy i will bring the shield..." I said and he hugged me... "Mom can i play soccer..." He said totally changing the subject and Lana nodded... "Sure sweetheart we can look into that..." Lana said... "I can call Carly her boys play soccer to..." I chimed in and she smiled and nodded... 

"I am going to do homework..." Oscar said jumping up and running off... "Come show your work when you are done..." Lana yelled after him. "Okay!" He yelled back and i chuckled because i could not relate to his joy in doing homework... Oscar was doing amazing at school and his teachers all said he was a joy to have in class... 

"So, i did something..." Lana whispered and i looked up at her. She turned the stove low letting dinner simmer... She walked around and took my hand and walked to the living room. She looked nervous as she sat me down and walked to the closet grabbing a box... She was a little hesitant and i took her hand and sat her down next to me... She opened the box and took a deep breath... "Whatever it is sweetheart i will love it..." I say and kiss her cheek... 

She blushed and handed me a photo album... I opened it and saw an ultrasound picture, but it was not a new one but an old one... "Maybe i am crazy but i wanted to show you my time from when i was pregnant with Oscar..." She whispered and i smiled... We looked through the album and even with the hell she went through back then on the baby bump pictures she looked happy and the love for Oscar jumped off the pictures... But she looked so different nothing like the vibrant woman she is today... I smiled at the ultrasound pictures showing the growth of Oscar in her belly... "Thank you, sweetheart..." I said kissing her cheek and she blushed. 

"I have the 21-week ultrasound on video..." She whispered and i smiled... She handed me an USB and i plugged it into the TV and i pressed play and sat down next to her... "Oh wauw... Little Oscar..." I said smiling and she chuckled... 

After all that Lana went back to the kitchen to continue with dinner and i went to check up on Oscar... I smiled as he was in his own world doing his homework and i decided not to interrupt... I walked to my office and looked around thinking about what to do for career day... I remember Downey once talking about doing the same for one of his kids so i decide to give him a call for some advice... 

He gave me some ideas and i smiled... I was now excited for it and i made a few calls for some things to be arranged for it... 

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