Chapter 81

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Lana pov...

I sneaked out for a breather... It has all been so overwhelming... I look at my ring and smile because i never seen such a beautiful ring... It is getting dark and i look up at the sky... 

"I am doing it Ava... I am being happy... Oscar is being happy..." I whisper before taking in another deep breath... At times like this i miss her even more... She would be my biggest supporter... She would love seeing how Chris and Oscar are together... 

I smile and watch the ring twinkle in the moonlight... I can't believe how happy i am... Sometimes i still wonder if i am worthy of it all... Sometimes i wonder if i am good enough... It was just all so overwhelming sometimes. But i am living happily just like i promised Ava i would although she would totally freak out if she would be alive and i tell her who i am living with... 

Never in a million years i would have thought i would be here... Happy and engaged... When i moved to Boston i had resided in the thought i would be a single mother for the rest of my life and i was okay with that... Dating was the last thing on my mind... Not that Chris and i had done a lot of dating in the traditional sense of the word... He asked me for a chance... I gave in not wanting to fight my feelings anymore and although we agreed to take things slow, we just didn't seem to be able to... Things got serious quick... But there was never a moment a regretted it... God i loved him so much...

"He is amazing with Oscar... I just wished you could see it Ava..." I whisper and when i look up to the sky again it is like a star is winking at me... I like to believe it is Ava saying. "You go girl..." 

I chuckle as i hear Oscar squeal and Chris laugh inside... "We have a family now Ava... A loving family... Oscar is doing so good... He is so happy... He smiles all the time now... Chris his mother is grandma... He has an uncle and aunts... He has cousins... And if i would let Chris, he would buy him a damn donkey..." I say letting out a chuckle... "But most importantly i have people who i can trust and i am so happy to still be alive... But can you do me a favor and look out for my baby... I know he or she is up there with you and maybe that is the reason i lost him or her so you would have someone to keep you company... I just wished that you both were here to share in our happiness... You would have loved Chris... He is such a great father..." I said letting out a sigh and wiping away a tear. "Fuck i miss you..."  I said letting out another sigh... 

"But i am doing it... I am happy... For the first time in my life i can say i am really happy... and i owe that to you..." I said and wiped away another tear.  

I heard a door open and close and i looked behind me seeing Lisa appear... "Hey here you are... We were wondering where you were off to..." Lisa said and i smiled. "You, okay?" She asked and i nodded... "I am good... Just needed a little breather and have a little chat with someone..."  I said pointing up and she smiled stepping beside me and looked up. I had told her about Ava in the past... She knew what happened more or less... "She would be so happy for you 3... I am sure she is looking down and smiling." She said and i nodded. "I just like to talk to her every now and then..." I said and Lisa smiled. 

"She would have loved you all..." I whisper and Lisa smiles again. "What is no to love..." She said and i chuckled. "I haven't discovered it yet..." I said smirking and she laughed. "We are forever grateful to her..." Lisa whispered and i looked at her confused... "She saved you and Oscar an made it possible for you two to come into our lives... and you two make our lives so much better..." She whispered... She hugged me and i had to fight my tears... "I just can't wait what live has in store for you Chris and Oscar..." She said and i smiled. "Me neither..." I mumbled. 

We heard the door open and close again and Chris appeared and i smiled as Lisa hugged me again before walking inside. "You okay sweetheart?" Chris asked hugging me from behind as we were now both looking up. "I was talking to Ava..." I whisper and i can feel Chris smile as kisses the top of my head. "Telling her how happy Oscar and i are..." I mumble and Chris hugs me a little tighter. "Well tell her i am happy to..." He whispers and i smile.  

"I can't believe you had a ring..." I mumble... "I can't believe everyone knew about the adoption papers without spilling the beans..." Chris said and i chuckled. "Do you like the ring?" Chris asked and i nodded again... "It is beautiful... perfect..." I whisper and turn in Chris his grip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. "I can't believe you asked me to marry you wearing this..." I said patting the suit and letting out a giggle. Chris laughed... "Yeah well... It was the perfect moment in my eyes so i took it..." He said and i smiled kissing him again. "Yes, it was..." I whispered biting my lip letting my eyes roam his body because fuck it looked good on him...

"We should go inside before i am going to act on my inappropriate thoughts..." I whispered and Chris smirked. "Yeah, the guests are about to leave anyway..." Chris mumbled and i smiled. "Thank you for making Oscar happy today by wearing this..." I said patting his chest and he smiled. "Anything for him..." Chris said and kissed me again. 

Chris grabbed my hand, and we walked back inside... The next hour was spend saying goodbye to our guests... After everyone had left and Chris and Oscar went on their evening walk with the dogs i cleaned up the house... It was chaos but i didn't care... It had been an amazing day...

After putting Oscar to bed, we went to bed to... It had been an emotional day... and i was exhausted but so happy... I smiled cuddling into Chris, and it didn't take long before i was asleep.

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