Chapter 153

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Lana pov...

I wake up from Maeve crying and i smile as Chris and Oscar are sleeping next to me.  I get out and smile at my little girl and gently pick her up and walk to the nursery. She is so precious and reminds me so much of Oscar when he was a baby... I can't believe how different the situation is now... She has a loving father right out the gate... One who is willing to do everything for her... One who doesn't mind changing diapers or hold her... I know it is no use feeling guilty over the fact that Oscar didn't have that but deep down i do... I know Oscar has Chris as a dad now and the love they have for each other is so beautiful to watch but still... 

I sigh and shake the thought out of my head because i can't change it... This isn't a movie were i can go back in time... I wouldn't have Oscar if it wasn't for my ex and although being with him was hell something good came from it... My son... He has a father now who would walk through fire for him and for that i am so grateful. 

I undress Maeve and gently wash her before putting a clean diaper on her and a clean outfit. She looks absolutely adorable... I sit down in the big chair and start feeding her when Chris walks in smiling. "Oscar still sleeping?" I ask and he grins and nods... "Carly said he barely slept because he was so excited of having a sister..." Chris said and i smiled... 

Chris gets on his knees in front of me watching Maeve eat... "He wants a picture of her in his room... I am going to do that with him tomorrow getting him a nice frame and all..." He said and i smiled as a tear start to form in my eyes... "I am happy he is so happy to have a sister... We just have to make sure he doesn't feel left out..." I whisper and Chris takes my hand. "Dont worry sweetheart i won't let that happen... He is our first kid, and he will always know he is loved..." He says and this sets me off and i start crying... 

"Dont cry sweetheart..." Chris whispers. "I am sorry... Happy tears i promise... I just am so lucky to have you... We are so lucky to have you..." I say and Chris smiles. When i am done feeding he takes her from me and burps her... "Ma is going to be here any moment do you want to sit in the living room and let Oscar sleep?" He asks and i sigh... "Yes, to the living room... No to letting Oscar sleep... He might not sleep again tonight, and we have to make sure he stays on his schedule..." I say and Chris nods... I stand up and Chris takes my hand as we walk to the living room. I sit down on the couch and Chris makes sure i am comfortable with all the pillows and blankets i want. He hands me Maeve and goes to wake up Oscar... 

A few moments later he walks in with a sleepy looking Oscar and i chuckle... I can see Oscar was in a deep sleep and still isn't really awake... "Ma texted she is leaving to come over now... She wanted us to know so she didn't have to knock or ring the doorbell..." Chris said and i smiled. "That is very nice of her..." I said as Maeve had fallen asleep in my arms. 

"Mom... When is Maeve going to talk...?" Oscar asked rubbing his eyes and i chuckled... "Not for a while sweetheart... She is just a baby... You know you were this little once remember from the pictures i showed you..." I said and he smiled... "I think i hear grandma pull up... Why dont you go open the door with dad and say hi..." I suggested and he ran off all excited to see grandma... 

Chris chuckled and followed him and a few moments later i hear Oscar excitedly greet her telling her about his sister and then thanking her... He runs in with a gift and i smile... He rips the paper and runs to Chris as it is an expansion set for his marble race set... "Look dad we can build more..." He said all excited and Chris laughed. 

"We can do that after dinner bud..." Chris said and Oscar jumped up and down all excited before hugging Lisa thanking her again and he ran off to his room... Lisa walked over to me a little hesitant and i smiled patting next to me on the couch for her to sit down... "Meet your granddaughter... "Maeve Lily Evans..." I said smiling and handed her to Lisa who looked at me with tears in her eyes and a little shocked that i handed her Maeve after everything that happened. 

"She is so beautiful... I love the name" Lisa whispered and i smiled proudly. "You can't see it now, but she has Chris his eyes..." I said and Lisa looked at me smiling.  "Are you okay... Did everything go okay giving birth..." Lisa whispers and i smile nodding... "Everything went great... Chris was so supportive... He was amazing..." I say and Lisa smiles... "Yeah, after you calmed me down maybe..." Chris mumbles and i chuckle... 

"He was a little panicked in the beginning maybe, but he snapped out of it..." I said and Lisa smiled. "I was so happy giving birth at home... It was so much more relaxing than at a hospital..." I said and Lisa smiled... "I was just so lucky that Chris agreed and supported me in it all... You have raised a wonderful son... I just hope that i can raise Oscar and Maeve to be just as good of a person as Chris is..." I said and Lisa looked at me with tears in her eyes...

"I know you have been working hard and i want you to know that the past is the past and we are going to look forward to the future... Maeve needs her grandma and so does Oscar... Chris needs his mother and i need my mother-in-law...  You have raised 4 kids and i could use some of that wisdom... Just promise me you will respect my boundaries and i promise to include you in all the major life occasions..." I said... and she looked at me and cried a little harder. 

Chris took Maeve from her, and we hugged both of us now crying... "I promise... I am so sorry for how i behaved... I dont know what came over me i just lost it i guess..." She mumbled as we still hugged...

When we were hugged and cried out Chris handed her Maeve again... "Do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked and now both Lisa and Chris looked at me shocked... "Are you sure?" Lisa asked and i smiled nodding... "I would love to..." She whispered and i smiled... Maeve started crying and Lisa handed her over to me and i comforted her... 

"I think she needs a clean diaper..." I said and i got up kissed Chris and walked to the nursery to change her again...

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