Chapter 26

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Lana pov...

I am still sitting in Chris his lap kissing him with everything i got and softly moan into the kiss. "Fuck it..." He whispers and all of a sudden stands up and lifts me with him. In one swift swoop he clears the table making everything drop to the ground... I moan as he lays me down on the table... Fuck that was hot... The desire to have me right here... right now makes my pussy drip and throb... He starts to push up my dress revealing my dripping core to him as i am not wearing any underwear. "No underwear... Naughty girl..." He says grinning and i moan as he runs his fingers between my folds...

He then catches me by surprise grabbing my dress by the neckline and ripping it apart revealing my boobs... "Oh fuck..." I whimper... As i get even more wet and a shiver runs through my body because of it. It feels so primal... So hot... The look of desire in his eyes... The i want you here and now look... Fuck it is such a turn on. He takes off my heels throwing them over his shoulder smirking at me...

I watch unbutton his pants and pushing it down with his boxers releasing his dick and he wraps his hand around his shaft as he takes a step forward... He rubs the tip of his cock between my folds and i let out a little sigh as it feels so good. His free hand glides up my chest to my neck and he wraps his hand around it. I just watch him as my mind goes into a fog... I am surprised by myself for not freaking out at the hand wrapped around my throat... 

As he keeps rubbing his tips between my folds, he leans over me hovering his lips over mine... "Promise me you will stop me when you are uncomfortable sweetheart... because i am going to fuck you hard... I am going to make you scream my name... Every step you take the rest of the day you are going to be thinking of me... Because you are mine... This fucking perfect pussy is mine..." He growls and i whimper... 

I moan as he kisses me roughly and simultaneously thrusts into me hard his hand still around my neck... Fuck this is definitely new... Why do i like this... Why do i love the fact that he claims me... Is it because i feel absolutely safe with him... Is it because him telling me i am his... Makes my entire body tingle... 

He releases the grip on my neck and i whine making him smirk... He is pounding into me hard deep and relentless... He keeps hitting my sweet spot over and over again and fuck it feels good... He grabs my boobs squeezing them hard as he uses them as sort of handles to fuck me even harder... I can't even think straight... The pleasure is overwhelming.... "O... Oh, Shit... Gonna cum..." I mewl. My body takes over as my legs start to shake... My eyes roll into the back of my head as my orgasm washes over me... "Fuck sweetheart... You look so fucking beautiful when you cum..." Chris growls and i moan as i still cannot think straight...

He pulls out of me and flips me around setting my feet on the ground having me bend over the table. My pussy is still throbbing my tits pressed on the cold table makes me shiver. I can feel him move behind me and when i peak over my shoulder i see he has gotten rid of the rest of his clothes... He leans over me his chest pressed against my back pressing me harder against the table. He spreads my legs further and i can feel his hard dick against my ass. 

He plants a kiss between my shoulder blades... "You look so beautiful bend over..." He whispers in my ear... I whimper again as my body shivers from his words... I never experienced this... Being desired by this gorgeous man awakened a side of me i thought i never had... 

I can feel him stand up again and he pushes back into me but just a little before pulling out again... He keeps teasing me just putting his tip inside of me... He takes my arms putting them behind my back holding onto them and all of a sudden, he snaps his hips forward filling me balls deep... "Oh Fuck!" I scream loudly... He holds onto my arms using them to pull me onto him hard. He keeps thrusting into me over and over and over... I can't help but mewl and moan... 

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